[UAI] Call for Participation: Workshop for Women in Machine Learning

2009-10-15 Thread Finale P Doshi
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN IN MACHINE LEARNING Co-located with NIPS, Vancouver, BC December 7, 2009 http://www.wimlworkshop.org Deadline for registration: ** November 1, 2009 ** INTRODUCTION Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science research, but

[UAI] CFP: CICLing 2010 - Natural Language Processing - Romania - Springer LNCS

2009-10-15 Thread Alexander Gelbukh (CICLing-2010)
CICLing 2010 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics; post-conf event: Promise 2010 workshop Iasi, Romania March 21-27, 2010 www.CICLing.org/2010 PUBLICATION: LNCS: Springer Lect

[UAI] KSEM Conference Program Announced

2009-10-15 Thread PAKM Verteiler
(Mailing list information, including unsubscription instructions, is located at the end of this message.) __ Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you that the conference program for the „KSEM2009 - 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management“ ha

[UAI] 1 Postdoctoral position in affect recognition at the University College London, UK

2009-10-15 Thread Nadia Berthouze
*UCL Interaction Centre (UCLIC)* Post-doctoral Research Associate in Affect Recognition £31,620 - £33,375 per annum starting salary, including London Allowance Applications are invited for a post-doctoral Research Associate position at the University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC

[UAI] 2nd CFP: NIPS 2009 Workshop - Advances in Ranking

2009-10-15 Thread Shivani Agarwal
2nd CALL FOR PAPERS Advances in Ranking Workshop at the 23rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

[UAI] CfP ICML 2010 Haifa

2009-10-15 Thread Johannes Fuernkranz
[Please distribute, apologies for multiple postings] --- ICML 2010 Call for Papers --- The 27th International Conference on Machine Learning

[UAI] PostDoc Position: Learning to Grasp with Motor Primitives

2009-10-15 Thread Jan Peters
We are searching for a PostDoc at the Robot Learning Lab of the Department of Empirical Inference, at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany. If you or one of your students is graduating within the next five-six month and is searching for a position that involves r

[UAI] "Learning with Orderings" NIPS workshop announcement and call for abstracts

2009-10-15 Thread Risi Kondor
-- LEARNING WITH ORDERINGS workshop at NIPS'09 Saturday, December 12, Whistler, B.C. http://www.select.cs.cmu.edu/meetings/nips09perm/ -- The

[UAI] CfP: NIPS 09 Workshop on Adaptive Sensing, Active Learning and Experimental Design

2009-10-15 Thread Ruben Martinez-Cantin
               CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS                   NIPS workshop on  Adaptive Sensing, Active Learning and Experimental Design:           Theory, Methods and Applications       Whistler, BC, Canada, December 11, 2009     http:

[UAI] FLoC 2010: Final Call for Workshop Proposals

2009-10-15 Thread Nicole Schweikardt
THE 2010 FEDERATED LOGIC CONFERENCE (FLoC 2010) Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 9-21, 2010 http://www.floc-conference.org FINAL CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS (proposals are due by July 31, 2009) * The fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10), will be 9-21 July, 2010 hosted by the University of

[UAI] postdoc opportunity at UBC in vision/learning

2009-10-15 Thread Kevin Murphy
I am pleased to announce that the Canadian Institute For Advanced Research (CIFAR) is funding a 2 year Junior Fellow position as part of its Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception (NCAP) program. The Fellow will be based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, and will work wi

[UAI] [AAMAS-2010] - 2nd Call for workshops proposal

2009-10-15 Thread Jordi Sabater Mir
(apologies for multiple postings) - AAMAS 2010 - Call for Workshop Proposals - The AAMAS-2010 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Worksh

[UAI] CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: NIPS 2009 Workshop, "Bounded-rational analyses of human cognition"

2009-10-15 Thread Noah Goodman
-- CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS NIPS 2009 Workshop: Bounded-rational analyses of human cognition: Bayesian models, approximate inference, and the brain. http://www.mit.edu/~ndg/NIPS09Workshop.html Whistler, BC, Canada. Dec 12, 2009. --

