Re: [techtalk] mail format (was re: ftp for non users)

1999-11-29 Thread Chris J/#6
> This is hardly borders on rule-boundedness to me. > But still not that close to be unbearable. So either I mistimed > majordomo or it didn't go thru. So I am still here. And I will probably > always be leftie anti-authoritarian me. Same as you will be you. I spent > too mu

Re: [techtalk] Re: meta-stuff

1999-11-30 Thread Chris J/#6
> > But since this is techtalk, and since we seem to be discussing > > etiquette, is there any real reason why Reply-To is set to the > > list? There's an article detailing reasons why it can be a bad > > idea at > > I have read the article at that

Re: [techtalk] HTML (and CDROM question)

1999-12-01 Thread Chris J/#6
Umm...blinking? I see no blink...and I've ran "less" of the email to make sure my mail program ain't masking it out... Chris... > Okay I've had it. This last email is blinking all over my console. > > I'm outta here. > -- @}-,'-- Chris Jo

Re: [techtalk] X Display

1999-12-09 Thread Chris J/#6
> > I use XDM on my system. When I login and try to "su - localuser" in > a xterm, I get the following message: > > /dev/ttypc: Operation not permitted > The 2nd part of your question seems to be answered by later mails - this first part however hasn't - but do not be alarmed, it's safe enou

Re: [techtalk] Code Snippit - Nifty.

1999-12-09 Thread Chris J/#6
I'm slowly decoding this - it's actually not too bad. It shows the power (and potential complexity) of the ?: operator. It's also showing recursion of main(). It's also showing main() to have non-standard arguments (ie, instead of: main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp) it uses:

Re: [techtalk] Re: X Display

1999-12-09 Thread Chris J/#6
> > The second problem is a little bit trickier. Although, the "xhost + name" > helped, the problem was with the DISPLAY number. I was using VNC server which > had a different display number. Once the SUed user exported the DISPLAY > number of VNC, then the user could start any X application. >

Re: [techtalk] Code Snippit - Nifty.

1999-12-10 Thread Chris J/#6
I got bored...there's nothing much to do in this neck of the woods :) Seemed like a good idea at the time, and anyhow - I've got a cold so I'm not thinking straight...[1] :) Chris... [1] and pigs might fly :) Ian wrote... > > *points* GEEK! > > :) > -- @}-,'-

Re: [techtalk] Broad techtalk question...Image processing and Digital Cameras

1999-12-10 Thread Chris J/#6
Well, using gphoto (, I can use my digi camera quite happily (Olympus Camedia C420L). With a little wrapper and patience, you cn turn your digi camera into a webcam as well using gphoto :) Chris... > > > Has anyone interfaced any sort of digital camera to linux. Are there pre

Re: [techtalk] Code Snippit - Nifty.

1999-12-10 Thread Chris J/#6
The Wiretap gopher (which I need to dig the address out for - used to me, but it moved...can't remember where to though) has (or used to, last time I looked - two or more years ago!) a whole bunch of obsifucated (sp!) C code in relation to compettions years ago. If anyones i

Re: [techtalk] DVD-ROM on Linux?

1999-12-14 Thread Chris J/#6
> Hello, > > I was wondering if Linux has support drivers for DVD CD-ROM. I have the DVD-ROM, > but cannot use it for anything else other than data CDs and music CDs. > > Thank you in advance. > > Subba Rao > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Check - I seem to

Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver

1999-12-14 Thread Chris J/#6
> A real waste of processor cycles?? How so?? you make it sound as if > running a driver for a winmodem is not a good thing to do, could you > please explain? > As Kelly has said, many winmodem's don't have a DSP...if you've not seen the maths for DSP, then you're lucky :) DSP can get *very*

Re: [techtalk] winmodem sound driver

1999-12-14 Thread Chris J/#6
> ewww, this really does sound bad, So you're saying I'd be better off to slap in >an old USR 28800, than i would be to install a driver for my 56k winmodem? > Not really...a 56k modem is better anyday :) But there may be slight performance loss on the machine. Of how much, I don't know,

Re: [techtalk] POP mail

1999-12-15 Thread Chris J/#6
> > I don't know exactly how it works, but secure pop provides for a secure > mechanism of transmitting these data items, and possibly the content of > the mail comming back to you. > I'm not sure if there is a totally encrypted POP session, but usernames and passwords can be hidden using AP

Re: [techtalk] Converting PMMail files to Maildir or mbox format

1999-12-21 Thread Chris J/#6
For Maildir (assuming you have a Maildir setup), just rename all the files .. and put them in Maildir/new. You may be able to get away with making up ; you can make up; is just you're machine name. So a good script may be: #!/bin/sh timestamp=945801478 for i in *.MSG do timestamp=`e

Re: [techtalk] POP mail security

2000-01-06 Thread Chris J/#6
Try looking up about APOP authentication. Not all POP servers support it though, and I don't know what mail client support for APOP is like, but I think fetchmail is quite happy with it. APOP takes your username and password, and creates and md5 hash of the password and a timestamp returned b

[techtalk] cak-handed mouse in X ?

