The functions and their docs in codes.bounds.* still seem to be a mess (as 
they have been since many years now). Here a few findings from a recent 
attempt to use them in class:

(1) If the code parameters are n = length, d = minimum distance, and q = 
size of the alphabet, there seems to be no system about the order of the 
arguments n, q, and d in these functions. For instance plotkin_upper_bound 
and others expect the arguments in the order n, q, d, 
while codesize_upper_bound and others expect the arguments in the order n, 
d, q.

(2) To make the inconsistencies in (1) even worse, the docs of many of 
these functions *do not* tell the order of the arguments; instead one has 
to look into the source code, or figure it out with small examples.

(3) Even if  there is a doc which tells about the arguments, then it may 
contain some other nonsense.  For instance hamming_upper_bound says that q 
is the size of a field, while this bound actually holds for any finite 
alphabet of size q.

(4) Again, there seem to be wrong bounds. For instance, 
 codesize_upper_bound(19,10,2) yields 8, while there are easy examples of 
size 16, and it is known that there are even codes of size 20. Looking into 
the source code reveals that codesize_upper_bound erroneously uses the 
Griesmer bound, which works for linear codes only.

I'm not sure how to fix the mess in (1) without breaking compatibility. 
Maybe a solution could be to enhance these functions with keyword arguments.

-- Peter Mueller

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