Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
19. Jun 2018 21:51 by : > If i read you correctly you are unwilling to > > * establish verifiable principles for decisions about tagging presets in > iD that limit use of presets to push subjectively preferred tagging > ideas against existing widely accep

Re: [Tagging] emergency=lifeguard

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
20. Jun 2018 01:30 by : > Is there a blank page template to copy - had a look but couldn't find one?

Re: [Tagging] drop covered=booth?

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:37 AM, Andrew Davidson wrote: > Boothless is also common in North America: > Just to complicate matters, Wikipedia refers to phones with acoustic hoods, even minimal ones, as booths. See It may be just me, but I think tha

Re: [Tagging] emergency=lifeguard

2018-06-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2018-06-19 16:06 GMT+02:00 Bryan Housel : > > This is not the first time, and you have stated more than once your idea > of tag creation and endorsement is top down, with the software maintainer > deciding the tags on the input side, sweeping away the confusing plurality > of comunity created tags

Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Simon Poole
Just a couple of comments: - both the JOSM and Vespucci default presets are in general under a lot less pressure and in the end less scrutiny than iDs because they are end user replaceable and extendable. Naturally the choices made by the devs still affect tagging, including, oops, errors. - I su

Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Simon Poole
Btw, I've done some work on automatically generating presets from taginfo in Vespucci 11 (going further than what iD does), and if you so will the ultimate democratic presets, that I'll likely be touching on too. Simon Am 20.06.2018 um 11:41 schrieb Simon Poole: > > Just a couple of comments: >

Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 20 June 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote: > > > > * establish verifiable principles for decisions about tagging > > presets in iD that limit use of presets to push subjectively > > preferred tagging ideas against existing widely accepted practice. > > * modify iD to allow for more diversi

[Tagging] QA in mind for tag

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Hello, 2018-06-19 16:06 GMT+02:00 Bryan Housel : > we need a dedicated corps of volunteers who care > about making the wiki simple and accurate. I proposed and carried out several tag quality improvement operations on the scale of several different countries. On talk-fr I called it "the tag of

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 19.06.2018 o 18:16, Paul Allen pisze: > I find the documentation confusing.  But I can sort of see why it > wants a tag on the highway and a tag nearby. (cut...) > It would be nice to clear all this up, although that could mean a lot > of work making existing stuff conform. > > PTv3 anyon

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Daniel Koć
W dniu 19.06.2018 o 17:40, pisze: > But I do not think that it is reasonable to add rendering for it, and at the > same moment drop rendering for highway=platform, railway=platform, > highway=bus_stop, railway=tram_stop and everything else that > public_transpor

Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
20. Jun 2018 11:51 by : > On Wednesday 20 June 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote: >> that editor developers controlling presets is wrong.  > > Note i have not said that. Sorry for misunderstanding and misattribution!   > What i spoke up against is dev

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
Actually I have started to remove public_transport=platform from WAYS with highway=platform and railway=platform. As far as I am concerned public_transport=platform goes on NODES next to the ways in combination with highway=bus_stop or railway=tram_stop. Removing those tags from ways comes from th

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
>From my reading of the wiki (I wasn’t involved when PTv2 was designed), the >situation as envisioned in PTv2 would be that you have only one node, way, or >area with public_transport=platform. So the existing highway=bus_stop and >highway=platform (in cases where both are present) are merged in

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 17:44, Jo a écrit : > Actually I have started to remove public_transport=platform from WAYS > with highway=platform and railway=platform. As far as I am concerned > public_transport=platform goes on NODES sorry I didn't understand why (or maybe yes I prefer to not understand) Zve

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
If v2 of the 'new' scheme means that we have to create 2 objects for each and every bus stop and add both of those to the route relations and duplicate details across them, then v2 has failed. We should have exactly 1 object that represents the bus stop. A node next to the way and only add that no

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
I fully agree with everything marc said. But I think Jo's confusion comes primarily from the fact that public_transport=platform replaces BOTH highway=platform AND highway=bus_stop. So under the old tagging scheme you could have a highway=platform way or area, AND a highway=bus_stop node. In p

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
1. I'm not confused. 2. I don't agree that highway=bus_stop nodes next to the ways should be 'UPGRADED' to ways or areas. We should keep those nodes AND add those nodes and ONLY those nodes to the route relations. 3. If there happens to be an actual platform, we can keep mapping those as highway=

