Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Cell Phone Reception

2023-08-07 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
his is going to vary widely by service provider and weather conditions, among many other things. The given state of cell phone service at any one location is way too ephemeral to be a good candidate for OpenStreetMap tagging, as towers can be out of service for a number of reasons. -- Shawn K.

Re: [Tagging] What separator do you use for multiple value

2023-06-14 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ge do they have over the others? The standard that I've seen is the semicolon. Not sure how well data users could deal with spaces or commas, as I think most are expecting semicolons if they are expecting multiple values at all. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Lyft and nameless sectioning in OSM

2022-10-11 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
enience store (which also gets the address data if known). Convenience stores may be inside a landuse area, but shouldn't be tagged on the same way as a landuse area as I understand it. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] service vs. unclassified, conflicting definitions

2022-10-01 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
s apartments are often considered commercial properties for many purposes (eligibility for city/county garbage collection, among others) even though they are places where people live long term. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___

Re: [Tagging] edit war related to tagging of a bus-only major road

2020-12-09 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ay=secondary but it may not be quite important enough for that classification either; I am not familiar enough with the road network in Hong Kong to say either way. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Drawing/painting schools

2020-12-08 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
r > =drawing_school?) analogous to amenity=music_school. Any thoughts on that? > > Hauke How about amenity=art_school, with another tag to indicate the specific disciplines of art being taught? -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Proposal to change key:man_made to key:human_made

2020-10-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
olving by changing 4 million objects in the database to some other key? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposal to change key:man_made to key:human_made

2020-10-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
t least these reasons, if not others as well. In fact, looking at it again, the more I think this is likely a frivolous or joke proposal, and should not even go as far as a vote. Something tells me if this was a tag like highway=* we were talking about, we wouldn't even

Re: [Tagging] Proposal to change key:man_made to key:human_made

2020-10-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
In addition to this, it increases revision and changeset counts needlessly. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposal to change key:man_made to key:human_made

2020-10-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
, because it involves a lot of retagging work for zero actual benefit. At least healthcare=*, and the temporary dual tagging required to transition to it, made some sense. This, to me, makes zero sense and smacks of change for the sake of change. -- Shawn K. Quinn http:/

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Objects generating audible cues

2020-10-14 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
this because it may compromise a > home's security. What do you think? I don't think this is something that should be mapped, if for no other reason it's too likely to change quickly, and there's no guarantee a dog will bark at everyone walking/driving by. -- Shawn K. Quin

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (shop=direct marketing)

2020-10-02 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
refers to things like infomercials or mail advertising campaigns. Such a shop would typically not be mapped as such. shop=direct_marketing places too much emphasis on the method of sale versus what is sold (which is the usual purpose of a shop=* tag), and also is misleading in this case

Re: [Tagging] automated edits seem to remove crossing=zebra drastically

2020-09-17 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 9/17/20 11:30, Matthew Woehlke wrote: > On 17/09/2020 10.07, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: >> On 9/17/20 08:15, Matthew Woehlke wrote: >>> It's also atrocious because it can *only* be verified by survey. >>> As much as we prefer surveys, the reality is that a lot o

Re: [Tagging] automated edits seem to remove crossing=zebra drastically

2020-09-17 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ot signals are present. I agree that the current presets available in JOSM are a bit of a botch, particularly "uncontrolled" for crossings technically controlled by a sign. "Marked" may be better but we still have the issue of changing a lot of previously tagged crossings. I think &

Re: [Tagging] Benches and hostile architecture

2020-08-23 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ver them, that play > classical music 24/7! Our local Murphy USA c-store/fuel station was playing classical music for a while, for a similar reason (to repel panhandlers/homeless). -- Shawn K. Quinn _

Re: [Tagging] Call for verification (Was: Re: [OSM-talk] VANDALISM !)