[UAI] Conference re-announcement: AISTATS 2010

2009-10-15 Thread YeeWhye Teh
Thirteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics May 13--15, 2010 Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia http://www.aistats.org The objective of this series of conferences is to bring together people with common interests from the computer science, statistics and related comm

[UAI] MIT Press book announcement

2009-10-15 Thread Michelle M Pullano
Hello, I’m the textbook manager at the MIT Press, and I’m writing about announcing a new book to the UAI e-mail list. Follows a brief announcement, including a link to the book’s Web page (if the announcement is too lengthy, the endorsement should be omitted). This book is likely to be of inte

[UAI] AGI-10 Submission Deadline Extension

2009-10-15 Thread Marcus Hutter
Hi All, Upon popular request, the deadline for submitting papers to the Third Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI-10 (in Lugano, Switzerland, March 5-8 2010) has been extended to November 1. Continuing the mission of the highly successful First and Second AGI Conferences, AGI-10

[UAI] Johns Hopkins COE Positions

2009-10-15 Thread Mark Dredze
*Johns Hopkins University Human Language Technology Center of Excellence Post-Docs, Research Staff, Sabbaticals* The National Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (COE) at Johns Hopkins University is seeking to hire a few outstanding junior and senior researchers in the field of speech

[UAI] CFA: Erice School on Granular Computing, December 2009: Extended Deadline

2009-10-15 Thread Simone Bassis
= CFA: Erice School on Granular Computing, December 2009 Extended Deadline: October 15th, 2009 = * Our apologies if you receive multiple co

[UAI] Research Associate/Fellow Vacancy

2009-10-15 Thread Uwe Aickelin
Research Associate/Fellow in Intelligent Modelling & Analysis Reference : SCI530X3 Closing Date : 09 October 2009 This post will be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of three years. The researcher will work closely with Prof Aickelin on some of the projects he is currently engage

[UAI] 1st CFP: Workshop on Matching and Meaning: Automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies.

2009-10-15 Thread Michael Chan
Apologies for cross-postings -- CALL FOR PAPERS -- Workshop on Matching and Meaning:

[UAI] CFP for NIPS 2009 Workshop on Statistical Machine Learning for Visual Analytics

2009-10-15 Thread Fei Sha
Dear UAI List Moderator, Please post following CFP to the mailing list. Thanks, - Fei -- === Call for Participation and Call for Papers Statistical Machine Learning for Visual

[UAI] First Announcement: Fourth International IMS/ISBA Joint Meeting ("MCMSki III"), Park City, Utah, January 5-7, 2011

2009-10-15 Thread heidi sestrich
First Announcement: Fourth International IMS/ISBA Joint Meeting Park City, Utah, USA ("The Canyons") "MCMSki III": Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Statistical Science Wednesday, January 5 to Friday, January 7, 2011 website: http://madison.by

[UAI] CS faculty positions at University of Maryland, College Park -- **October 15 deadline**

2009-10-15 Thread Lise Getoor
The Computer Science Department at University of Maryland has opened a search for a number of faculty positions, several of which may be of interest to folks on this list: We invite applications from junior and senior candidates to fill the following positions: 1. *Assistant, Associate, or

[UAI] CfP Theory of belief functions

2009-10-15 Thread Arnaud Martin
[Sorry if you get multiple copies of this message] == CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop on the Theory on Belief Functions Brest, France, April 1-2, 2010 http://www.ensieta.fr/belief2010 Honorary chairs and invited speakers : Arthur P. Dempster and Glenn

[UAI] Call for Contributions: NIPS 2009 Workshop on Nonparametric Bayes

2009-10-15 Thread dilan gorur
Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward this to those who may be interested. Thank you. %%% Call for Abstracts and Participation NIPS 2009 WORKSHOP on NONPARAMETRIC BAYES December 12, 2009, Whistler, Canada http://npbayes-2009.wikidot.com abstract submi