We are searching for a PostDoc at the Robot Learning Lab of the
Department of Empirical Inference, at the Max Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany.

If you or one of your students is graduating within the next five-six
month and is searching for a position that involves robot grasping,
application of machine learning in robotics and motor primitive
learning, then please contact Jan Peters (m...@jan-peters.net)
informally by email!

For more information on the institute see http://www.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de
and on our past projects in robot learning see http://www.robot-learning.de
or http://www.jan-peters.net

Best wishes,
Jan Peters

PostDoc Position

The Department of Empirical Inference, headed by Bernhard Schölkopf, at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, intends to fill an open Post-Doc position in the EU Project GeRT.

Applications are encouraged in area of robot learning. We are looking for persons with a strong background in one or several of the following areas:

* robot grasping
* application of machine learning in robotics
* motor primitive learning

The Post-Doc will work on the EU Project GeRT in the robot learning group headed by Jan Peters for a duration of up to 3 years. Latest date for application submission is January 15th.

Applicants should hold a PhD in computer science, engineering or related fields and have an outstanding publication record at the relevant conferences (e.g., ICRA, IROS, R:SS, NIPS) and journals (e.g., IJRR, IEEE TRO, Autonomous Robots, JMLR, Machine Learning). We are looking for highly motivated and creative individuals who enjoy collaborating in a team of researchers with various cultural and scientific backgrounds. Applicants should be capable of conducting independent research, willing to (co-)supervise PhD students, and contribute to the success of our group as a whole.
The working language in our group is English.

The Department for Empirical Inference is a young and energetic machine learning group. The Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics provides an excellent research environment in all respects. The robot learning lab is present both in the core robotics and in the machine learning community.

Applications should include a statement of research experience and interests, a CV, and contact details of at least two referees. Please send your applications in electronic form to sabrina.nieleb...@tuebingen.mpg.de .

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. The Max Planck Society wishes to increase the share of women in areas in which they are underrepresented. Women are strongly invited to apply.

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