Maarten Brock
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verify it and report back with
the positive
or negative results.
Happy programming,
Maarten Brock
Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
"Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to grap
have the time, please verify it and report back with
the positive or negative results.
Happy programming,
Maarten Brock
Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
"Graph Databases" is the definiti
Maarten Brock
AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform delivers complete
security visibility with the essential security capabilities. Easily and
efficiently configure, manage, and operate all of your security
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for reporting.
BTW. If you need to disable PIC ports when building SDCC you
probably miss gputils on your system. If you don't need PIC support
then this is ok.
> Hi,
> just to tell you that I build SDCC 3.3.0 RC3 successfully, after
> disabling both
Hello Frieder,
Thank you, but could you please retry with
sdcc-3.3.0-rc4-x64-setup.exe from
as it was the rc that had problems.
> Hi Maarten,
> Installation and compiling some small (mcs51) files with
> sdcc-20130518-8610-
bit Windows when
detecting your running Operating System, so 64 bit users will have to
open the sdcc-win64 folder themselves.
I hope you all enjoy using this new version.
Maarten Brock
AlienVault Unified Security
Thanks for reporting. I've removed the link as even a search at
circuitcellar itself did not find it. And it is still in the manual.
> It's just the chapter 9 of sdcc user guide.
> ?
> --
> : "Ma Xiaojun"
> : 2013/5/23 13:24
> : "sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.ne
Hello Sid,
How well is your asm? You have some digging to do.
The reason for incompatibility is that there is no common calling
convention. First you'll have to find out what the options were they
used for building the blestack library. Then you'll have to find out
what that means in terms of
Hello Liam,
SDCC does not perform this optimization unless you tell it to with
--acall-ajmp. This assumes that ALL lcall instructions can be replaced
with ACALL independent of their address (it happens at compile time). In
other words it assumes that everything is placed in the same 2kB. If your
What makes you think that "__sfr" is deprecated? It is not. Only "sfr"
without double underscores was deprecated and is nowadays no longer
> Not to mention the manual mentions __sfr, etc.
> But latest version of SDCC treat __sfr as deprecated.
The .ihx extension is what sdcc used since it's original start. You
can override it though with the -o option.
You can also use srecord (http://srecord.sourceforge.net) to create
contiguous hex files (or many other types).
> I believe .ihx and .hex are the same thing. (.ihx is sho
> On 2013-05-31 08:20, Raphael Neider wrote:
> > I am happy to announce that from now on (r8700) most of the pic14 and pic16
> > libraries are automagically built for the common subset of devices
> > supported by sdcc and whatever gputils are currently in use. No more manual
> > maintenance of to-
> I wrote a small software for a client using SDCC, I use Linux so it was
> simple.
> The client want to be able to compile the software but he uses windows
> only.
> He claimed that he had installed the compiler using the installation file
> in the downloads pages.
> However he still gets er
> I don't understand,on linux I have a package manager. On windows I have to
> download a special installer. My customer downloaded the installer but it
> seems it did not install gpasm so how to do a complete install on windows
> including gpasm?
> On Jun 3, 2013 7
> const char *menu_str[][] = {
> { "text1 lang1", "text1 lang2" },
> { "text2 lang1", "text2 lang2" },
> { "textN lang1", "textN lang2" },
> { 0,0 }
> };
Puts an array in RAM that is initialized with pointers to constant
strings. If you want the array to be const as well you'll have to
> W dniu 2013-06-10 00:53:12 użytkownik Antonio Todo Bom
> napisaÅ:
> YES !
> But almost that:
> const char * const menu_str[][] = ...
> const char * const char menu_str[5][2] =...
> char identifier was missing, and we need to declare the number of itens or
> will note compile.
> And Hen
Hello Markus,
If your MCU has an MPAGE then just declare it as _XPAGE in any of
your source files and you should be fine. You should check your
datasheet if it exists and lives at address 0x92.
__sfr __at(0x92) _XPAGE;
If there is no MPAGE/XPAGE/EMI0CN equivalent then MOVX @Ri cannot
access an
Hello Duncan,
You have to create the heap yourself if the standard 1kB is not enough.
