> Just in case anybody wondered what happened, it turned out that
> IRQ7 was dickey. When I changed the config file to config it to
> IRQ 11 it works like a charm.
This isn't terribly surprising. IRQ7 is normally reserved for the first
parallel port. (LPT1: in DOS/Windows terms.) I have never figured out why
so many sound cards set that interrupt for their default, since it really
doesn't work well if you use your parallel port for little things like,
say... printing.
> Silly PC hardware **grumblegrumble**
Personally, I want an SGI box. I support them at work and they are way
cool. The only problem is they run this fsck'ng propreitary Irix OS that
has more security holes out of the box than swiss cheese. Even upgrading
to 6.5.10 (released all of last month) misses at least one vulnerability.
Grrr... Still, SGI actually knows how to do a real GUI :)
It's really a pity Linux MIPS never went farther than it did. I'd love to
see Linux running on an O2, or better yet, an Octane.
Caitlyn M. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Analyst (919) 541-4441
Lockheed Martin
(a contractor for the US EPA)
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