Hi, Nicole,

> Will I have to do this for every username? Yes I can write a script
> I have done a lot of lately), but if there is an easy way to do it
> automatically that would be nice :o)

Hmmm... I never checked into that.  I always just did it as accounts got
created.  I never had to do a mass conversion.  Julie is on this list, and
she wrote the thing, so maybe she could answer the question better, but I
don't think chage accepts wildcards at all.  A bash script for this
shouldn't be too hard to cook up, though.

> I'll have to dig up more on cracklib for appropriate use to meet/exceed
> the windows policy.

That link I sent in the last message I posted really does cover it in great
detail.  I expect you'll find everything you need there.

Good luck!
(who is so glad she doesn't have to deal with MS issues at all any more)

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