No, export MAKE="make -j1" before doing a "make" didn't resolve the
problem. The number of parallel processes kept rising from 4 until around
20. Not sure if this is a bug, or results from some misconfiguration of my
machine. I didn't fiddle with the Sage source, just got it fresh from
OK, with export MAKE="make -j1" the number of parallel processes seems to
be around 4 most of the time. So it does not paralyze the computer. schrieb am Samstag, 7. Dezember 2024 um 15:58:31 UTC+1:
The following may still work:
export MAKE="make -j1"
You received t
(1) Oh, I just realized that actually most of the optional packages which I
need are already provided by the ArchLinux package "sagemath". I very much
appreciate your great work on this! In fact, the only one I use often and
which seems to be missing is "sage_numerical_backends_gurobi".
(2) Set
Compiling SageMath 10.5 on an ArchLinux system seems to ignore the "-j"
option to make. Even if I do "make -j1", more than the number of cores (16
in my case) processes run in parallel, freezing the system for most of the
-- Peter Mueller
PS: ArchLinux actually provides SageMath 10.5. Ho
OK, it's now.
-- Peter Mueller schrieb am Montag, 25. November 2024 um 15:35:56 UTC+1:
Opening an issue on GitHub will help.
It shouldn't be harder than posting here.
You received this message because you are subscribed to th
I'm not familiar with the developing process. So I guess someone (maybe
you?) should open a ticket? Or I could try to fill the "Issue: Bug Report"
form on the github page if that's the right thing to do.
-- Peter Mueller schrieb am Montag, 25. November 2024 um 10:38:51 UTC+1
var('x'); 1.1^x
works fine, but
raises a
ValueError: power::eval(): division by zero
(also in the SageCell).
Is this intended behavior?
--Peter Mueller
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"sage-support" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and s
n = 10
A = matrix(QQ, n, 1, range(n))
B = A.sparse_matrix()
v = vector((0,))
The trivial calculation
sol = A.solve_left(v)
instantly yields a solution (the all 0 vector), while
sol = B.solve_left(v)
takes forever ... !!! I haven't looked at the implementation, but it seems
to me th
Installation of Sage 10.3.rc0 from source on an up-to-date Arch Linux
machine fails. I'm not sure if the following snippet of the log file hints
to the problem:
[sagelib-10.3.rc0] In file included from
[sagelib-10.3.rc0] sage/symbolic/ginac/useries-fl
On up-to-date Archlinux and Manjaro machines, I get build errors of the
packages sage_numerical_backends_coin-9.0b12
and sage_numerical_backends_gurobi-9.3.1 in SageMath version 10.2.rc0. For
both packages the error logs look similar. I don't know if the following
is the relevant part of the
Thanks, the following line resolves the issue in Sage 10.0.beta6 (but not
in 9.8, but I don't care):
`libgap.SetUserPreference("AtlasRep", "AtlasRepAccessRemoteFiles", true )`
Dima Pasechnik schrieb am Dienstag, 18. April 2023 um 12:50:49 UTC+2:
So you can either go and edit the file abov
While `libgap.SimpleGroup("J2")` yields the expected result,
`libgap.SimpleGroup("J3")` raises a `GAPError: Error, The AtlasRep package
could not load a group with parameters [ "J3" ]`. Calling
`libgap.LoadPackage("AtlasRep")` returns without errors, but the problem
The same happens
ar 2023, 18:25 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support, <
>> wrote:
>> When working with finite permutation groups, it seems to me that one has
>> the choice to either use the groups as sage objects like
>> `SymmetricGroup(4)`,
When working with finite permutation groups, it seems to me that one has
the choice to either use the groups as sage objects like
`SymmetricGroup(4)`, or as a Gap object via `libgap.SymmetricGroup(4)`. The
former has rather limited functionality (and quite a few bugs as reported
earlier), so th
Secundum non datur ...:
sage: L = {0}
sage: L == Set(L)
sage: L != Set(L)
How can this happen?! With the python bulltin `set` instead of `Set` I get
the expected behavior though. (I'm using Sage version 9.8.)
-- Peter Mueller
You received this message because you are subscribed
Even though I installed the optional packages csdp and dsdp in Sage 9.8,
they do not seem to be available as backends for `SemidefiniteProgram()`.
At any rate, calling it with `solver='csdp'` or `solver='dsdp'` results in
the error message *ValueError: 'solver' should be set to 'CVXOPT',
Start with
g = SymmetricGroup(3)
chi = g.trivial_character()
u = g.subgroup([])
reg = u.trivial_character().induct(g)
yields as expected the answer 1.
