[sage-support] Re: Multiple calls of irreducible_character() have incompatible output

2021-06-23 Thread Trevor Karn
I see the same issue on 9.4.beta1. It looks like maybe there is a unique representation issue happening? That is, on your second call if irreducible characters, it creates a new instance of the irreducible and so it doesn't recognize them as the same. If you only compute the G.irreducible_chara

[sage-support] Re: Coercion bug message when working with group algebras

2022-08-06 Thread Trevor Karn
I can reproduce this on 9.7.beta7. The problem is that the parent is not understood to be the same (even though it clearly is). A workaround is: sage: x = kH(a) + kH(b) + kH(H.one()); x () + (5,6,7)(12,14,18) + (1,2)(3,4) sage: x*x (5,7,6)(12,18,14) Here H.one() puts the one in the right pa

Re: [sage-support] Re: Coercion bug message when working with group algebras

2022-08-06 Thread Trevor Karn
Is the x you give in these examples the same x as above? I’m worried (maybe needlessly) about if the x you give includes a summand of kH.one(). If the x you give does not include a summand of one, then the behavior you described is consistent with what I think the problem is. If the x in the new ex

Re: [sage-support] Re: Coercion bug message when working with group algebras

2022-08-11 Thread Trevor Karn
There is a description/proposed fix of the problem on this trac ticket: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/34292 On Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 12:44:59 PM UTC-7 keirh...@gmail.com wrote: > This code: > > > > > *H = PermutationGroup([ [(1,2), (3,4)], [(5,6,7),(12,14,18)] ])kH = > H.algebra(GF(2)

[sage-support] Re: mathematica_console() command not working

2023-01-19 Thread Trevor Karn
Something similar seems to happen with `gap_console()` and `gap.console()`. On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 5:22:23 PM UTC-6 John H Palmieri wrote: > "mathematica_console()" is available (or at least it should be) when using > Sage from the command-line but not from the notebook. There was a bu

[sage-support] Re: Sage 10.4 matrix mult fails on matrices over an exterior algebra

2025-03-07 Thread Trevor Karn
https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/39648 I am no guru but I think I can tackle it. On Friday, March 7, 2025 at 11:47:31 AM UTC-6 Nils Bruin wrote: > I can confirm that changing in > sage.matrix.matrix_generic_dense.Matrix_generic_dense._multiply_classical > the line from left._entries[m+k