Copy heap.s into your project dir and modify it to create your preferred
size. Then assemble it and link with your project.
Unlike the mcs51 heap which is defined in _heap.c this is not documented
for Z80 in the
This would require quite some work. AFAIK the Z80 port knows only one kind
of pointer which is limited to 64k. You would have to add some sort of far
pointer to be able to include the bank in its value. Or maybe add a new
memory model instead. The platform specific part can be handled by a
Hello Michael,
SDCC will not magically start using the external memory when it runs
out of internal. You have to place your variables there using the
__xdata keyword. Or if you're lazy you can use the large memory
model which places everything in external ram. Also have a look at
--xram-loc an
> Am 31.08.2013 15:51, schrieb Michael Hawkins:
>> The 8051 has built in support for bank switching.
>> The Z80 does not.
Neither the (original) 8051 nor the Z80 have built in support for bank
switching. I'd almost say that bank switching by definition goes beyond
built in support of th
Hello Catalin,
The combination large memory model and stack-auto is not built (and
tested) in the sdcc distributions. So there are no libraries for it by
default. You can create them yourself or you might be able to find them on
the web (contiki site?). To create them you can modify device/lib/Mak
Hello Catalin,
Can you please try again with --print-search-dirs and also examine if the
library dirs exist and what they contain?
You should not need to use -llibsdcc.lib
Can I assume that you're running linux?
> Hello.
> I am still fighting to compile Contiki-OS for mcs51.
> I fo
Hello Catalin,
> I think I found the problem, but I need to investigate more.
> If I do a "make clean" and in device/lib/incl.mk I list only large as
> model, everything is working.
> Make is using dir "device/lib/mcs51" to store intermediate objects.
> And I am pretty sure they are not deleted wh
Hello dashesy,
I don't think it is possible to link IAR .r51 object files with sdcc.
Was your fix related to the message on the forum?
Don't you think that it's wiser to post a tracker ticket at
Have you measured the pins with a voltage meter?
Have you calculated the current through the LED with 10k? Is it enough?
> I'm confident its user error, but I seem to be unable to program my
> PIC16F628A (it's my first foray into the world of PICs, been working with
> arm M4's). All
Hello Ben,
Welcome to SDCC. But we really can't help you this way. You seem to expect
us to have a crystal ball in which we can read your for.c implementation.
Maybe you can send it to us?
> Sorry, the error info should be
> sdcc for.c -mmcs51
> for.asm:175: Error: missing or im
It is dead. AFAIK it cannot generate correct code and there is no one
working on it.
> Hello,
> Is the AVR branch still alive? I see some updates in the svn reposit but
> why it is disabled by default while building?
> Can it be used or not?
> Ben
>>>Well, GCC "supports MSP430" meaning TI distributes a hacked-up GCC
>>> that targets it, yes. That support has not yet (the last time I
>>> checked) been merged into the official sources, which means I'll have
>>> one different, weirdly-configured GCC installation alongside my
>>> half-dozen
Hello all,
In general I agree with Philipp. I think I am the most active mcs51
developer of recent times, but there is only so much I can do. However I
certainly won't encourage a beginner to start messing with compiler
internals. Anyone 'somewhat familiar' does not qualify IMO.
> -B
The numbers are the block level and a sequence number.
But why don't you just invent your own local variables?
> Hi!
> I've started using SDCC (ver 3.3.0) to program 12F675.
> As the standard library doesn't provide delay functions I try to make my
> own ones.
> However its hard to
if you want to respond. This way we can keep all replies together and it
is easier for his family to read them too.
Kind regards,
Maarten Brock
Hello Sanita,
This is virtually impossible. There is no standard calling convention for
8051. Every compiler uses its own invention, be it IAR, Keil or SDCC.
AFAIK only Raisonance and Keil are compatible. On top of that every
compiler uses its own object and library format. IAR has no clue how to
Hello Jacques,
If you think this is still broken in the latest snapshot (get it here:
http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/snap.php ) then please file a bug report.
Leaving the question only in the mailing list will make it forgotten.