2020-08-23 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
od idea. I'd like to add that a new mapper's first changesets should probably be reviewed, even if a review is not requested. I do this for greater Houston, time permitting. -- Shawn K. Quinn _

Re: [Tagging] new page for tree_lined=*

2020-08-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 8/13/20 23:55, Peter Elderson wrote: > I can see how an area such as a parking, a churchyard or pedestrian area > can be tree lined. A node feature, not so much.  For example, A parking area mapped as only a node for the center could still have this attribute. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] addr:street for routes

2020-08-01 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
w where to look (for the curious, they are 4550 and 4606 among others). The most egregious examples come where there's a complete lack of signage (county roads in Brazoria County being the one that sticks out the most), but again, it's more of there just not being an actual si

Re: [Tagging] addr:street for routes

2020-07-31 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
-To-Market Roads.) I'm on the side that name=* should match what's in addr:street=*, even if there's some duplicity, but maybe there should be some other tag to say perhaps the name shouldn't be rendered on (most) visual maps and/or read out separately from the ref in

Re: [Tagging] Map maintenance with StreetComplete - Preferred tagging

2020-07-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
it that road segment. Turns out the original mapper was the one to make the tagging mistake, not yours truly, but I only found this once reviewing the history. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ T

Re: [Tagging] Map maintenance with StreetComplete - Preferred tagging

2020-07-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
as we now have it. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Distinguishing closed office spaces and client service locations?

2020-07-10 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
r for that matter, just browsing in Macy's). At least in the US, even though malls are nominally public spaces they are still private property and many of them around here (Houston area) specifically state certain non-shopping activities that will get you bounced from the property (usually

Re: [Tagging] How to tag a light that is always green for certain directions?

2020-07-06 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
IRC it > didn't distinguish always green *only* for certain directions, and > anyway b) I can't find it again, even using the wiki search or Google.) traffic_signals=continuous_green for the approach that has a continuous green. The left turn traffic should have a standard traffic signal

Re: [Tagging] How to tag a graffiti?

2020-07-01 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
hough I would expect most to be at least nominally murals. Also, graffiti could either be a style (particularly when lettering is involved) or a characteristic of its original (lack of) authorization to be made where it was. Thoughts? -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=bubble_tea

2020-06-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 6/27/20 09:55, Philip Barnes wrote: > Starbucks in my experience has seating, I am unaware of any which are > takeaway only. There are a couple out here that have outdoor seating only. Even if it was just a kiosk I would still tag amenity=cafe for consistency. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=bubble_tea

2020-06-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
tarbucks as amenity=cafe; I don't see what's wrong with tagging these the same way. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway mistagging ... again

2020-05-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
a whole lot, especially if every changeset is only one or two items. The number I would put more stock in is the actual number of data items edited (which, in chachafish's case, is over 7 million, dwarfing most of the other numbers I've seen). -- Shawn K. Quinn http://www.rantroulette

Re: [Tagging] oneway=yes on motorways

2020-05-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
wiki/Key:oneway>=yes" > <> > > What is the agreed standard, if any? It can't hurt to specify oneway=yes. I have noticed that the JOSM style that shows lane counts and lane use will sometimes not show ways properly if onew

Re: [Tagging] Quality and the Openstreetmap value chain

2020-05-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
thing to get "consumer" out of the lexicon... it doesn't belong. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Quality and the Openstreetmap value chain

2020-05-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
its volunteers. A "mapper" (or "editor") would be someone who creates and/or updates the data for the project. One easily can be both at different times, in fact, I would hope most if not all mappers "eat their own dog food" and use OSM data as much as pos

Re: [Tagging] Remove non-prefixed versions of 'contact:' scheme

2020-05-11 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
Why should we split these out? In fact, I'm not sure how useful it is for us to tag phone numbers on phoneboxes at all. Does anyone actually use this data for something useful? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___

Re: [Tagging] Tag:amenity=motorcycle_taxi not approved

2020-05-08 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
> English/German/American culture, which will not accept new ideas which > were not invented in the West? Most ideas of this sort are implemented worldwide, just in different ways. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Remove non-prefixed versions of 'contact:' scheme

