Hello all,
A group member encouraged me to announce this here, so here goes.
This past summer I worked on a project to develop interactive, online
lessons for Calculus I. (Calc II too as well, there's only so much
time in the day.) The general idea is that each set of slides should
pass for cour
nal email but I can't recall it offhand; my apologies for not
naming you!
john perry
On Sep 19, 3:07 pm, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Very, very nice. Thanks for posting these.
> -M. Hampton
> On Sep 19, 7:47 am, john_perry_usm <[EMAIL PROTE
I have a "calculus with computers" course. The biggest suggestion I
have is from the student's point of view--most students I've known
don't care whether a package is open source vs. whether it's closed.
They do like the free aspect, but what they care about most of all is,
"How do I use this
> You teach at West Point?
I teach at USM (Southern Mississippi). Completely different part of
the country, but you have a point: they care about price, too. Maybe
more so; the local paper has been running a series of articles
exposing tricks the textbook publishers use to gouge ever more mo
> I'm looking for success stories from people who have used Sage
> in their undergraduate teaching, particularly at the lower years.
I think this counts as a "success story". I've used Sage in two
classes now: Honors Calc I, and MAT 305, a class our department calls
"Mathematical Computing",
On Nov 17, 6:56 pm, calcp...@aol.com wrote:
> Wow, this sounds great! I'm trying to get a "Calculus Lab" started up
> at my school that sounds like your "Honor Calculus" and I'm trying to
> get rid of BASIC and replace it with python in our intro to programming
> class, "Computer Math," that soun
On Nov 18, 5:15 pm, David Joyner wrote:
> IMHO you are a really, really good writer/teacher, if these are a
> representative example.
> Are these lecture notes (a) available as beamer files, (b) under and
> open-source
> license, (c) postable as latex files?
> Great job!
Thank you very, very
On Dec 19, 1:51 pm, michel paul wrote:
> Since most on this list probably work at the college level, as a high school
> teacher I'd be interested in the math expectations you'd have for incoming
> high school graduates today?
(1) Some kind of evidence that the student is accustomed to readin
I'm really slow getting back to this (sorry, even my winter breaks are
insane) so apologies if this thread is considered dead, but:
On Dec 31 2009, 5:23 pm, calcp...@aol.com wrote:
> >> Honors Calc athttp://www.math.usm.edu/sage/
> >> Mathematical Computing athttp://www.math.usm.edu/perry/mat305fa
Sorry for the late reply.
I don't know if this is helpful, but something people have told me
before is that if you can get it started independently (i.e. without
administration support/money but with permission), and you
subsequently demonstrate success, then you have a more powerful
Hi all
I'm going to the AP Calc reading in June. I had wondered if that might
be a good place to give a talk about Sage: lots of university & high
school teachers of Calculus who might be interested in it. I'd have to
get permission from ETS to give a talk, but they might allow an
informal one. Tw
t help?
On Jan 21, 10:14 am, William Stein wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:50 AM, john_perry_usm wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I'm going to the AP Calc reading in June. I had wondered if that might
> > be a good place to give a talk about Sage: lots of universit
Maybe I gave the wrong impression: the crack about the Tarot reading
was merely a joke. ETS goes to incredible efforts to make sure the
reading is very precise and everyone grades the same way.
I don't want to convince ETS to use sage as part of the reading; I
hadn't contemplated that at all. I wa
Replies to various, in no particular order:
> I also recall there
> being some talks in the evenings that were pitched as professional
> development opportunities.
I hadn't thought of that; I was looking at it more as an informal talk
to let people know about this alternative. A couple of years a
I don't completely agree with the concerns others have raised about
cheating. One of the wonderful aspects of computer-based evaluation is
the ability to randomize questions: not just the numbers within
questions, but the questions themselves. For years, I've given my
Modern Algebra classes randomi
> > So imagine a worksheet that generates its own questions via one or
> > more hidden, auto-executing procedures. All possible questions could
> > be embedded in the code, but not all possible questions would be
> > displayed, only the questions for a particular student.
> ...
> I'm not sure this
On Aug 30, 3:23 am, dimpase wrote:
> One can write a Python function to quiz people – that's of course
> suboptimal...
> (such a function should have its source code hidden, but this is not too
> hard to achieve)
A Python function could be useful if it were sufficiently randomized.
I reckon it de
Thanks! I wasn't aware we could do that.
john perry
On Sep 21, 9:40 pm, Dan Drake wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to create some video files for my students (we're studying the
> wave equation, which begs for animation) and post them on the web where
> they can be easily watched. The easies
On Oct 29, 10:09 am, michel paul wrote:
> Here's a relatively minor issue that might not be minor for someone new to
> Sage.
> In illustrating very simple probability as len(outcomes)/len(sample_space),
> integer division occurs, so the probability becomes 0.
The origin of this behavior is that
On Oct 30, 5:26 pm, William Stein wrote:
> // is in Python 2.x for integer quotient.
Ouch. I misread a webpage, badly.
I guess this quote from the Python website answers the original
question: "Because of severe backwards compatibility issues, not to
mention a major flamewar on c.l.py,
> What I would really like is a way to merge worksheets. Every few days
> I would post a new worksheet, and each student would merge it into his/
> her existing worksheet, to which I already had access.