> Le 2014-02-13 01:04, Jacques Pelletier a écrit :
>> Hi,
What you experience here is probably that multiplication is done in a
non-reentrant support function. While it is executing a multiplication in
the mainline it gets interrupted and reuses the multiplication variables
in the support function which effectively destroys the original
n ISR. Maybe, if you can turn indexing into pointer access and
can use addition to this pointer instead of addition to the index, you can
circumvent the problem.
> 2014-02-13 11:15 GMT+01:00, Maarten Brock :
>> Hi,
>> What you experience here is probab
Hi again,
>>If I understood you well, my original task (use IAR generated library in
>> SDCC) is also not feasible?
> Yes, it is not feasible.
>> Do you know of any other C compiler that I might use as a replacement
>> for SDCC.
> Keil has already been mentioned.
And Raisonance. But fo
What did Infineon say?
You're out of direct memory. You need to move some variables to indirect
or external memory.
> how can i fix this problem? (i use sdcc)
> Build of configuration Debug for project test
> C:\DAVE-Bench-201\SDCC_UTILS\make all 'Building file: ../CC6.C''
Can you please post this as a bug report in the bug tracker so it won't
get lost?
> Hi,
> I'm using sdcc to build z80 programs for cpm.
> I think I found a strange bug.
> The program test2.c should output
> 5 / 2.5 = 2
it and report back with the positive
or negative results.
May the Source be with you,
Maarten Brock
Learn Graph Databases - Download FREE O'Reilly Book
"Graph Databases" is the definitive new guide to
the time, please verify it and report back with the
positive or negative results. If all goes well we can still make the
release this month.
May the Source be with you,
Maarten Brock
> Hash: SHA1
> On 30.03.2014 10:23, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson wrote:
>> Hi again Is there any simple way to exclude the non-free directory
>> from being built? It is quite simple in version 3.3 but I cannot
>> build version 3.4. In order to get the package into Deb
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 30.03.2014 10:23, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson wrote:
>>> Hi again Is there any simple way to exclude the non-free directory
>>> from being built? It is quite simple in version 3.3 but I cannot
>>> build version 3.4. In order to get the package i
>> * how do I *specify flash segments/locations for the linker*? I
>> need to reserve some part of the flash for data logging, but I
>> dont know how to tell the linker which
> I don't use such functionality often, but AFAIR, the -b option
> (possibly with some custom area for the reserved
Hi Mikec,
Can you retry with the other snapshot by the i386 machine which is a bit
newer and should be complete? Please report back as we are in the process
of making a release.
> Hello,
> I'm trying to build a project that requires sdcc 2.
> I've downloaded the pre-built binary for my
Ah, yes. That is true as well. asx8051 has been renamed to sdas8051 since
a few versions back. This is to identify it as different from the original
> Hi,
> might the tool be called sdas8051 instead? A binary of that name is in the
> distribution at least. Maybe the tool had be
gt; (GPL).0 published under GNU General Public License (GPL)
> configure: error: Component usrp has errors; stopping.
> Should I go back to a version that included asx8051? If so, which would be
> suggested?
> Thanks,
> #Mikec
> On Apr 3, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Maarten Bro
. However today a new Release Candidate RC3 for SDCC 3.4.0
has been created
and put online.
Please take the time to test it and report back with both success and
failure reports. If
nothing serious comes up the release will be made later this week.
Maarten Brock
Hello Georg,
Welcome to the sdcc mailing list ;)
If you want to send a contribution to SDCC, please post it as a
patch in the tracker system. Here everyone can find and get it and
it may eventually end up in the SDCC distribution itself. Here's the
link to the patch tracker:
> > 4) code in RAM: actually I don?t need it for performance but to log
> > data to the program flash, because the EEPROM is too small for my
> > needs. To my understanding the program flash of the STM8 doesn?t
> > support execute-while-write, so I need the actual flash write&erase
> > routines in
es in ROM
* Detects supported devices by gputils when building SDCC
And of course numerous feature requests and bug fixes are included as
I hope you will enjoy using this new release.