2020-05-04 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ne who has > experience in database and normalisation it hurts to see that > mappers don't know how to take care of a database. It is time to take > action and to clean up so OSM data gets more useful. As an alternative, why not get rid of the contact:* versions since most people are

Re: [Tagging] With leisure=common deprecated, Senegal & Mali need a replacement

2020-04-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ere is also leisure=recreation_ground to consider. Why exactly was leisure=common deprecated? I used it quite a bit on OpenGeoFiction (which follows OSM's lead for the data model). -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Points vs Polygons

2020-04-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
e that generates routings (OsmAnd) doesn't handle it gracefully and routes you to the wrong place. Other than that, I generally agree with putting info on smaller one-tenant building outlines versus adding a separate node. -- Shawn K. Quinn http://w

Re: [Tagging] Footways where pedestrians may only walk in one direction: oneway:foot=yes or foot:backward=no?

2020-04-15 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
tags already used on OSM. It would be as if we tagged one-way roads with motor_vehicle:backward=no, etc. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list https://lists

Re: [Tagging] Which languages are admissible for name:xx tags?

2020-03-25 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
arTrekMap. I'm not even sure OpenGeoFiction (where I also have done some mapping, and where I "practice" adding certain features before OSM) would accept Klingon names, and that says a lot. -- Shawn K. Quinn http:

Re: [Tagging] URL tracking parameters

2020-02-25 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
s the companies whose commercial sites we depict. And > would in any case be a ridiculous over-reaction, and damaging to our > reputation. I don't think anyone is suggesting to remove whole URLs or POIs; it's all about removing the tracking rubbish and only the tracking rubbish.

Re: [Tagging] implied surface values?

2020-02-12 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
I can see clearly what it is from the satellite imagery (like surface=grass). -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] implied surface values?

2020-02-12 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
the sticks back in the 1950s, where I-610 marked more or less the end of the urbanized area, but had long since been annexed by the City of Houston). -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.25.0

2020-02-05 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
" +) "leisure=playground" are a tagging error, that should be > two separate objects. JOSM's validator will flag ways that share the same nodes as a warning, or at least it used to. I think it's just more rubbish in the database to have one way for the fence and another fo

Re: [Tagging] road names and refs

2020-01-30 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
#x27;addr:street' for the buildings near it, usually it belongs in 'name'. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] road names and refs

2020-01-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ay (which, interestingly, doesn't become the Houston Freeway as you get close to Katy). However, here, the names are consistent and that name on the sign is usually how mail is addressed. I can only imagine the chaos that ensues when there's no one legal name for the road as

Re: [Tagging] road names and refs

2020-01-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
he address or on the road itself. I've always thought name=* was to refer to the name of the road as used in addresses, usually indicated on street signs. Have I missed something? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___

Re: [Tagging] Disputed territory mapped as a country

2020-01-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 1/27/20 18:31, Greg Troxel wrote: > Martin Koppenhoefer writes: > >> Mateusz, offlist deliberately. > > While we're at it, could the list admins fix the BROKEN REPLY-TO? I have working "Reply" and "Reply List" features. I don

Re: [Tagging] addresses on buildings

2020-01-09 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ething changes between each address. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] addresses on buildings

2020-01-09 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
eria (usually disambiguated by floor as one is ground level by the elevators and financial tower, one is on the second floor closer to the ice rink) which would at minimum have different unit numbers. -- Shawn K. Quinn

Re: [Tagging] Incomplete addresses

2020-01-07 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
retty sure the iD template is different in the US and Canada as it includes state or province, which most other countries don't have. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@o

Re: [Tagging] addresses on buildings

2020-01-06 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
lding had an address on a different street than the other three. I could have maybe split the building outline but decided to just use nodes instead. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing lis

Re: [Tagging] addresses on buildings

2020-01-05 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
. I've seen a shopping center where multiple buildings had the same address (number and street) but different ranges of suite/unit numbers. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Tagg

Re: [Tagging] Tag for "tax free shopping"

2019-12-20 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
imilar. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - park_drive

2019-12-07 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
oncept and borrowing from the well known park and ride concept, you named the tag park_drive which means literally a road in a park. I also find this confusing. I have also seen this referred to as "park and pool" (short for "park and carpool"). Would this be too confusing of

Re: [Tagging] How to tag Seveso sites ?

