> Depends what 'slow' you mean. We have just graduated from a 28.8k modem
> to cablemodem (woo!). So everything on the net seems incredibly fast now!
> (Except sourceforge, but that's now usable rather than impossible.) 
> It now takes me a few minutes to download a nightly mozilla instead of
> a few hours (I jest not) so I have been doing so.

The sort of slow I had was slow response and general sluggishness of the UI. 
However having last night downloaded the nightly build, I'm quite pleseantly 
suprised ... it's actually running at a usable speed... :)

Maybe there is hope for Mozilla after all ... (I'd come close to writing it 
off due to its UI performance issues).


@}-,'--------------------------------------------------  Chris Johnson --'-{@
    / "If not for me then, do it for yourself.  /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    \
   / If not for me, then do it for the world"  /  www.nccnet.co.uk/~sixie  \ 
  /                          -- Stevie Nicks  /                             \

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