
At work, we have this nice shiny 4-port network card (Phobos P430), which 
*does* come with drivers, but damned if I can get them working (a mix of 
undefined symbols and wrong kernel versions - build for 2.2.5 uni-processor, 
and we have a 2.2.14 2-proc SMP system). So I've given up trying to get the 
damn thing working (which means we lose funky channel-bonding functionality).

However Phobos have provided a generic tulip driver, which does work, but we 
now have eth1 through to eth4. (eth0 is yet another network card which we can 
ignore for the time being).

Now is it possible to bond eth1 through eth4 together and hide them on a 
single IP address to give essentially a 400MBps backbone. This is hooking 
into a cisco switch, so there shouldn't be any problems with that side of 
things (according yo our network bod).

I've looked at the EQL driver, but that's written for serial lines. Does 
anyone know if it'd work on normal ethernet interfaces? Failing that, is 
there any way that the four lines can be bonded together to create a single 
logical network interface?

This is tonights web-trawl...but any other information would be welcome :)



@}-,'--------------------------------------------------  Chris Johnson --'-{@
    / "(it is) crucial that we learn the difference / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
   / between Sex and Gender. Therein lies the key  /                       \ 
  / to our freedom" -- LB                         / www.nccnet.co.uk/~sixie \ 

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