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*AAAI 2010 CAS Symposium:* November 11-13, Arlington, VA, USA

*Call for Papers:* Due date - May 31st.

*Synopsis: Companies, societies, markets, and people rarely stay in a
stable, predictable state for long.  Yet all these systems are characterized
by the notable persistence of some key attributes which maintain their
identities, even as their constituent parts change and adapt to new
environments.  What is it about these systems that define their
identity?  How do we characterize them?  What are the forces that allow a
system to persist, even in the face of turbulence and change?*

We invite submission from the community of CAS researchers that address
resilience, robustness, or evolvability in any of the Natural, Physical, or
Social sciences.  Papers may represent either complete work, or more
speculative, in-progress results.  Panel submissions are also invited.

It is our belief that bringing together researchers and students from
diverse fields will allow the free-flow of ideas across disciplinary
boundaries.  In this way, deep understanding in one domain can be leveraged
to gain insight into others.


Ted Carmichael
co-Chair, 2010 AAAI CAS Symposium
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