Hiya, On a friends machine, Netscape (various versions of 4.x have been used) always crashes with an Illegal Instruction...and a core dump. It happened on with SuSE 6.1, so lasy night, he blew it away and stuck RedHat 6.2 on - and its still crashing with illegal instruction whenever the netscape window is focused. At the moment we can't get past the license aggreement page .... move mouse into window - "Illegal Instruction (core dumped)". This happens when using either WindowMaker (built after the installation) or Enlightenment (Gnome - supplied by RedHat). It also looks as if WPrefs, from WindowMaker (currently 0.62.1 - but other versions failed as well) also Illegal Intructions...and earlier, whilst building WindowMaker, cc1 [egcs-2.91.66] received an Illegal Instruction when trying to build one particular file (which didn't happen after a reboot and a reconfig almost from start). EGCS hasn't caused any other problems though - qmail, windowmaker libs have all been fine now. Answers on a postcard? Thanks, Chris... -- @}-,'-------------------------------------------------- Chris Johnson --'-{@ / "(it is) crucial that we learn the difference / [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ / between Sex and Gender. Therein lies the key / \ / to our freedom" -- LB / www.nccnet.co.uk/~sixie \ _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk