Michael P <pancoma@...> writes:

> I believe I created a new proposal discussion page 
at: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Meditation_centre_tag
A good initiative of you to create a tag for these places. It should be of 
interest for mappers to tag this feature.

To formalize this there is need for a definition and a tag, both of which 
there could be some discussion.

My guess is that there are other names for meditation centres and that there 
might be some confusion if it is only those explicitly named centres that 
should have this tag or if there is some kind of requirement of size or 

Two alternative taggings to amenity=meditation_centre could be 
amenity=place_of_meditation (obviously copied from amenity=place_of_worship) 
or when we are at it maybe amenity=meditation.

There are probably many views on meditation, but without knowing much about it 
I guess the different forms and uses of meditation could be explained with 
further tagging of different attributes on the same feature. I can mention 
that there are a proposal on how to tag the healthcare-oriented meditation 

Good luck

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