(and all the other nifty little tags shop, craft, brand and so forth)
/Johan Jönsson, lurker on vacation
On Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 04:00:38 PM GMT+2, Jake Edmonds via Tagging
> On 8 Jul 2020, at 14:01, Niels Elgaard Larsen wrote:
> Jake Edmon
n too (called snorklingsled or trail for snorkeling)
/Johan Jönsson
It's been a while since I posted, I hope this comes out right.
Janko Mihelić writes:
> If you ask me, all fast foods are restaurants, restaurant is just a
broader term.There's no way we can find a clear line that distinct fast food
with slow food restaurants. What ever rule you find, there will be some
example of a restaurant that fits both de
I have written a proposal to map day spas and spa resorts, places you go to
get relaxing treatments over the day or weekend.
Is it a good move to map these features separately?
If it is, then we could discuss the value of the tag, for the moment I just
put down tourism=spa_resort.
Tobias writes:
> > amenity=reuse
> > reuse:books=yes
> This could be a better alternative for tradeoff. I did not find a
> wiki-article. Is there one?
No, I copied it from amenity=recycling
Recycling is apparently when you take thin
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> 2013/8/10
> Tradeoff sounds too unspecific to me. amenity=public_bookcase is used
> once already. Though here are also shelves to share other things so a
> bit more generic tag might be good. Somehow it is also related to
> 'give-a
John Sturdy writes:
> It would probably be good to re-open discussion (and add your voice to
> it, particularly as you have an interest in using such a tag); after
> that, I think this one could be ready to vote on.
> __John
> On 7/9/13, alyssa wright> wrote:
> > Thanks. I'm be
Felix Delattre writes:
> for the address system based on reference points, which is largely used
> in Central American countries we would like to propose the tag
> "reference_point". This is needed to get routing working in this part of
> the world. We can not use existing tags (such as landmarks)
Johan Jönsson writes:
> A proposed key for non-physical tagging of the rating of another feature.
> award:=
> e.g.
> award:hotelstars=4stars
Last chance to cast your vote on thi
Wolfgang Zenker writes:
> * Murry McEntire [130607 20:15]:
> > [..]
> > A summary as I understand it:
> > We currently have English labels and definitions used for
> > tags for bakery
> > and confectionery that have language translation mismatches, especially
> > based on common usage of the
>>Michael Krämer writes:
>> <..snip..>
>> Basically I think we're on the same page: To my understanding we agree
>> that there's a need to differentiate between the different kinds of
>> baked goods. So the problem is how to classify and name these.
>> But as pretty often I guess that's where tr
Peter Wendorff writes:
> Hi.
> I'm curious wether the existence/usage of an oven is the best criterium
> for this issue.
> At least in Germany a lot of bakeries have an oven, but use it only to
> bake prepared raw rolls/buns/..., selling them fresh, sometimes still
> warm (if you're there at th
Murry McEntire writes:
> I do see bakery (baked goods) and confectionery (candy, chocolates) and
the shops that sell them as very different so would never use the later for
any of the former.
>Here (Western US), i usually do not first think of a bakery shop for bread,
but instead as on
A proposed key for non-physical tagging of the rating of another feature.
Tagging mailing list
Andreas Labres writes:
> Here (in Vienna ;) the distinciton is "Bäckerei" (= bakery, who also sell
> like those "Viennoiseries") vs "Konditorei" (= pâtisserie) (those are
> crafts). Don't know what the correct English translation is for the
latter, it
> seems to be confectioner
I propose a scheme how to tag existing map features with the awards or ratings
it have achieved. This does not mean that you have to or even should tag
awards and ratings, but if you want to, use this scheme.
Comments on the scheme?
Andy Carter writes:
> On Tuesday 04 Sep 2012 11:24:13 John Sturdy wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Johan Jönsson wrote:
> > > Seems absolute spot on as a large flower-pot used as decoration or as a
> > > barrier. Since we do not have a key
Andy Carter writes:
> Planters are very common (in the UK at least) in town precincts, streets and
> parks.
> My feeling is that they should be included in OSM for much the same reason
> barriers or bollards.
> Most are made of brick, concrete or similar and permanent features of th
Andrew Errington writes:
> Thanks everyone for the tips.
> I'm sure it's all stores:
> > On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 2:30 PM, Andrew Errington
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello everyone,
Michael P writes:
> I believe I created a new proposal discussion page
A good initiative of you to create a tag for these places. It should be of
interest for mappers to tag this feature.
To formalize this there is
A proposal on how to tag if a beach got a blue flag and also how to add
information how the bathing water quality is according to the EU.
This have been dicussed before in july.
See http://wiki.openstreetmap.or
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> ...
> IMHO in OSM it would make sense to have several tags describing
> generic properties instead of having one single value with a very
> specific class.
> E.g. one tag might be vegetation=trees, shrubs, grass, "no", where
> "no" could follow the definition given
St Niklaas writes:
IMHO is a grass covered area, temporarily, scrubbs and trees are covering it
without care in an short period of time, whos tagging it again ? Why not
nature as tag in nature reserve area 's. Just to avoid the immage Ive seen,
with a large forest area and a view trees be
Frederik Ramm writes:
> On 08/13/12 11:33, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> > +1, the FAO system seems quite elaborated (might be too
> > detailed/complicated/long for OSM, not sure,
> Anything used for OSM must enable someone who knows shit about biology
> and geology to make a meaningful cont
Ole Nielsen / osm writes:
> A short comment on the proposal: The actual conditions go into the tag
> value. The transport mode (vehicle catagory) and the direction stay in the
> key in accordance with current pra
Werner Poppele writes:
> According to the Wiki-page, the tag amenity=waste_basket should be put
> to a node. I found ways tagged with this tag [1] in Bakersfield,
> California. Is that wrong ?
> I think yes, because a waste basket is normally a small amenity.
> Therefore a node is suffic
LM_1 writes:
> What about this:
> Let's have fully qualified hierarchical names, something like
> landcover=vegetation:herbaceous:grass,
> Mappers would understandably not be willing to do it all, therefore
> any generic qualifications could be omited if the rest is unambiguous.
> On 03/08/2012 12:36, Martin Vonwald wrote:
> But on the other hand those "subkeys" are harder for mappers. That's
> why we will not see landcover=vegetation + vegetation=trees and
> similar constructs. Such hierarchical tags have the disadvantage that
> mappers often have to use more than one ta
To make my question more clear:
IF we where to use landcover, what would then the value for grasslands and
lawns be?
In another context, guess the third:
The description would be something like
"Areas where the vegetation is dominated by gra
Petr Morávek [Xificurk] writes:
> Johan Jönsson wrote:
> > By the way, is it only meant as an internal OSM-thing or is it supposed to
> > also be a mapping of official languages in the place (or official
> > expected on road signs)?
> Co
Petr Morávek [Xificurk] writes:
> [1]
OK, so if I understand this right
lang= is supposed to tell what languages that are used in the
tag name=
May I propose to use lang:name= instead of lang=
(or is it name:lang=)
There are several ways to tag landcover with existing tags but if we where to
define a new tag for grass along the lines of
I would think it could look something like this:
I like to take up the possibility to use a landcover-key for
I made a proposal page at
with the proposed tagging
It seems general enough to handle most cases.
There is already a tagging-scheme in use for tagging hotels star-rating,
Martijn van Exel> writes:
> Linked data is not about linking to every possible source from one
> source, but rather publishing your data as RDF thus allowing linkages
> with other datasets. See here[1].
> I don't think it gets much attention in the OSM community, and I don't
> claim to
Sometimes there is a discussion on how to tag differnt kind of awards and
I thoguht a bit of this
and came up with a pre-draft that I might take further if there is any
I thought it would be a good thing to at öleast pass the proposal-phase for
the tag emergency=aed
#The value aed seem to be the agreed value, it is a abbrevation of Automatic
External Defibrillator (An AED is a device designed for the layman to treat
life threatening cardiac arrhythmias).
fly writes:
> On 25/07/12 14:00, LM_1 wrote:
> > 2012/7/25 Jason Cunningham>:
> >> On 24 July 2012 19:55, David ``Smith''> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Useful to whom? The local fire department should already know, and nobody
> >>> else should be authorized to open the hydrant
This is an old proposal that have been discussed before. It seem to be in use
according to tag watch, so I have been urged to make this official.
There are also similar tags in use and others proposed but that doesn´t mean
this one could be approved for use by a voting.
Eventually, when the la
There are plenty of beaches (and marinas) that have a blue flag with a
breaking wave on it, they have excellent water quality and a couple of other
nice things. It wouldn´t be wrong to map these, and it is easily done with
this simple proposal. When a mapper sees the flag on the beach just add t
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> 2012/6/27 Janko Mihelić>:
> > I got an answer about gray flags on their site:
> >
> >> The grey flags are Blue Flag sites not in Blue Flag season yet: this means
> >> they have been awarded the Blue Flag, but will comply with all criteria
> >> the
Simone Saviolo writes:
> Yes, in fact, that's what I meant. Every single beach area in the
municipality has been awarded the flag. I am still a bit unsure, though: do
you know of cities in which only some of the beaches/marinas have the flag,
and others don't?
I Gothenburg, Sweden we had
This is an old proposal that have been discussed before. It seem to be in use
according to tag watch, so I have been urged to make this official.
There are also similar tags in use and others proposed but that doesn´t mean
this one could be approved.
