Follow-up Comment #28, task #16596 (group administration):
> Definitely, [// we don't ask people
> to call Linux GNU], that would be incorrect. What we ask is not to call GNU
> Linux.
> When _building_ GCC, one uses
> [//
Follow-up Comment #26, task #16596 (group administration):
> Now, simcore/aria.c says, "This file is *based* on public domain code
> from..." (the emphasis is mine); however, it says little about its legal
> status. By the nature of the public domain, works based on it may have any
> distributio
es with a collection of public domain files; our tarball does not
even include the whole crypto++ collection any more.
Please find the updated tarball at:
l good for users to know what changes have been made to the
external libraries, most of which are very well known. Also, added a new text
file build/installer_files, used by build/
Please find the new tarball at:
iles should
> include copyright and license notices in themselves.
> * The notices in country.txt are confusing: both public domain dedication and
> LGPL license notice is included.
Tried to solve these problems, please find the new tarball at:
which includes the above change, as well as
embedded licenses at:
Follow-up Comment #16, task #16596 (group administration):
>> The above version also includes a fix for miniupnpcstrings.h as you
>> requested.
> Thank you! As far as I can see, though, the license isn't included in
> miniupnpc/
That's because incl
ted on Savannah, so
> you are responsible for its compliance with Savannah hosting requirements.
Removed some unnecessary files and reviewed the rest; traced the origin of
files that did not include copyright and license notices and added them
accordingly. Here's the new tarball:
Follow-up Comment #12, task #16596 (group administration):
> Please make sure that all copyrightable files include valid copyright and
> license notices. Currently, files like npth/ don't.
Just to make sure I get it right, is this about all copyrightable text files
of all third-part
Follow-up Comment #10, task #16596 (group administration):
>> Upgraded openssl to version 3.0, which uses the apache license. Here's the
>> updated tarball:
> This URL serves me with a
Follow-up Comment #8, task #16596 (group administration):
Upgraded openssl to version 3.0, which uses the apache license. Here's the
updated tarball:
Other changes also made with this update:
* removed build/rlink/, build/maked
ide towards it, we have no interest in seeing
our names mentioned and ask you to respect our privacy. We are committed to
maintaining Simphone as we have already done in the last four years, and of
course if we get contributions from third parties that we want to accept, we
are going to have to ask t
r where all affected persons and entities are named
explicitly and unequivocally, and of course aware of the assignment.
> Generally, who are copyright holders of your package, and how do they
co-ordinate their copyrights?
We (the creators of Simphone) as a single entity are the copyright h
it can be
fixed. You can find the new tarball here:
Following is the list of dependency licenses that you requested:
cares/: MIT license
cryptopp/: boost license, but all individual files suppose
Summary: Submission of simphone
Group: Savannah Administration
Submitter: simphone
Submitted: Thu 24 Oct 2024 04:01:46 AM UTC
Should Start On: Thu 24 Oct 2024 12:00:00
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