Trying to see if my messages get through from Bloatus Notes at work.
Caitlyn M. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Analyst (919) 541-4441
Lockheed Martin
(a contractor for the US EPA)
> Just in case anybody wondered what happened, it turned out that
> IRQ7 was dickey. When I changed the config file to config it to
> IRQ 11 it works like a charm.
This isn't terribly surprising. IRQ7 is normally reserved for the first
parallel port. (LPT1: in DOS/Windows terms.) I have
Hi, Kathryn,
> For those of us who grew up in the pre-CD days, what do you use to
convert your
> collection of vinyl albums to a digital format? I've got about 500 albums
> I would love to convert if for no other reason than reduce the continuing
> and tear of them.
> I'm assuming tha
Conor wrote:
> I had problems with a Trident 3D Image 975 AGP card in
> Xfree 3.3.whatever-it-is-that-you-get-with-rh6.2 The XF86SVGA server
> doesn't seem to support the Image 975 very well. I could get decent
> resolutions eventually after much tweaking of /etc/X11/XF86Config but I
> couldn'
Hi, Conor, and everyone else<
> I kinda thought an "opt-in" email was one that you wouldn't get unless
> *asked* to receive it and certainly, should *not* require any action to
> avoid receiving more!
Nope. Spammers think that because you are alive and breathing you have
opted in. They
Hi, Mary,
Yes, but...
The reason most stores do this is because the markup on PC hardware is so
close to nil that in order for them to make any kind of a profit they
basically have to charge you more for the parts and pieces than a whole
system. The system we got for my Mom just over a year ag
My first piece of advice would be to ask this question on a Windows help
list. This list is dedicated to Linux, which has no Explorer, no "My
Compute", and generally none of the problems you describe.
I know that isn't a terribly helpful answer, but most folks here would
advise you to change op
Nils, thank you for the very useful piece of information. When I ran the
Red Hat 7 installer at home it just plain out told me that my card wasn't
supported, so I gave up. In my case it definitely tried to force me into
XFree86 4.
Now, tell me, is this true of Mandrake 7.2 as well. The instal
Hi, e,
Errr... changing monitor resolution should be no big thing. I have my
system set up so that I can change between the two I use on the fly, and
nothing errant happens. Even making changes in XF86Setup or XF86Config
don't break it. I don't know what happened in your case, but changing
Hi, Patrick, and everyone else,
You wrote:
> Another thing, I wouldn't suggest win2k... as it is new
> and also full of good ol' M$ bugs...
Err... not to defend Micro$oft, even for a second, but... if I really,
really wanted to run Windows something-or-other, Windows 2000 is the one I
would re
> FWIW, I had the exact same problem (also using KDE & XFree86 3.3)...
> after much twiddling I narrowed it down to being caused by
> leaving Netscape running for long periods of time (i.e. days)
> ... then I switched to Opera and have not had a freeze since.
Actually, I've had it happen wi
Hi, Walt,
Regardless of how NetWare performs it has absolutely no future. Novell
announced last year that it was sunsetting the product, and would instead
focus on it's eDirectory (formerly NDS) for Windows, UNIX, and Linux. As a
result, NetWare's market share has dropped precipitously, and it
Eric wrote:
> One major disadvantage with Linux (and unix-like OSs in general) is how
> file and directory permissions are managed. Unix started out as a
> project, and the simplistic permission settings are indicative of this.
> With Netware you can tailor permission settings to suit y
>> It's so nice to have sysadmin friends. It's like having a doctor in
>> the family.
> That's true... but I end up owing him a LOT of beer!(:
I am so very glad that SAs don't only get paid in beer. YUCK
(who does too much Systems Admin work in her job... and doesn't like beer
>> It's so nice to have sysadmin friends. It's like having a doctor in
>> the family.
