Everything you write is no different between PTv2 and the old tagging scheme.


FIRST, all the stops, in order. THEN, all the ways that make up the route, in 


As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been a route tagging scheme before that mixes 
the stops into the route before.


The actual PTv2 proposal documents that quite well:




“Each stop is included with two elements (if available): first the  
stop_position tagged with role stop and immediately followed by the 
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:public_transport%3Dplatform> platform 
tagged with role platform. The stops (stop_positions and platforms) should be 
inserted beginning with the initial stop_position/platform and ending with the 
terminal stop_position/platform. The ordering of the stop positions in the 
relation will determine the direction of the route.




After all the stops all the used ways should be inserted into the relation with 
an empty role. The ways should be inserted beginning with the way at the 
initial stop position and ending with the way at the terminal stop position.”


I fully agree that the individual pages for tags are a total mess, mixing 
together information both from previous tagging schemes and PTv2.


When evaluating PTv2 and mapping according to it, the actual accepted proposal 
(which I linked above) should be considered normative.


If you read through the actual proposal that was accepted, it’s actually pretty 
clear and well structured.


All the individual pages should probably be cleaned up, and only and clearly 
contain the information from the PTv2 proposal. That would greatly clear up the 
confusion people seem to have. But I understand that would greatly upset people 
that outright reject PTv2 despite it being newest voted on and accepted 




From: Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2018 04:21
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <tagging@openstreetmap.org>
Subject: Re: [Tagging] public_transport=platform rendering on osm-carto



On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 6:53 PM, <osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au 
<mailto:osm.tagg...@thorsten.engler.id.au> > wrote:

So, valid minimal tagging under PTv2 is very simple:


You have one node (if there is no clear platform) or a way (along the platform 
edge) or area (the whole platform), which is tagged as 
public_transport=platform (plus whatever mode of transport is served at the 

platform, so bus=yes or tram=yes, or …)


Which all sounds fine, until I try to make sense of the relation.  Something 
(or somebody) seems to like

shoving all platforms at the start of the relation, then the ways in order.    
Which would work (just) for a routeing
algorithm, if you throw enough CPU at it, but is inefficient.  It also gets 
very confusing when you have a route which is

circuitous and doubles back on part of its earlier route in the same direction, 
causing some stops to be in the

relation twice.  The route I'm thinking of has a stop on that revisited section 
which is NOT used on the first

traversal but IS used on the second.  It's hard to figure out what's going on 
unless the stops appear in the

relation next to their ways rather than all lumped together at the beginning.

And it gets worse.  Suppose I have a simple route, from X to Z with a stop at Y.

  X --- bat street --- o --- cat street --- o --- dog street --- Z

X is at the start of bat street, Z is at the end of dog street.  Y is in the 
middle of cat street, not at either of its 

junctions with the other two streets.

The choices I have for relation ordering (I'm still learning/battling JOSM to 
do it) are X, Y, Z, bat street, cat street,

dog street; or X (which appears to be how it's ordered by default), bat street, 
Y, cat street, dog street, Z;
or X, bat street, cat street, Y, dog street.  None of which make it clear to a 
mapper or consumer what the reality is
without also looking at the map (simple inspection of the data is not enough).  
Or should cat street be split at Y
so I can have X, bat street, cat street 1, Y, cat street 2, dog street, Z?

Or does it simply not matter where the stops appear in the relation?  If not, 
does it even matter what order they're

in?  I would have thought that for efficiency of routeing you'd NEED stop 
positions on highways too, otherwise

there's an extra search outwards from the platform until it finds the way.  Oh, 
and the nearest portion of the

way may not actually be reachable from the platform because of obstacles.


I'm confused.  The wiki doesn't seem to make it clear and nor do the tools.  Am 
I entirely missing the point?


I would appreciate somebody with a deep understanding of this stuff clarifying 
matters, here or on the wiki.



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