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
Just following up after a week - there wasn’t any significant opposition and it looks like somebody added this page: Thank you! I’ll add the preset to iD and we can con

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Simon Poole
If I may say so the page seems a bit weird. Name on a first aid kit? Draw an area around the shop outline? Assuming that are simply C&P errors, I'll fix things in nobody has any objections. Simon Am 20.06.2018 um 19:31 schrieb Bryan Housel: > Just following up after a week - there wasn’t any s

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Simon Poole
Not to mention first_aid vs first_aid_kit what it is supposed to be now? Am 20.06.2018 um 19:40 schrieb Simon Poole: > > If I may say so the page seems a bit weird. > > Name on a first aid kit? Draw an area around the shop outline? > > Assuming that are simply C&P errors, I'll fix things in nobod

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
I guess `emergency=first_aid` seems fine (since it aims to replace the barely used `amenity=first_aid`) I agree the page looks like a rough draft, but the infobox looks pretty good. Thank you for volunteering to clean it up! It should probably be a feature that sits on points only (like `emerg

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
{Public transport platforms/stops represent a transition between two different types of movement. Usually foot on one side, and some form of vehicle on the other. To fully map this, you need two nodes/ways/areas. One, which is connected to the foot network. That is your public_transport=

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
Your position is simply a total rejection of PTv2 and insistence to continue with the old way of tagging. Which makes no sense to me, as minimal valid tagging under PTv2 is actually simpler (one public_transport=platfrom vs. separate highway=bus_stop and highway=platform). And it great

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Alan Grant
On 20 June 2018 at 19:53, wrote: > > So, valid minimal tagging under PTv2 is very simple: > > > > You have one node (if there is no clear platform) or a way (along the > platform edge) or area (the whole platform), which is tagged as > public_transport=platform (plus whatever mode of transport is

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 19:23, a écrit : > In places where there was only a highway=bus_stop node, this is often now > dual tagged with public_transport=platform as well (which is correct). > In places where there was only a highway=platform way/area, this is often now >

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 6:53 PM, wrote: > So, valid minimal tagging under PTv2 is very simple: > > > > You have one node (if there is no clear platform) or a way (along the > platform edge) or area (the whole platform), which is tagged as > public_transport=platform (plus whatever mode of transp

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
Everything you write is no different between PTv2 and the old tagging scheme. FIRST, all the stops, in order. THEN, all the ways that make up the route, in order. As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been a route tagging scheme before that mixes the stops into the route before. The actua

[Tagging] public_transport=platform_edge

2018-06-20 Thread osm.tagging
I've noticed that while there is a there is no generalized public_transport=platform_edge. I would propose that we allow public_transport=platform_edge as the exact same concept applies equally well to e.g. island platforms at bus st

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 19:19, Jo a écrit : > If v2 of the 'new' scheme means that we have to create 2 objects You already said that several time in the past but it's still wrong. You don't HAVE to create 2 objets. if wou dislike stop_position, don't use it. you MAY use/create only ONE plateform, that's f

Re: [Tagging] stop first or not and spliting or not the way for PT

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 20:20, Paul Allen a écrit : > X --- bat street --- o --- cat street --- o --- dog street --- Z > X is at the start of bat street, Z is at the end of dog street. > Y is in the middle of cat street, not at either of > its junctions with the other two streets. > X, Y, Z, bat street

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 20:05, Alan Grant a écrit : > adding bus=yes or tram=yes to the platform it's controversial. some think it is useful to describe the mode of transport served by this platform. some think that access tags such as bus=* describe access permission :) and therefore adding bus=yes to a

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Alan Grant
On Wed, 20 Jun 2018, 21:03 marc marc, wrote: > > > For my part, I have an intermediate/pragmatic position. > I find that bus=yes on a platform is incoherent. > but if it is there, I keep it to avoid any ping-pong for this. > Yes, I have been doing something similar. Probably influenced by the JO

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Markus Lindholm
On Tue, 2018-06-19 at 15:13 +, marc marc wrote: > Le 19. 06. 18 à 16:30, Daniel Koć a écrit : > > I realized that highway=platform is not only marked on wiki as much > > less > > popular, but is also really 10 times less popular in the database. > > and for 93 906 highway=platform, 84 031 alre

