>From my reading of the wiki (I wasn’t involved when PTv2 was designed), the 
>situation as envisioned in PTv2 would be that you have only one node, way, or 
>area with public_transport=platform. So the existing highway=bus_stop and 
>highway=platform (in cases where both are present) are merged into a single 
>public_transport=platform (on the way or area that currently is the 
>highway=platform, and the highway=bus_stop goes away completely).


But this requires proper rendering support. That is, the way or area should be 
rendered like highway=platform was, AND it should render an icon in the middle 
of the way like highway=bus_stop did. Because public_transport=platform 
replaces both of these.


Trying to see and implement public_transport=platform only as a 1:1 replacement 
for existing highway=platform and/or railway=platform is going to make the 
situation worse, not better.


From: Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2018 01:45
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto


Actually I have started to remove public_transport=platform from WAYS with 
highway=platform and railway=platform. As far as I am concerned 
public_transport=platform goes on NODES next to the ways in combination with 
highway=bus_stop or railway=tram_stop.


Removing those tags from ways comes from the objection of some people that 
there would be both a way and a platform with the public_transport=platform tag.


In other words, the rendering of *=platform on WAYS is just fine as it is.





Op wo 20 jun. 2018 om 17:02 schreef Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl 
<mailto:daniel@ko%C4%87.pl> >:

W dniu 19.06.2018 o 17:40, osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au 
<mailto:osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au>  pisze:
> But I do not think that it is reasonable to add rendering for it, and at the 
> same moment drop rendering for highway=platform, railway=platform, 
> highway=bus_stop, railway=tram_stop and everything else that 
> public_transport=platform is meant to replace.
> This absolutely needs to be a two step process. Add rendering for 
> public_transport=platform first, then let people work on migrating existing 
> data. At some point in the future it might then become possible to drop 
> rendering for existing tags.

I want to make just one step now - replace *=platform with
public_transport=platform. Next steps might be very different and i
don't see them clearly now. It might even need PTv3 - I don't know, so I
won't touch it.

We could of course migrate by adding new type and removing old ones
after some time and I would do it. However on osm-carto we have a strong
opposition to rendering multiple similar tags (fear of fragmentation),
so I prefer to start with announcing the planned change and then make
the switch in rendering. It's just a different way of migration and if
it won't create (unnecessary in this case) tension and makes the whole
thing more probable to happen, I vote for it.

"My method is uncertain/ It's a mess but it's working" [F. Apple]

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