I can reproduce this on 9.7.beta7.

The problem is that the parent is not understood to be the same (even 
though it clearly is). A workaround is:

sage: x = kH(a) + kH(b) + kH(H.one()); x

() + (5,6,7)(12,14,18) + (1,2)(3,4)

sage: x*x


Here H.one() puts the one in the right parent for the coercion framework, 
but this definitely looks like a bug to me, because

sage: kH(a).parent()

Algebra of Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 
(1,2)(3,4)] over Finite Field of size 2

sage: kH.one().parent()

Algebra of Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 
(1,2)(3,4)] over Finite Field of size 2

sage: kH(a).parent() is kH.one().parent()


Reproducing the bug with messages on 9.7.beta7:

sage: H = PermutationGroup([[(*1*,*2*), (*3*,*4*)], [(*5*,*6*,*7*),(*12*,

sage: kH = H.algebra(GF(*2*))

sage: H.gens()

((5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4))

sage: a, b = H.gens()

sage: x = kH(a) + kH(b) + kH.one(); x

(5,6,7)(12,14,18) + (1,2)(3,4) + ()

sage: x*x


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)

Input In [7], in <cell line: 1>()

----> 1 x*x

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1514, in 

*   1512* cdef int cl = classify_elements(left, right)

*   1513* if HAVE_SAME_PARENT(cl):

-> 1514     return (<Element>left)._mul_(right)

*   1515* if BOTH_ARE_ELEMENT(cl):

*   1516*     return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/element.pyx:1560, in 

*   1558*         raise bin_op_exception('*', self, other)

*   1559*     else:

-> 1560         return python_op(other)

*   1561* 

*   1562* cdef _mul_long(self, long n):

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/coercion_methods.pyx:53, in 

*     51*     True

*     52* """

---> 53 return (<Element>self)._parent.product(self, other)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/magmatic_algebras.py:215, in 
left, right)

*    201* *def* _product_from_product_on_basis_multiply( self, left, right 

*    202*     r*"""*

*    203* *    Compute the product of two elements by extending*

*    204* *    bilinearly the method :meth:`product_on_basis`.*


*    213* 

*    214* *    """*

--> 215     *return* 
self.linear_combination((self.product_on_basis(mon_left, mon_right), 
coeff_left * coeff_right )

*    216*                                     *for* (mon_left, coeff_left) 
*in* left.monomial_coefficients().items()

*    217*                                     *for* (mon_right, 
coeff_right) *in* right.monomial_coefficients().items() )

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/combinat/free_module.py:969, in 
CombinatorialFreeModule.linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    945* *def* linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    946*     r*"""*

*    947* *    Return the linear combination `\lambda_1 v_1 + \cdots +*

*    948* *    \lambda_k v_k` (resp.  the linear combination `v_1 \lambda_1 


*    967* *        20*B[1] + 20*B[2]*

*    968* *    """*

--> 969     *return* 

*    970*                                                     *for* 
element, coeff *in* iter_of_elements_coeff),

*    971*                                                    

*    972*                            remove_zeros=*False*)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/data_structures/blas_dict.pyx:313, in 

*    311*     return remove_zeros(result)

*    312* 

--> 313 cpdef dict linear_combination(dict_factor_iter, bint 

*    314*     r"""

*    315*     Return the pointwise addition of dictionaries with 

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/data_structures/blas_dict.pyx:348, in 

*    346* cdef dict D

*    347* 

--> 348 for D, a in dict_factor_iter:

*    349*     if not a: # We multiply by 0, so nothing to do

*    350*         continue

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/combinat/free_module.py:969, in 

*    945* *def* linear_combination(self, iter_of_elements_coeff, 

*    946*     r*"""*

*    947* *    Return the linear combination `\lambda_1 v_1 + \cdots +*

*    948* *    \lambda_k v_k` (resp.  the linear combination `v_1 \lambda_1 


*    967* *        20*B[1] + 20*B[2]*

*    968* *    """*

--> 969     *return* 

*    970*                                                     *for* 
element, coeff *in* iter_of_elements_coeff),

