Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 9-21, 2010

FINAL CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS  (proposals are due by July 31, 2009)

* The fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'10), will be 9-21 July, 2010
 hosted by the University of Edinburgh. The following seven conferences
 will participate in FLoC:
 - International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV).
   Workshop Chair: Tomas Vojnar <>.
 - International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP).
   Workshop Chair: Veronica Dahl <>.
 - International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR).
   Workshop Chair: Aaron Stump <>.
 - International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP).
   Workshop Chair: Michael Norrish <>.
 - IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS).
   Workshop Co-Chairs: Adriana Compagnoni <> and
Maribel Fernandez <>.
 - International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA).
   Workshop Chair: Christopher A. Lynch <>.
 - International Conference on Theory and Applications of
Satisfiability Testing (SAT).
   Workshop Chair: Carsten Sinz <>.

* The organizers have made arrangements to facilitate the running of
 pre-, post-, and mid-FLoC workshops. Each workshop will have its own
 registration, with uniform FLoC workshop fees. It is not necessary to
 register for FLoC in order to attend workshops. Meeting rooms and
 accommodations will be reserved by the university in the center of
 - Pre-FLoC workshops:  Friday & Saturday, July 9-10
 - Mid-FLoC workshops:  Wednesday & Thursday, July 14-15
 - Post-FLoC workshops: Tuesday & Wednesday, July 20-21.

* Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for
 workshops on topics relating logic, broadly understood, applied to
 computer science. Each workshop proposal must indicate one sponsoring
 conference among the participating conferences.  (It is suggested
 that prospective workshop organizers contact the relevant conference
 Workshop Chair before submitting a proposal.) Workshops will have to be
 financially self-supporting, unless the sponsoring conference
 accepts financial responsibility. The FLoC Organizing Committee will
 determine the final list of accepted workshops based on the recommendations
 from the Workshop Chairs of the sponsoring conferences and subject to
 the availability of space and facilities.

* Proposals should consist of two parts. First, a short scientific
 justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the
 particular benefits of the workshop to the community, as well as a list of
 previous or related workshops (if relevant). A second, organizational  part
 should include:
 - contact information of the workshop organizers
 - proposed sponsoring conference
 - estimate of the audience size
 - proposed format and agenda (for example, demo sessions, tutorials, etc.)
 - potential invited speakers
 - procedures for selecting papers and participants
 - plans for dissemination, if any (for example, special issues of journals)
 - duration (which may vary from one day to two days) and
   preferred period
 - special technical or AV needs.

* Workshops are strongly encouraged to find external financial support.
 This will be wholly their responsibility. Modest funding, based upon
 numbers of registrants, minus FLoC local expenses, will be made available
 to each workshop.

* Proposals are due by July 31, 2009. Organizers will be notified by
 September 15, 2009. Proposals should be submitted electronically
 to EasyChair at the following address (which opens June 18, 2009):

 (Clearly indicate at the top of the proposal the relevant conference.)

 For further enquiries or information, please contact:

 Philip Scott (FLoC Workshop Chair)
 Department of Mathematics and Statistics
 University of Ottawa
 Ottawa, Ont. Canada  K1N 6N5
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