2019-11-08 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
gt; controlling major chemical accident hazards. Seveso III is implemented > in national legislation and is enforced by national chemical safety > authorities.” > > Are these chemical hazard sites? Inspection sites?  My first guess is it's at least roughly analogous to a Supe

Re: [Tagging] amenity=hospital on things that are not hospitals - is it a good idea?

2019-10-28 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
agging - amenity=hospital > should be on hospitals > and nothing else. +1 Maybe destination:amenity=hospital instead? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] swimming=* access tag

2019-10-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
gt; but putting it under "water based transportation" seems odd. Is swimming > a kind of "transportation"? It is, just as much as walking is a form of transportation on land. -- Shawn K. Quinn __

Re: [Tagging] Amenity=Gambling & adult_gaming_center tagging conflict

2019-10-21 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On October 17, 2019 12:48:58 AM CDT, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote: >Sorry, can't help with Pachinko, but just in regard to it all > >On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 15:04, John Willis via Tagging < >> wrote: > >> >> Amenity=gambling wiki page says: >> >> > A place for gambling, not be

Re: [Tagging] building=bank

2019-05-26 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
arly smaller towns and older parts of larger cities, banks were built as separate buildings and many still are (this local branch of my bank -- -- comes to mind, and it's relatively new construction). -- Shawn K. Quinn http://www.rant

Re: [Tagging] Non-orthogonal crossing=* tag proposals: crossing=marked/unmarked vs crossing:markings=yes/no

2019-05-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On May 24, 2019 4:08:45 PM CDT, Jmapb wrote: >On 5/24/2019 4:28 PM, Jmapb wrote: >> >> On 5/24/2019 4:10 PM, Paul Allen wrote: >> >>> Have you ever seen a crossing with lights AND zebra stripes? >>> >>> This is a very popular situation in Poland. >>> >>> >>> I knew there'd be at least

Re: [Tagging] Requiring area=yes with barrier=wall, barrier=hedge and other usually linear features when mapped as an area`1

2019-04-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 4/13/19 15:43, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > On 13. Apr 2019, at 19:58, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: >> >> It makes no sense to have to add separate ways for barrier=fence and >> leisure=park when the fence surrounds the entire park. > > you could make the park a multipol

Re: [Tagging] Requiring area=yes with barrier=wall, barrier=hedge and other usually linear features when mapped as an area`1

2019-04-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
validator will complain about overlapping ways if you have two ways with the same nodes. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Fixing import

2019-03-02 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
mported by user TexasNHD. I have already merged well over 20,000 or so, no telling how many more are out there. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list https://

Re: [Tagging] Fixing import

2019-03-01 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ed out from my attempts to clean up the massive number of duplicated nodes from a botched import in 2012 that I just now found. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetm

Re: [Tagging] Appropriate tagging for Redbox vending machines

2019-01-25 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
k "rental" is more accurate. Some if not all RedBox machines do also sell used DVDs/games. Though their primary function is rental, adding vending=* in addition wouldn't be entirely inaccurate. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___

Re: [Tagging] The actual use of the level tag

2019-01-20 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
nce is on level 7, and street level entrances range > from levels 2 to 10. I am also aware of dozens of buildings across > Europe with "street level entrance" on multiple levels. Deerbrook Mall in Humble, TX, is also like that, with an entrance on the second floor. I'm sure there

Re: [Tagging] ATMs and cashback

2018-08-24 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ls but this appears to have been phased out. Very early in the ATM era (late 1980s/early 1990s) at least one bank had machines with $20, $10, and $5 bills, but I haven't seen this since. -- Shawn K. Quinn http:

Re: [Tagging] tagging a gamesroom?