*    971*                                                    

*    972*                            remove_zeros=*False*)

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/magmatic_algebras.py:215, in 

*    201* *def* _product_from_product_on_basis_multiply( self, left, right 

*    202*     r*"""*

*    203* *    Compute the product of two elements by extending*

*    204* *    bilinearly the method :meth:`product_on_basis`.*


*    213* 

*    214* *    """*

--> 215     *return* 
self.linear_combination((self.product_on_basis(mon_left, mon_right), 
coeff_left * coeff_right )

*    216*                                     *for* (mon_left, coeff_left) 
*in* left.monomial_coefficients().items()

*    217*                                     *for* (mon_right, 
coeff_right) *in* right.monomial_coefficients().items() )

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/categories/semigroups.py:957, in 
Semigroups.Algebras.ParentMethods.product_on_basis(self, g1, g2)

*    939* *def* product_on_basis(self, g1, g2):

*    940*     r*"""*

*    941* *    Product, on basis elements, as per*

*    942* *    


*    955* *        B['ab'] + B['bdc']*

*    956* *    """*

--> 957     *return* self.monomial(g1 * g2)

~/Applications/sage/src/sage/groups/perm_gps/permgroup_element.pyx:1295, in 

*   1293*             return prod

*   1294* 

-> 1295     return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, operator.mul)

*   1296* 

*   1297* cpdef _mul_(left, _right):

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1200, in 

*   1198* # Now coerce to a common parent and do the operation there

*   1199* try:

-> 1200     xy = self.canonical_coercion(x, y)

*   1201* except TypeError:

*   1202*     self._record_exception()

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:1332, in 

*   1330*         if x_elt._parent is y_elt._parent:

*   1331*             return x_elt,y_elt

-> 1332     self._coercion_error(x, x_map, x_elt, y, y_map, y_elt)

*   1333* 

*   1334* cdef bint x_numeric = isinstance(x, (int, long, float, complex))

File ~/Applications/sage/src/sage/structure/coerce.pyx:2031, in 

*   2029*             <class 'str'> 'g'

*   2030*         """

-> 2031         raise RuntimeError("""There is a bug in the coercion code 
in Sage.

*   2032* Both x (=%r) and y (=%r) are supposed to have identical parents 
but they don't.

*   2033* In fact, x has parent '%s'

RuntimeError: There is a bug in the coercion code in Sage.

Both x (=()) and y (=(5,6,7)(12,14,18)) are supposed to have identical 
parents but they don't.

In fact, x has parent 'Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]'

whereas y has parent 'Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), 

Original elements () (parent Permutation Group with generators 
[(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and (5,6,7)(12,14,18) (parent Permutation 
Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]) and maps

<class 'NoneType'> None

<class 'sage.structure.coerce_maps.DefaultConvertMap_unique'> (map internal 
to coercion system -- copy before use)

Coercion map:

  From: Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]

  To:   Permutation Group with generators [(5,6,7)(12,14,18), (1,2)(3,4)]
On Friday, August 5, 2022 at 4:21:09 PM UTC-7 keirh...@gmail.com wrote:

> The Sage version I was using is 9.6.
> On Friday, August 5, 2022 at 7:19:48 PM UTC-4 keirh...@gmail.com wrote:
>> When I do this:
>> *H = PermutationGroup([ [(1,2), (3,4)], [(5,6,7),(12,14,18)] ])kH = 
>> H.algebra(GF(2))[a, b] = H.gens()x = kH(a) + kH(b) + kH.one(); print(x)x*x*
>> I get an error caused by the last computation: "RuntimeError: There is a 
>> bug in the coercion code in Sage." (I was working in Cocalc, but you can 
>> cut and paste the code above into a SageMathCell and reproduce the error.)
>> Is this really a bug, or should I be doing this differently? (I found the 
>> problem working with a larger group, but this simpler example above has the 
>> same issue.)
>> Thanks --
>> Keir

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