Maarten Brock
SDCC 3.4.0 Release Ma
Hello Claude,
> - There is something wrong with "sdcc-src-3.4.0.tar.bz2".
> - When doing "tar -jxf sdcc-src-3.4.0.tar.bz2", I get a directory
>named "sdcc-3.4.0-rc3" !?
>When doing "diff sdcc-src-3.4.0-rc3.tar.bz2 sdcc-src-3.4.0.tar.bz2",
>there is no difference.
> From a SDCC use
Hello Georg,
Is this behaviour true for all 16 bit SFR's? Or is it different for every
other SFR? If it's always the same then maybe SDCC could take this into
> hi all,
> it might be common knowledge in the community, but it sure was new to me
> (and took me some time to debug
Hello all,
In the past few months we received several good patches from Ben Shi for
the stm8 target. We have now extended him developer access. Everyone say
"welcome Ben" ;)
Learn Graph Databases - Download FR
Hello Kusti,
Though I have no problem with your proposed change, it's probably not
exactly as you expect here. Like the manual says, when a variable has an
absolute location but no initializer it is not allocated by the
compiler/linker. This is due to backward compatibility. I haven't checked
Hi again,
>> Like the manual says, when a variable has an
>>absolute location but no initializer it is not allocated by the
> Hmmcan you elaborate a bit...as this is just a hardware register
> I do not want it to be allocated...but that of course depends on what
> allocate
> On 18/06/2014 15:16, "Maarten Brock" wrote:
>>When you use __at without initializer however, SDCC does not allocate and
>>you can define another variable (with __at) at the same address. It will
>>also not zero the variable at startup. This is probably e
> user@enj:~/sdcc/proj/count$ sdcc --std-c99 -mpic16 --use-non-free
> -p18f97j60 count.c --verbose
> Processor: 18f97j60
> sdcc: Calling preprocessor...
> sdcc: Generating code...
> sdcc: Calling assembler...
> sdcc: Calling linker...
> message: Using default linker script
> "/usr/local/share/gputi
>> And where is the -c in this line?
> Ooops, here is act 2 of the six shooter.
> user@enj:~/sdcc/proj/count$ ls
> count.c
> user@enj:~/sdcc/proj/count$ sdcc --std-c99 -mpic16 --use-non-free
> -p18f97j60 -c --verbose count.c
> Processor: 18f97j60
> sdcc: Calling preprocessor...
> sdc
Hello Stijn,
Unfortunately this is not possible with SDCC.
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding inline assembly in sdcc:
> I have some assembly code which I would like to put in a macro that is to
> be called many times throughout my C-code. For efficiency reasons this
> s
>> I didn't check, but how about
>> ((void (*)(void))(0x1234))();
> Yes, you are right. But I don't know calling function (address) in such
> How would you know that some function like "foo" is located at 0x1234?
Well, you know if you or someone else put it there. This is common for
>> Well, you know if you or someone else put it there. This is common for
>> BIOS-like library functions that are already present in the memory.
> Thanks for your explanation. I have no experience on using BIOS-like
> library, but I guess what you mean is some kind of library that
> preloaded i
> On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 09:00:51PM +0200, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
>> Currently, in sdcc, char is signed char by default.
>> I would like to change this to unsigned char.
>> The current --funsigned-char would be replaced by a --fsigned char
>> switch to get the non-default behaviour.
> Hi,
> I have been using the SDCC compiler fora n 8051, and my goal is to
> optimize code size.
> I have noticed that when declaring a function as static inline, the
> function does get inlined in the resulting assembler code,
> but also the definition of that function is in there, so as a calla
Maybe it's time to start reading the manual. Search for the banksel
keyword to find out what it's for and if it may have been renamed as well.