Now repeat the very same two lines, but before doing so compute the
representatives of conjugacy classes
2022 um 14:06:50 UTC+2:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 8:24 PM 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support
> wrote:
> >
> > OK, calling "sage -sh" and setting "export qe="~/local/sage/local"
> allows to start qepcad without relocating files. However, qepcad
g, 11. Juli 2022 um 19:11:08 UTC+2:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2022, 17:04 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support, <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion, I wasn't aware of this feature. However, here
>> it results in "Error
e existing help page
(at ~/local/sage/local/share/qepcad/ to the place where qepcad
is looking for it. schrieb am Montag, 11. Juli 2022 um 17:40:11 UTC+2:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2022, 16:33 'Peter Mueller' via sage-support, <
> sage-s...@go
When running
var('p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3')
qf = qepcad_formula
# q1 = p1
l = [p1+q1 == 1, 0 < p1, p1 < 1,
0 <= p2, p2 <= 1, 0 <= q2, q2 <= 1,
p2 + p1*q1 + q2 == 1,
0 <= p3, p3 <= 1, 0 <= q3, q3 <= 1,
p3 + p2*q1 + p1*q2 + q3 == 1]
F = qepcad_formula.and_(l)
qepcad(F, s
I would do something like this (example for n=5):
n = 5
R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x', n)
x0 = R.gen(0) # A shorter alternative is R.0
f = sum((i+1)*x0^i for i in range(n+1)) # sample polynomial
p = 1
for xi in R.gens():
p *= f.substitute({x0:xi})
p = sum(coeff*mono for coeff, mono in list
The following trivial code eats up all the memory and crashes with
an Unhandled SIGSEGV on my Linux machine and sage version 9.3. But it does
not work either on the sage cell!
var('z y')
f = -(15*z/(17*y + 11) + 1)*(5*z/(4*y + 1) - 1)*(15*z/(3*y - 4) + 1)
-- Peter Mueller
You receiv
I had a hard to track down error which eventually relied on sage
permutation groups behave odd in regard to subgroups. A subgroup y of a
subgroup x of g isn't always considered as a subgroup of g. Compare
sage: g = SymmetricGroup(2)
: x = g.subgroup([])
: y = x.subgroup([])
: x == y
The following code yields a Traceback for no (to me) obvious reason. The
same happens on sagecell too. It seems to be a minimal case. For instance
removing the line "P = ..." or having less deeply nested loops does not
display this problem:
for A in PrimitiveGroups(3):
for G in A.normal_sub
In the code below g1 and g2 are the same group, where g2 is produced as a
subgroup of g1, and c is the principal character of g1. Still, when it
comes to scalar products, somehow g1 is not considered as a subgroup of
sage: g1 = SymmetricGroup(2)
: g2 = g1.conjugacy_classes_subgroups
If G is a 3d graphics object, then displaying it via'threejs') the web browser allows to save the corresponding
html code. However, for computing a large number of graphics on a server,
it would be more convenient to save the html code directly. I would have
expected something li
x27;Peter Mueller' via sage-support a écrit :
> > Calling the example
> > from sage.rings.factorint import factor_cunningham
> > factor_cunningham(2^257-1)
> > from the docs yields the message that the Cunningham tables should be
> > installed via ``sage -i
Calling the example
from sage.rings.factorint import factor_cunningham
from the docs yields the message that the Cunningham tables should be
installed via ``sage -i cunningham_tables``. Trying this, however, yields
a `not found' message, and suggests to try the option
A slight modification of the example which documents the use of the method
`rational_parameterization' yields a rather long Traceback:
A. = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
C = Curve([10*x^2 + 2*y^2 - 3], A)
You can use an exception, something as follows:
def is_lp_solvable(P):
return True
return False
Am Sonntag, 28. April 2019 14:31:31 UTC+2 schrieb
> Hello everyone! I would like to ask a question about the solvability of a
Computing on a machine with 54 cpus, I parallelized a sage computation,
running 40 sage scripts in the background at the same time. The strange
thing (with narrowed down test examples) is: While each script for itself
would need about 1s to finish, running these scripts in parallel do not
Is it a bug, or is there a reasonable explanation of the following?
kk. = GF(2)[]
k. = kk.quo(a^2+a+1)
K. = k[]
for n in [10..32]:
print n, (T*y)^n
0 y*T^10
11 (y + 1)*T^11
12 T^12
13 y*T^13
14 (y + 1)*T^14
15 T^15
16 y*T^16
17 (y + 1)*T^17
18 T^18
19 y*T^19
20 (y + 1)*T^20
In Sage 8.0 I find the following unexpected behavior:
sage: k. = GF(2)[]
sage: K. = k[]
sage: f = x^1000 + a*x^500 + b
sage: time f^16
CPU times: user 7.61 s, sys: 8 ms, total: 7.62 s
Wall time: 7.62 s
x^16000 + a^16*x^8000 + b^16
Is it really the case that the exponentiation does not make use of
Thanks, that solved the problem. (I wasn't aware that the actual phc binary
isn't included in sage while the interface to it is.)
Am Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2017 19:19:10 UTC+2 schrieb vdelecroix:
> Do you have phc installed on your computer? The error message says that
> there is no 'phc' command
Trying the example from the doc of phc results in:
sage: from sage.interfaces.phc import phc
sage: R. = PolynomialRing(CDF,2)
sage: testsys = [x^2 + 1, x*y - 1]
sage: phc.mixed_volume(testsys)
The functions and their docs in codes.bounds.* still seem to be a mess (as
they have been since many years now). Here a few findings from a recent
attempt to use them in class:
(1) If the code parameters are n = length, d = minimum distance, and q =
size of the alphabet, there seems to be no sy
sage: AlternatingGroup(12).character_table()
File "", line 2
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Looking into the function character_table, there seems to be a problem in
converting the Gap cyclotomic integer to Sage cycloto
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