On 2/25/20 4:05 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 03:36, Jonathon Rossi <j...@jonorossi.com> wrote:
>> Does OSM have a position on these tracking parameters,
>> WT.mc_id, utm_*, fbclid, etc?
> I'd be in favour of their automated removal, and adding filters to
> prevent their future addition.
+1. I don't see why it's anyone else's business that I'm coming to their
site from OSM data.

> We should not, of course, remove either the full URLs nor the whole
> PoIs, since that would open us up to attack from bad actors
> masquerading as the companies whose commercial sites we depict. And
> would in any case be a ridiculous over-reaction, and damaging to our
> reputation.

I don't think anyone is suggesting to remove whole URLs or POIs; it's
all about removing the tracking rubbish and only the tracking rubbish.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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