2018-08-17 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
tend to think this is more for video game/pinball arcades. Perhaps there should be some additional tags to indicate exactly what kind of games are available? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging ma

Re: [Tagging] areas of risk

2018-08-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
could be overlaid onto a map generated from OSM data as well. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] highway=motorway_junction : what about primary, secondary or tertiary ways?

2018-07-15 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
Fannin Street in Houston crossing Holcombe Boulevard also comes to mind as a non-trunk with a grade-separated exit. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstr

Re: [Tagging] `amenity=shelter` implies `building=yes`?

2018-06-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
s a canopy to protect from rain. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Flower fields as tourism attraction

2018-04-09 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
er and possibly when it's expected to be in bloom could be added. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Way access mismatch relation route=bicycle

2018-01-18 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
d Prairie Avenue). There are only a handful tagged as primary, one of which I upgraded myself even though it lacks a state/US highway designation (which otherwise seems to be a requirement by whoever tagged the others). -- Shawn K. Quinn http://www.skqrecordquest.

Re: [Tagging] Emergency phones with blinking lights

2017-11-03 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
flashing would make more sense. Then for strobes, light:type=strobing, etc. Also, light:color=blue (or whatever). -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Proposal: "slogan" tag. Opinions?

2017-09-19 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ptions and names. -1 Slogans change, and personally I would prefer less ad copy (ideally zero) in the OSM database, not more. This is probably on the Wikipedia page for most given brands and thus the link to Wikipedia should suffice. -- Shawn K. Quinn http://www.rantroule

Re: [Tagging] contact:* for review websites

2017-09-15 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
et rookie flacks/marketers cramming ad copy gibberish into description=*, and I feel like Yelp/Foursquare/etc reviews are just more of the same. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Taggi

Re: [Tagging] Elevation in Feet as part of Peak Names

2017-09-07 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
/wiki/Key:ele The only catch is that it has to be in meters, so you would tag ele=3493.9 in your example. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging]

2017-07-26 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 07/26/2017 10:10 PM, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote: > Yes but what if instead of 附壁式 it is a local type for which no > English translation exists? We either come up with the best English translation we can, or use some (transliterated, in this case) variant of the local word. -- Shawn K.

Re: [Tagging]

2017-07-26 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On 07/26/2017 08:12 PM, 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson wrote: > Which is correct? > > > > E. None of the above if Google Translate got the translation right ("wall type"). -- Shawn K. Quinn http

Re: [Tagging] Beautified JSON presets for natural=tree

2017-07-22 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
of name. And it is often of historic interest, so > worth recording it. If I remember right, we have this field on highway=traffic_signals even though only one country (Japan) uses it. -- Shawn K. Quinn _

Re: [Tagging] Unsigned portions of signed routes

2017-05-31 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
d onto I-610 and I-10 but not signed. US 90 comes out as a signed route near Katy (going west) and east of I-610 as a freeway (going east). I-10 and I-610 are the signed routes, but US 90 is still there. I don't see an easy way to tag the unsigned status of US 90 and AFAIK it is jus

Re: [Tagging] Time is now: tag ALL traffic signs in OSM

2017-05-21 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
gt; I had mapped, later destroyed by mappers who had merged the ways with > different maxspeeds back into one way, This (losing information when combining ways) is a problem with iD and possibly other editing software. JOSM will warn you that two ways have differing maxspeeds when

Re: [Tagging] Starbucks or Starbucks Coffee

2017-03-20 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
e tag "Chipotle" not "Chipotle Mexican Grill". Although, I've seen the latter tagged as alt_name which I'm fine with in that case, but if Starbucks itself is deemphasizing the "coffee" part (similar to Domino's and Apple) I'm

Re: [Tagging] The direction=* tag

2017-03-17 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
as of the version I have. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Charity storefront only used for receiving donations

2017-03-15 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
e this, and the more I think about it, I don't either. What to use instead? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Landuse for vacant lots

2017-03-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
or future development". My suggestion including landuse=grass comes from JOSM presets. Should we change these to natural=grass or similar? I agree that it doesn't belong in landuse=* unless there's some subtlety about landuse=grass that I'm missing. -- S

Re: [Tagging] Landuse for vacant lots

2017-03-12 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
has a better idea? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Invalid voting of proposed feature motorcycle_friendly=*

2017-03-03 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
uel to get to the next fuel stop! How can this be? At least here in the US, cars and motorcycles run on the same stuff. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@o

Re: [Tagging] amenity=vending_machine and vending=public_transport_plans?