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Simon Poole
I'm actually not quite happy with the whole thing as it would seem to range from a potentially staffed first aid facility to what you were looking for, a simple first aid kit. In practical terms that would be a rather big difference that should be reflected in the tagging. Simon Am 20.06.2018 um

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 8:25 PM, Simon Poole wrote: > I'm actually not quite happy with the whole thing as it would seem to > range from a potentially staffed first aid facility to what you were > looking for, a simple first aid kit. In practical terms that would be a > rather big difference that

Re: [Tagging] emergency=fire_alarm , emergency=stop_button

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
It’s been a week on this also with no further discussion and general consensus that these things are ok. Looking for volunteers to update wiki and cleanup tags for: `emergency=fire_alarm`(existing page at

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
Sure, what would help? Calling it a first_aid_kit? so nobody would get it confused with a staffed facility? > On Jun 20, 2018, at 3:25 PM, Simon Poole wrote: > > I'm actually not quite happy with the whole thing as it would seem to range > from a potentially staffed first aid facility to what

Re: [Tagging] stop first or not and spliting or not the way for PT

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
I want to see a continuous line in JOSM's relation editor, so all the ways in the relations connect at end points. So I'm splitting the ways so they fit in the route relations. Polyglot Op wo 20 jun. 2018 om 20:52 schreef marc marc : > Le 20. 06. 18 à 20:20, Paul Allen a écrit : > > X --- bat st

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 7:43 PM, wrote: > Everything you write is no different between PTv2 and the old tagging > scheme. > > > > FIRST, all the stops, in order. THEN, all the ways that make up the route, > in order. > > > > As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been a route tagging scheme before tha

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
Hi Paul, It's probably best to provide a link to the actual route relation. It's indeed a complex one. Polyglot Op wo 20 jun. 2018 om 23:11 schreef Paul Allen : > > On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 7:43 PM, > wrote: > >> Everything you write is no different between PTv2 and the old tagging >> scheme. >

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread marc marc
Le 20. 06. 18 à 21:24, Markus Lindholm a écrit : > On Tue, 2018-06-19 at 15:13 +, marc marc wrote: >> Le 19. 06. 18 à 16:30, Daniel Koć a écrit : >>> I realized that highway=platform is not only marked on wiki as much >>> less >>> popular, but is also really 10 times less popular in the databas

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:24 PM, Jo wrote: > > It's probably best to provide a link to the actual route relation. It's > indeed a complex one. > I'll do it tomorrow. I had a look earlier today and it was either broken before I looked or I broke it while trying to figure out how to use JOSM. I

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Warin
On 21/06/18 05:43, Paul Allen wrote: On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 8:25 PM, Simon Poole > wrote: I'm actually not quite happy with the whole thing as it would seem to range from a potentially staffed first aid facility to what you were looking for, a simple first aid

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Paul Allen
On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:53 PM, Warin <> wrote: There are fist ad kits .. and first aid kits .. > I now have a scene playing in my head. It's Paul Hogan sneering and saying "Call that a first aid kit? Now THIS is a first aid kit." :) Probably useful enough to map so tour

Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto

2018-06-20 Thread Jo
I'll help you with those as well, as long as we can keep those dreadful stop_position nodes out of it :-) (and tag the stops as nodes next to the way). but feel free to follow what the wiki seems to say, I'll probably help you anyway, no worries. At the end of the day, you'll be the one who will b

Re: [Tagging] emergency=first_aid_kit

2018-06-20 Thread Warin
On 21/06/18 08:00, Paul Allen wrote: On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:53 PM, Warin < > wrote: There are fist ad kits .. and first aid kits .. I now have a scene playing in my head.  It's Paul Hogan sneering and saying "Call that a first aid k

Re: [Tagging] iD presets

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
Hey Christoph - You make some really interesting points in your email. Rather than replying point by point, I’m going to pick out a few phrases that stood out. It sounds like I need to do a better job of explaining... 👨‍🏫 “How a tag becomes a preset in iD” First - and this is something that

Re: [Tagging] Be the change you want to see in the world - was: emergency=lifeguard

2018-06-20 Thread Bryan Housel
> On Jun 20, 2018, at 5:21 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer > wrote: > this is what I understood from the messages you recently sent here, e.g.: "We > have too many tags for different kinds of lifeguards. This is too confusing. > I don’t want to have to show all these choices to iD users. ... Let’s jus