2000-04-01 Thread Chris J/#6
Okay...still no joy with this after some searching through manpages and howto's...does anyone have an idea how to change a right handed mouse to a left handed mouse? (ie, reverse the left and right mosue buttons)...recently been able to reorganise my desk and move the mouse to my left hand (wh

[techtalk] cak-handed mice: resolved!

2000-04-01 Thread Chris J/#6
It's a case of RTFM... :) Found the answer in the says to plonk: xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" in .xsession/.xinitrc (or type at a prompt)...and yep, it works :) woohoo :) Chris... -- @}-,'-- Chris Johnson --'-{@ / "(it i

[techtalk] Wine & CD-Roms ...

2000-04-25 Thread Chris J/#6
Okay - I've got to "head meets wall" stage with this - I have a copy of Microsoft Autoroute '98 ... I don't know if its known much outside the UK - it's essentially a route planning program when your driving. Microsoft bought the rights for Autoroute from the company that originally made it...

Re: [techtalk] Really lame question

2000-05-05 Thread Chris J/#6
> > Hi, grrls ;-) > > I have a really _basic_ and lame question! > I need to lauch two programs, and they need > to behave like this; > > * start program 1 > * start program 2 > * use program 2 > * exit program 2 manually > * program 1 should exit automatically > #!/bin/sh p

Re: [techtalk] help with sorting text in a file

2000-05-13 Thread Chris J/#6
Gene wrote: > > Try this ... > > cat file | grep 'QAA' | sed s/^.*QAA/QAA/ | sed s/:.*$// > > That's paraphrased, and I know there is a shorter way of doing it, > but that should get the job done. Basically, it gets all the lines > with QAA in them, then removes the text either side of the > QAA

Re: [techtalk] yet another solaris question ...

2000-07-07 Thread Chris J/#6
> Hi chix! > > While we're discussing the passwd file, i have a problem. I didn't > really know another way to set my PATH automatically other than > appending it to my shell line in my passwd file, like this: > > jellhead:x:100:1::/export/home/jellhead:/usr/local/bin/tcsh;setenv > PATH /usr/s

Re: [techtalk] Hello from a Newbie!

2000-07-07 Thread Chris J/#6
> Now for my Query > > I would like to restrict telnet access to my computer to only a few IP > addresses. In order to do this I edited the hosts.deny fill with ALL:ALL, > and the hosts.allow file with the IP adresses which I wanted to allow > access. Unfortunately this doesn't seem

Re: [techtalk] yet another solaris question ...

2000-07-08 Thread Chris J/#6
Magni wrote: > An alternative to start another shell when logging in, is to make an > alternative root-user, feks. roottsch with tcsh as shell. This means you > have to keep an eye on logins from two users (I presume you keep an eye > on when and from where root is logging in..), but the advantag

[techtalk] Network i/f bonding ... EQL ?

2000-07-12 Thread Chris J/#6
Hiya, At work, we have this nice shiny 4-port network card (Phobos P430), which *does* come with drivers, but damned if I can get them working (a mix of undefined symbols and wrong kernel versions - build for 2.2.5 uni-processor, and we have a 2.2.14 2-proc SMP system). So I've given up tryin

[techtalk] Ethernet bonding [Resolved]

2000-07-12 Thread Chris J/#6
Okay - a few minutes searching with google (gotta live that search engine) found a patch bonding-0.2.tar.gz which looks like it'll do the job quite nicely. If anyone is interested, It also looks like its standard in 2.2.15 and higher. Chris... -- @}-,'

[techtalk] Netscape - Illegal Instruction

2000-07-16 Thread Chris J/#6
Hiya, On a friends machine, Netscape (various versions of 4.x have been used) always crashes with an Illegal Instruction...and a core dump. It happened on with SuSE 6.1, so lasy night, he blew it away and stuck RedHat 6.2 on - and its still crashing with illegal instruction whenever the netsc

Re: Not using Netscape (was Re: [techtalk] Re: SMP on Linux (lock ups))

2000-10-04 Thread Chris J/#6
> The new builds of Mozilla are getting very good. I've switched to it as my > standard browser now. Check out a new nightly build. It also has a full > featured IMAP mail client. > > Jason I've found Mozilla to run dog slow on my machine (P200MMX; 64MB RAM) ... has its speed improved in th

Re: Not using Netscape (was Re: [techtalk] Re: SMP on Linux (lock ups))

2000-10-05 Thread Chris J/#6
> Depends what 'slow' you mean. We have just graduated from a 28.8k modem > to cablemodem (woo!). So everything on the net seems incredibly fast now! > (Except sourceforge, but that's now usable rather than impossible.) > It now takes me a few minutes to download a nightly mozilla instead of >