2017-02-16 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
longated_coin > * locker > * rice_polishing * shredding Yes, there exist self-service paper/media shredders. The ones I know of were up in Washington state but they were looking to expand. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___

Re: [Tagging] self-service laudry machines a camp and caravan sites

2017-02-08 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
nience for an area of a gift shop inside a hotel. -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Representing "altimetric quotas" in OSM

2017-01-18 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
ht move it without noting). JOSM will highlight a tagged node it doesn't recognize as something else in bright cyan. iD, as of what I remember from the last time I used it, does not differentiate between an untagged node and a tagged node it doesn't recognize. -- Shawn K. Quinn http://www.

Re: [Tagging] Differentiating streets with official name from non-official yet name

2016-11-07 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
good way to say that some streets are officially > named, please? For the streets named but not officially recognized, maybe something like name=* + name:official=no perhaps? (where name:official defaults to yes if not specified) That's the onl

Re: [Tagging] Amphitheatre or outdoor non-sports venue

2016-09-13 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
amenity=arts_centre and either: arts_centre=ampitheatre or arts_centre=outdoor -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging for palapa

2016-07-25 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
like: building=roof roof=palapa (the latter to distinguish it from the garden-variety gas station canopy, which could be tagged with roof=canopy or similar) -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] adding sport detail to sport=multi using sport=x; multi

2016-07-11 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
turf. It would be nice to say yes/no on a > field that has "multi" that this doesn't include rugby. More granular > tagging would be very helpful for that. How about: sport=multi sport:rugby=no sport:american_football=no and maybe even pit

Re: [Tagging] tagging sport=shotput or sport=shot_put?

2016-03-29 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
or soccer when football season is over and vice versa. Is sport=soccer;american_football an acceptable way to combine the two, should the need arise? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] setting proposals to abandoned

2016-03-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
y given that it was the example used to show a huge problem our community didn't even know it had (and which, unfortunately, has been mostly ignored). -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list https://lists.openst

Re: [Tagging] setting proposals to abandoned

2016-03-27 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
t&oldid=1128997 I can agree with setting this proposal as abandoned. However, we do need better tagging for childcare facilities and it is disappointing that the talk Monica Stephens gave back in 2012 has apparently fallen on deaf ears. -- Shawn K. Quinn _

Re: [Tagging] AirBnB

2016-03-18 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
the map. This data absolutely, positively, does not belong in OpenStreetMap, as there would be no end of ethical, moral, and possibly legal problems from doing so. If you've added any of these already, I'd recommend quickly reverting the changes.

Re: [Tagging] Is a reference a name if it is actually used as a name on the ground ?

2016-02-05 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2016-02-06 at 00:14 +0100, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote: > For residential streets, we have a well-known and documented naming > scheme as follows: > > - name=* bears the official name > - loc_name=* bears a local name, which is often an old name but what > matters is that it is a locally wel

Re: [Tagging] HOA-required names

2015-12-26 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
On Sat, 2015-12-26 at 17:45 +0900, John Willis wrote: > > > On Dec 26, 2015, at 5:10 PM, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: > > > > basically just someone's driveway > > It may not be an official name, as in an official city public road. > > But it is a named road.

Re: [Tagging] HOA-required names

2015-12-26 Thread Shawn K. Quinn
e convinced to change that. Maybe tag the sign location itself as a point of interest? -- Shawn K. Quinn ___ Tagging mailing list

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