I will make my point clearer.
It isn´t the houses with adresses that will be tagged, it is the
Reference_point itself.
A street with 20 houses.
*The street: highway=residential and name=Big_Street
*The twenty houses have each addr:housenumber=1..20 and addr:street=Big_Street
An area with 20 ho
Felix Delattre writes:
> I started working on a draft for a proposal:
> Please help me!
This is an important thing to map.
I have been looking at and it
seems that the key
A proposal to map locations to bathe at, including the near surroundings
connected to the bathing experience. Failing to create a general tag (it got
to general) here are three rather general but still usable tags:
Ideas on these names and i
Erik Johansson writes:
> I would probably use leisure=bath to map outdoor bathing places, but
> I'm not sure the word is that much better than a direct translation of
> the Swedish word, which would be;
> amenity=place_of_bathing
> So maybe just use the Swedish word http://sv.wikipedia.o
LM_1 writes:
> 2012/3/11 Johan Jönsson>:
> > leisure=bandstand is a good tag.
> > The bandstand is a prominent feature that is easy to map, so ease of
> > with one tag is prefect.
> Is this not bad, having more (independent) information in o
one super-tag and many sub-tags to
Leisure = bath
bath:activity = wash/exercise/leisure
bath:construction = indoor/outdoor/natural
bath:water= sea/fresh/mineral/treated
There are probably more sub-tags and we can come up with better names and
/Johan Jönsson
leisure=bandstand is a good tag.
The bandstand is a prominent feature that is easy to map, so ease of mapping
with one tag is prefect.
With one tag it maps both:
*the physical building (band_stand says in one word that it is a small open
*the use/function: scheduled music (a bit inform
I made a try to do go through some examples to see how it worked. They are at:
what I can see, it looks like it is only the open-air public nature bath
locations that really lack tags, swimming_pools and indoor bath locations
In older days and in some parts of the world the public bath is an amenity and
not a leisure. I am sticking to trying to find one tag for the leisure-bath
establishments, but it might be possible to find a general tag encompassing
both leisure and amenity and then have subtags to discern them. O
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> Am 9. März 2012 16:08 schrieb John Sturdy>:
> > In some areas of the country (noticeably the Fens, with their wet
> > soil, I think) there are concreted areas beside farm tracks, that
> > farmers use for storing things on (such as hay bales). I don't know
What do you think about a tag for different kind of places to bathe.
Small recluse places along a river,
Organized public places with piers and beaches
Turkish bathes
maybe even hot springs.
I´m thinking about something along the lines of
What I am after is a place for the leisure
hy was on the very first maps in the
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
This is yet another value for the key sport=
As all sport tags, this could be used on places suitable for exercising the
sport, for clu houses or shops. As for all sports tags, this tag is supposed to
go with physical tag.
If the pla
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> 2011/11/6 Johan Jönsson>:
> > It will be nice with a physical tag for the place to play disc_golf.
> >
> > As the course it self probably could be found in a larger wood or park
> > without any clear boundaries of where
single node with all that info, if there is a suggestion on a nifty icon this
node should start to show up on the maps soon enough.
And I think there will be less trouble with a separate:
leisure=disc_golf_course, as the tag leisure=golf_course is very much associated
with traditional club_and_ball_golf and I do not think we will see much of dual
disc/club use of the courts (as one could in e.g. a football pitch).
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
Maybe I was to specific when looking/and failing to find a tag for all land of
bare rock (stony ground). The vegetated/barren couple could be better.
Anyone got any objections on barren, do it have other meanings?
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging maili
# stony_ground Might seem to exclude the really big stones, boulders and such.
# fragmented_rock Is fragmented understandable?
Or is it futile to find something to encompass everything from fields of large
boulders to gravel?
/Johan Jönsson
I went with one main key having 3 values (tree/shrub/grassland), indicating
existence of that type.
> Martin
+1 for using one tag for the whole forested area.
Maybe something along the scheme of natural=wetland, wetland= {more detailed
desc.} Maybe natural=woodland?
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
Martin Koppenhoefer writes:
> 2011/9/1 Johan Jönsson>:
> > I have also looked at the UN-organization FAO that reasons about a scheme
> > for
> > tagging land cover...
> >
Bryce Nesbitt writes:
> On 08/31/2011 10:50 AM, Johan Jönsson wrote:
> > A name to use for tagging stony ground.
> > I am looking for a denomination to use for an area that have little or no
> > vegetation so that the stony ground shows. Could there be a tag descri
A name to use for tagging stony ground.
I am looking for a denomination to use for an area that have little or no
vegetation so that the stony ground shows. Could there be a tag describing
everything from coarse gravel, boulders, scree to exposed bedrock.