> This is proving hard, the previous error is solved now i get:
> sdcc -mpic14 -p16f628a --use-non-free -L
> /usr/local/share/sdcc/lib/src/pic14Â Â Â ma
> To fix it, you may need to get the order correctly in which you link .o
> files (compiled .c files) and .a/.lib files (static libraries). Generally,
> libraries referenced by other modules (.o or .a/.lib) need to come later
> on the command line so that the linkers can first known which s
> On 17.11.2014 13:05, Rolf Schroder wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am trying to compile a firmware for the STM8L. I used STVD & Cosmic
>> (compiler) but want to switch to sdcc. I had made some small code
>> changes to get everything running and I feel it's compiling correctly. I
>> am using the follo
Hello Chen,
I don't see why you assume BIT4 to be a signed char. I think it already is
an int. But yes, after ~ it will certainly be an int.
> Hi All,
> I have the following code below, with "default" signed char type.
> ---
> #define BIT4 0b0001
> #define P
Hello Georg,
Unfortunately you cannot attach anything to the mailing list. The system
will remove it.
You can however open a support ticket and attach your files there.
> hello Philipp,
> youâre right, with '.eâ outside the brackets it worked right away! Now
> I am able to write t
> On 17/01/2015 18:51, "Philipp Klaus Krause" wrote:
>>Currently, when compiling using --std-sdcc89 or --std-sdcc99 (but not
>>when using --std-c89, --std-c99 or --std-c11), sdcc allows functions
>>with return type void to return expressions of type void. Example:
>>void f1(void);
>>void f
> On 17/01/2015 19:03, "Philipp Klaus Krause" wrote:
>>Currently, when compiling using --std-sdcc89 or --std-sdcc99 (but not
>>when using --std-c89, --std-c99 or --std-c11), sdcc does not do integer
>>promotion on explicitly cast arguments to functions with variable
>>void f1(int
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:43:31 +0100 (CET)
> Brian PEARCE wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In order to facilitate use of SDCC on my Amstrad CPC emulator I modified
>> the putchar routine in z80.lib using Microsoft's debug.exe. Can I share
>> information on how to modify z80.lib with other Amstrad hobbyists o
Hi Georg,
You forgot the option to modify SDCC so it accepts the __interrupt keyword
either before or after the function :)
> hello all,
> as mentioned elsewhere I am trying to port the STM8-SPL library by STM to
> SDCC. Currently I got stuck at a seemingly simple problem. Hereâs the
Hi Georg,
>> You forgot the option to modify SDCC so it accepts the __interrupt
>> keyword either before or after the function :)
> w I figured that is not really an option - is it???
Why would this not be an option? I guess it's not even a big change. Of
course the parser definition ne
tement (in contrast to first gut feeling), i.e. this
> wonât be supported by SDCC anytime soon? For your feedback thanks a lot
> in advance!
> Georg
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 23:10:07 +0100 (CET)
>> Fro
Hello Chen,
I'm assuming an mcs51 target. Then the binary *will* be different from
without using the pragma. But more important the runtime use of the stack
will be different from run to run depending on interrupts. Nothing should
go wrong however.
> Hi All,
> I have a question about
Hello Heejeong Ryu,
I'll start by assuming you are talking about an mcs51 target.
I'm not sure how XRAM is related to your problem, as xdata is usually a
separate memory space from code. But maybe you have a Von-Neumann-ized
If you want some code in a different segment from the rest, you
I suggest to look up the difference between direct and indirect addressing
in the datasheet. Also find out if you have 128 or 256 bytes of indirect
RAM in your 8051s.
> Compiler version:2.6
> HW:8051s (Microsemi)
> I am using Soft Console IDE which uses SDCC.
> The generated intern
May the Source be with you,
Maarten Brock
Sdcc-user mailing list
> If you have the time, please verify it and report back with the positive
> or negative results.
> May the Source be with you,
> Maarten Brock
time, please verify it and report back with the positive
or negative results.
May the Source be with you,
Maarten Brock
Sdcc-user mailing list
cient function calls and better compability with z88dk
* --lospre-unsafe-read renamed to --allow-unsafe-read
And of course numerous feature requests and bug fixes are included as well.
Once again I hope you will enjoy using this new release.
Maarten Brock
SDCC 3.5.0 Release Ma
Hello Philipp,
Pointer arithmetic and array access are very likely in an ISR. And that
probably means underlying multiplications (or add or shift). Think buffers
Averaging a set of ADC samples can also bring division (or shift). And
non-power-of-2 sized ring buffers can
File this as a bug in the bug tracker. It seems it outputs an extra (CODE)
piece that should only be used on Harvard architectures (e.g. mcs51).