> not to mention having sysadmin husband! the best part about it is
> that when i really need help, i can whine about it, and even tho if
> he wouldn't want to bother himiself on thinking about the subject
> ri
Hi, Julie, and everyone else,
> One of the things about programs like wuftp is that
> they have vulnerabilities because they are being used
> and maintained. For my $0.02 I'd rather go with
> something like wuftp that is being maintained and poked
> and prodded than with something I've never he
Julie wrote (in reverse order):
> (proud vi user for 4 presidential administrations)
I've only been using it for about six years. I really have to admit I came
to UNIX late in my career, and Linux even later. I originally *hated* vi.
The learning curve was way steep and I found it counter-int
Hi, everyone,
First, I agree with the comments about Red Hat in the essay. We still use
Red Hat at work, but I personally gave up on it after 6.0. It's not just
libpcap and termcap: they've now gone their own way on even the C compiler
in 7.1 (though gcc is still available). Also, 6.1 and 7.
Hi, Ryan,
Locale refers to the country you are in and/or the language you are using.
It is a setting for internationalization/localization. "C" just means
default, which is determined by what you set as your default at install
time. I have no idea what CX is.
How you switch locales does vary
Lothan wrote:
> On a complete different tangent, I never did understand how folks in the
> could tolerate metered service for local calls. It just seems so...
> uncivilized. Of course, I was born and bred in the USA so I come from a
> completely different background and point of view.
I grew
Hi, Nils, and everyone else,
> (It's similar in Germany:) It's not that you have much of a choice when
> you're more or less forced to use what the monopoly gives to you. For
> instance the German Telekom (former state monopoly gone public) owns the
> last mile to the customer (and many of the s
Hi, Ryan, and everyone else,
> Thanks for helping me out. I am running Redhat 6.2.
OK. If you're running KDE and your problem is specifically with a KDE/QT
app, you can do this graphically and on the fly, but not in the version of
Gnome that came with 6.2. I don't know if this has changed w
Hi, everyone,
In my last post I implied that Mandrake installs the Hebrew (he) locale and
various other bits of Hebrew and bidi support by default. This is
incorrect. The rpms are on the CDs and you can install them if you choose
to. However, unless you choose Hebrew as your default language
Hi, Amy, and everyone else,
Let me join the chorus of those recommending webmin. I have used it on
both Red Hat and Caldera systems. It works nicely.
Caitlyn M. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I can't get my CD rom open.
If you have a disk on there it is probably mounted. I don't know if SuSe
uses supermount or not. In any case, in KDE, right click on the CD-ROM
icon and you should get a menu with unmount as a choice. *If* SuSe gives
user-level permission to mount/unmount the CD-
Hi, James,
> Yep: I tried Mandrake just over a year ago, and fell in love with it.
> S much more "refined" than RedHat, I thought. Then it disabled my
> system. Oops. How? Well, **EVERY** binary on a Mandrake system is a Perl
> script (well, almost every one - including vi!) That's fine, unt
Hi, James, and everyone else,
> Nicer, I'll agree, but I'm not sure I can ever forgive them those stupid
> Perl wrappers round everything... When I run "gcc", I want to be running
> the GNU C Compiler, not some sort of colouring-in-script wrapped round
Not to split hairs, but... you *are*
Hi, James, and everyone else,
> Not Perl SCRIPTS per se; vim-enhanced (the "colourful vi") is a binary
> linked against When I installed vim-enhanced, installation of
> libperl failed - leaving me with a broken vi, instead of an error
> message from the RPM installer...
Ah... this m
> Oh so now suddenly James decides to Be Specific.
While I disagree vehemently with some of James' views, in all fairness he
was specific to the EU from the outset. That became less clear as the
thread went on, and I'm not at all sure that's his fault. The thing we all
need to remember, I
Hi, Michelle,
I'll second the recommendation for evolution. I'm a kmail user at home,
and I prefer either a KDE or icewm (no Gnome or KDE) environment, but if I
had to choose a Gnome client, I'd have to say evolution at this point.
Right now two to avoid are mahogany and sylpheed. Both have b
Hi, Daniel,
> Once we get past installing the OS, Linux is again at a disadvantage,
> lacking the means to allow end-users to easily install software. It's
> nothing like in Windows, where you just double-click an icon, then
> endlessly click on a "next" button until it turns into a "finished"
> Linuxchix is moving, and so are its lists.
