
Have you measured the pins with a voltage meter?
Have you calculated the current through the LED with 10k? Is it enough?


> I'm confident its user error, but I seem to be unable to program my
> PIC16F628A (it's my first foray into the world of PICs, been working with
> arm M4's). All I'm trying to do is turn on LED outputs, but I this doesn't
> seem to be working. I'm trying to use the internal 4MHz oscillator, all
> the
> port A and B pins (so everything except for VDD and VSS) are connected to
> a
> 10K resistor and LED. This is all done on a breadboard, so it's possible
> there is an error in the wiring, but it appears to be correct.
> I'm using a PicKIT 2 to program it (and it can correctly auto identify the
> device as a PIC16F628A) and believes it successfully flashes the device.
> This leads to me to believe I have a good chip, and the ICSP worked out
> correctly.
> I'm attempting to build with SDCC, with the appended code, but I don't get
> any thing on any of the output pins, it simply sits there after power on.
> Are there any obvious errors here?
> Thanks for your time.
> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> #include "pic16f628a.h"
> unsigned int __at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _INTOSC_OSC_NOCLKOUT &      //
> Internal
> oscillator
>                                 _WDT_OFF        &       // No Watchdog
>                                 _LVP_OFF        &       // No Low-Volt
> Program.
>                                 _DATA_CP_OFF    &       // No Code Protect
>                                 _PWRTE_ON;
> static unsigned char count;
> void main(void) {
>         CMCON |= 0x07;  // Disable comparators.  NEEDED FOR NORMAL PORTA
>         TRISB = 0x00;   // Set port B as all outputs
>         TRISA = 0x00;   // Set port A as all outputs
>         PORTA = 0xFF;
>         PORTB = 0xFF;
>         while(1) {}
> }

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