> hello all,
> any idea on the below issue? Specifically, what do I do wrong if compiling
> STM8 code for RAM?? Any help is highly app
Hello Rich,
This is nothing memory space related. If you would change from char to int
or worse float, you would get into the same trouble.
To solve this C invented header files. You learn yourself never to put an
extern declaration or function prototype in a .c file but always in a .h
file which
Hello Roelof,
Do you have any update on below message?
> Hi,
> I was just notified that derna, the server that compiles
> a sdcc windows package, is being taken offline tomorrow.
> I am in the process of making a backup of files on the
> server.
> We hope to restore the server as soon
Hello Victor,
I think the first question should be: do you want the linker to locate the
variables in eeprom or would you like to have control over what ends up
where? The latter is often better if you intend to have firmware upgrades
in the future but with the same eeprom contents (e.g. calibrati
Hello Victor,
> Thank you for your response. As I think over about this issue, I wonder
> how did Atmel guys thought this should have been addressed from the
> compiler/linker perspective.
> In the AT89C51ID2 chip DATA/IDATA, XDATA and EEPROM are all overlapped
> (i.e. all three begin at address
Hello Karl,
> After some more investigating it looks like this may have something to do
> with the ihx step in the linker.
> It appears that the extended addressing (which seems to control the larger
> address space) is only enabled for `TARGET_IS_8051` and `TARGET_IS_6808`
> (see
> http://sourcef
Hello Vicente,
I recommend to post this as a feature request. Here in the user mailing
list it is most certain to be forgotten.
Or even better, try to implement it yourself in pic(14/16)/gen.c and post
the patch in the patch tracker.
> Hello.
> I've been using SDCC (PIC por
Hello all,
I just enabled voting for the following trackers: Bugs, Feature requests
and Patches. From now on it should be possible to vote for tickets you
like to be fixed.
Maarten Brock
Site24x7 APM
lijke groet
> ESSAISSI, Rémi Julien
> On Saturday, 16-01-2016 at 12:35 Maarten Brock wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just enabled voting for the following trackers: Bugs, Feature
> requests and Patches. From now on it should be possible to vo
IMO the problem is created by the C standard in the first place.
They require a char to be promoted to an int, but do nothing to
prevent problems when passing a long. They should either have
required it to be cast down to an int as well, cast everything up to
the largest supported integer
Hello David,
The -L option only sets a library search path. It's -l that adds a library.
Hope this helps,
> I'm running Debian Sid, using SDCC 3.5.0 for the gbz80 architecture.
> In my statically-linked library, I have been using only one source file,
> but today I had a reason to add
> On 19 April 2016 at 08:15, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
>> While SDCC has different optimizations from Cosmic, and in some cases
>> will optimize better or worse than Cosmic, in this case it probably
>> won't matter much. SDCC does not currently optimize calls to float
>> functions with constan
Hi Philipp,
I also think 3) is correct.
And I think you misread the manual. It states that a non-interruptable ISR
uses __critical __interrupt(0).
This means that 1) needs an extra EI in the entry. This was supposed to be
an interruptible ISR. When I implemented it I think I forgot that entering
> On 28.04.2016 16:04, Alan Cox wrote:
>> For the #2 case you can't do the ei because on many platforms (eg MSX)
>> you'll immediately take another interrupt and execute nothing but
>> ei
>> push af
>> irq entry
>> ei
>> push af
>> irq entry
>> until you crash.
> Ah, yes. Level-triggered
Can you please add this to the 3.6.0 wiki page? This really should end up
in the release notes when the release is made.
> Based on the discussion here, the bug reports and hardare documentation,
> I changed the __interrupt handling in the z80-related backends in
> revision #958
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot for the reply. It is mcs51. I guess I will take a look at
> that. What if I need to exchange more than a byte of data? Should I just
> increment the location pointed to by dpl? Is that how this works?
No, but again look at the generated assembly for something similar
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