I have earlier looked for a name for area
I would not tag the white and black-striped area of the road as a sidewalk.
Whoever invented the black-white striping probably did not intend it to be a
designated pedestrian area, more something of a no drive zone, probably some
kind of safety iss
nities, I guess only by anode and then
you have to figure out what belongs there according to proximity.
Good luck!
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
For the moment not tagged in OSM.
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
re called finial, but that might be too obscure.
an easy solution would be to use "top_piece"
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
of the monument.
The overall height (including the base and eventual additions to the top)
should be one of the most important subtags.
Let us test to tag some examples here on the mail-list.
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
I am on the same page as you Martin, we should tag the obelisks as
the prominent features they are.
man_made seem to be the most neutral key,
but landmark is tempting.
I suggested:
+ column=obelisk
What I meant was
man_made="pointy long massive not natural freestanding thing"
e obelisk.
My suggestion is man_made=column
There is alot in common between the columns and other prominent monuments and
such, like statues, fountains and different kinds of modern sculpture.
maybe man_made=sculpture is an even more general tag?
/Johan Jönsson
r tags if it is not
a natural rock surface you are tagging.
As I concluded yesterday, this proposal would be better with
then it could be used on every land cover consisting of a bare rock surface
without confusion on the natural-key.
Johan Jönsson writes:
> A summary so far.
> There seem to be a need for a tag for areas of solid rock, bedrock,
> with visible rock surface. bare_rock could be used.
> It is then obvious that there also is a need for areas covered by loose
> rocks.
> The namin
the same way
natural=wetland + wetland=bog
and in
natural=desert + desert=hammada
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
efinition of
a slope with rubble of different sizes. More distinct tags needed or a general
There have been a vivid discussion, one idea is to use natural=* for special
named features, like scree, but use a land_cover=* for general tagging of the
nature of an
given area there is only one of the distinct features.
With some local knowledge, natural=bare_rock could be understood.
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
r the vegetated parts.
In the same way as the old abutters tag is the description of the terrain useful
to orient yourself: there are trees over there, there are bare_rock over here.
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
Scree on wikipedia]].
There is a definition on
"European Topic Centre on Land Use and Spatial Information"] that is like the
first proposal, encompassing all kinds of areas with
ge landcover=rock
to landcover=bare_rock.
So regardless of the key natural/landcover, I propose the use of the tag
/Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
This is a suggestion from 2008 that I have been reading:
regarding main tags and sub tags.
It sure looks good, but I do not really know how it tastes like.
/Johan J
Tagging mailing list
> In holland we have a saying: Better to turn back halfway then get lost
> at the end.
> Means that if you look at the more and more popular way of tagging. It
> is wiser to you this on this occassion and correct the alt fashion
> tags. Last year the :right and :left subtag is a
Ulf Lamping writes:
> In practice, lot's of sites have *several* different "roots" throughout
> the ages.
> A castle may be build in early medieval ages, continuously extended
> throughout those ages, largely changed in the baroque era and mostly
> rebuild after damages of the second worl
M∡rtin Koppenhoefer writes:
> You are free to think whatever you want, but for my current mapping
> project it is indeed important to know if e.g. a temple is greek or
> roman, and if I have the information from which period it dates, why
> shouldn't I tag it?
> ...
This is great, I spent some t
ld use this to.
In archaeology they speak of:
Just some random ideas (a bit off-topic maybe) from me: Johan Jönsson
Tagging mailing list
Steve Bennett writes:
> On 11/01/2011 7:06 AM, Johan Jönsson wrote:
> > From the wiki, I have drawn the conclusion that the key "leisure" is used
to tag
> > physical objects.
> >
> > Can it be used for non-physical tags too?
> >...
>From the wiki, I have drawn the conclusion that the key "leisure" is used to
physical objects.
Can it be used for non-physical tags too?
Is it possible to tag leisure=bathing; swimming; eating; drinking;
or maybe leisure=movies; music?
Johan Jönsson writes:
> --- Steve Bennett skrev:
> > 2011/1/10 Johan Jönsson :
> > >
> > > My thoughts have been on a physical tag like leisure=bathing_area,
> > > leisure=public_bath or just simply leisure=bath. The later one would
> > be a tag
Nathan Edgars II writes:
> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 12:30 AM, John Smith
> wrote:
> > On 10 January 2011 01:42, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> >> I can't comment on the rest, but sport=swimming is incorrect unless
> >> the area is for competitive swimming.
> >
> > -1
> >
> > Swimming pools don't have
Elizabeth Dodd writes:
> On Sun, 09 Jan 2011 15:48:32 +0100 (CET)
> Johan Jönsson> wrote:
> > How about one tag for all of these places:
> >
> > leisure=bath
> >
> > With a bathing person as a symbol:
> >
> To "bathe"
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