In the code below g1 and g2 are the same group, where g2 is produced as a subgroup of g1, and c is the principal character of g1. Still, when it comes to scalar products, somehow g1 is not considered as a subgroup of itself: sage: g1 = SymmetricGroup(2) ....: g2 = g1.conjugacy_classes_subgroups()[-1] ....: c = g1.trivial_character() ....: ....: def test(h): ....: try: ....: x = c.restrict(h) ....: y = h.trivial_character() ....: print('x == y?:', x == y) ....: return x.scalar_product(y) ....: except: ....: return 'GAPError' ....: g1 == g2 ....: [test(g2), test(g1)] ....: True x == y?: True x == y?: True [1, 'GAPError']
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