Students can click on the "Edit" button on the worksheet, which brings
up a way to edit the wo
On Jan 13, 11:13 am, John Travis wrote:
> I've been creating several single cell "sagelets" to utilize from
> within WebWork problems.
Nice :-) Very, very, nice. Are you still interested in trying to work
on stuff like this this summer?
john perry
You received this message bec
On Jan 15, 7:38 pm, John Travis wrote:
> Sure. What works for you? Anyone else interested?
I'd be more interested in material on Calc I & II. I haven't heard
back from the school about funding that project yet, but I'd like to
see what can be adapted into an online text as well as homework
On Saturday, November 24, 2012 2:19:54 PM UTC-6, Andrea Lazzarotto wrote:
> Hi, about two months ago there was the Linux Day here in Italy. For the
> occasion I prepared a presentation about Sage. If you speak Italian and
> want to check it out, you can find it on my blog, with 4 short video de
I've logged onto the MAA website twice now and don't even see the March CMJ
available online, let alone that article. I hope it becomes available soon.
john perry
On Tuesday, March 5, 2013 10:51:26 AM UTC-6, kcrisman wrote:
> See http://www.maa.org/pubs/cmj_mar13.html and your local library (o
it... ;-)
john perry
On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 9:29:09 AM UTC-6, Minh Nguyen wrote:
> Hi John,
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:20 AM, john_perry_usm
> >
> wrote:
> > I've logged onto the MAA website twice now and don't even see the March
> >
On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 3:41:22 PM UTC-6, Minh Nguyen wrote:
> Hi John,
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:32 AM, john_perry_usm
> >
> wrote:
> > How rude! I pay for online access to MAA magazines (specifically!) and
> can't
> > see it yet from the MAA
I have been roused. ;-) Hopefully enough of us will make enough noise that
someone over there will notice.
john perry
On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 3:14:49 PM UTC-6, Bruce Cohen wrote:
> I agree this is rude. Please be roused.
> -Bruce
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 7:32
0 AM UTC-6, john_perry_usm wrote:
> I have been roused. ;-) Hopefully enough of us will make enough noise that
> someone over there will notice.
> john perry
> On Wednesday, March 6, 2013 3:14:49 PM UTC-6, Bruce Cohen wrote:
>> I agree this is rude. Please be rouse
I would be interested in looking at it. I've done something similar with
students in the past, but I don't think the code I wrote was all that
useful, and I had intentions to improve it, and perhaps submit it to Sage.
john perry
On Sunday, March 17, 2013 12:31:41 AM UTC-5, Andrey Novoseltsev wr
On Thursday, March 21, 2013 8:15:05 AM UTC-5, kcrisman wrote:
> Despite the overall positive tone, I have to say my favorite quote is:
> "I can not help but editorialize that installing and using SageTeX took me
> approximately 4 hours of hair tearing frustration — it is comparable in
> diffi
How do you use some version of Sage in a class?
In an Honors Calculus class, I use it both to illustrate concepts from time
to time, and to give assignments where students approach certain problems
experimentally, trying to guess a conclusion. We also run a "Mathematical
Computation" c
I looked at a sample chapter; I don't read much Polish at all, but some of
it still makes sense. ;-) More seriously, I liked how some of the graphs
are diagrammed (snake picture) but not too many and the typeface. Can I ask
what typeface that is?
john perry
On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 8:5
Thank you for the kind words, William. :-)
> One request: can you syntax highlight the big blocks of input code?
Somehow we didn't think of that. If you have handy, ready-to-plug-in tex
code, I could try doing that very soon. Otherwise I'm absolutely swamped
this semester, so it ain't gonna
also started to look at the content, first off
> On Sunday, October 9, 2016 at 9:30:44 AM UTC+2, john_perry_usm wrote:
>> (c1) The administration expresses support for, and interest in, open
>> textbooks.
> well, as mentioned above, open textbooks definit
> The bunny picture on page 195 is NC licensed. What is the agreement
> between the copyright holder of that image and your plan regarding charging
> royalties and splitting them?
As I wrote earlier, I had asked Kim Bui to grant us explicit permission to
use the photo under a CC-BY-SA licen
Harald has sent you some great info and advice on licenses. Its a
> complicated
> topic.
Indeed; I had no idea.
> My advice would be to use Amazon's CreateSpace (easy) or Ingram's
> Lightning
> Source (professional) for print-on-demand copies.
Right now we're using Lulu, which is
ititaive at the American Institute of
> Mathematics does exactly that. They include Grg Bard's new "Sage for
> Undergraduates" book, so there is at least one appropriate category for
> your
> text. They also have a ton of good advice for authors.
> http://a
> Well ... You are unfair ! Your book is a marvel ! lol
> Thanks to you I do this :
> https://github.com/aishenri/sage/blob/master/quadraduresagepifinal.ipynb
> Le mardi 22 août 2017 04:08:18 UTC+2, john_perry_usm a écrit :
>> Greetings!
Fellow Sage users
Some time ago I became familiar with a "Maple grader" that automatically
grades Maple worksheets that students submit, according to expected output.
Does anyone know of a similar thing for Sage? One reason I ask is that I've
thought of building one, but it's a bad idea if some
Five years ago, a couple of colleagues and I began writing a Sage-based
textbook to serve a class we teach at our institution. When we announced it
to Sage users, we received an encouraging reception and excellent feedback.
If that was meant to discourage us, it failed completely. ;-)
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