I can't help but notice that despite Jenn's announcement, all the messages
seem to be on the old .org lists. I've kept on getting messages all along,
and none are on the address. Jenn, is there a cutover date?
Which list should we *real
Hi, Mary,
Yes, I've gotten Windows NT to share a large extended partition with both
Linux and OS/2. Here's the catch: I cheated. I used Partition Magic to
setup the partitions the way I wanted, and used OS/2's Boot Manager to
select the OS. LILO lived on the first sector of the Linux partiti
> An interesting read on Extreme Tech talking about Linux and Win 2K and
> which is best for your needs.
Well... I suppose it's interesting if you like a pro-Microsoft bias and an
article that ignores mainly of the pr
Hi, Melanie,
> I picked up that Mandrake package and installed Via Voice, but
> there seems to be something wrong inside my computer.. It can't make any
> sound come out of my speakers and I can't figgure out why... *sigh*
Have you gone into harddrake? What is it showing for your
Hi, Scott,
> Why do I bother reading this stuff?
I don't know, but it belongs on grrltalk or issues, not here, methinks.
Oh, and Mr. Coursey can belittle those of us who believe that Linux has a
future as a server, on the desktop, and as a threat to Microsoft. That
doesn't make him right. Linu
Hi, everyone,
Does anyone have any experience using tcp_wrappers in conjunction with
xinetd, as opposed to inetd. The tcp_wrappers man page that came with Red
Hat 7.1 still refers to the inetd.conf file, but, of course, that no longer
exists. Is there any reason I can't invoke tcpd and refer to
Hi, Christian,
I had this exact problem on an SGI box. It turns out there was an error in
the /etc/passwd file for my account. I like to use bash (which is a custom
shell in Irix) and had moved the executable from /usr/freeware/bin to the
more standard /usr/sbin without remembering to change t
Hi, Nicole, and everyone else,
> What's the best way (IYHO) to do linux password policies? I think some of
> this can be accomplished with cracklib. The policies need to at least
> match, the unix one can be stronger than the windows policy (I don't
> the policy problem works both ways).
My company insists that you pay for your own training, but if you get it
approved in advance they reimburse 100% of the cost. They also reimburse
for certification testing, provided you pass. They have an approved CBT
vendor, and if the class is available that way you really need to justif
Hi, Nicole,
> Will I have to do this for every username? Yes I can write a script
> I have done a lot of lately), but if there is an easy way to do it
> automatically that would be nice :o)
Hmmm... I never checked into that. I always just did it as accounts got
created. I never had to
Hi, Telsa, and everyone else,
To answer some of your questions:
My system boots to kdm, which is the default for Mandrake. The problem is
the same no matter which window manager I use for Gnome. I've tried
sawfish, icewm, and enlightenment, and the results were the same, so it is
Hi, everybody,
Is access to anacron restricted by the /etc/cron.d/cron.allow and
/etc/cron.d/cron.deny? If not, what facility is there for limiting access
to anacron? A Google search and the anacron man page weren't terribly
helpful. FWIW, we're running Red Hat 7.1, but I suspect the answer sh
Hi, everyone,
Never mind :) I found my answer on a French language page on at and cron.
The answer is... yes, anacron is controlled by /etc/cron.allow and
/etc/cron.deny. Also, disregard my reference to /etc/cron.d/cron.allow.
That's Irix, not Linux :)
All the best,
Hi, Kath,
Since I do Linux security (among other things) for a living, I'm going to
comment on some of the things in your rant.
> I scanned the machine (nmap-ed) as a favor for my friend and was totally
> to find that this guy had basically a stock Linux (probably Red Hat)
Hi, Robin,
What version of the Linux kernel are you using. ipchains/ipmasq in the
2.2.x kernels really aren't designed for two way traffic through a NAT.
iptables in the 2.4.x kernel will do the job you want. I have no
experience with Microsoft NetMeeting, but I have had to configure a
Hi, Michelle,
Are you sure the version is 4.0, as in the first 4? If so buggy...
Seriously, try upgrading to either 4.0.3 or 4.1 and let us know if that
All the best,
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