
> I'm looking for success stories from people who have used Sage
> in their undergraduate teaching, particularly at the lower years.

I think this counts as a "success story". I've used Sage in two
classes now: Honors Calc I, and MAT 305, a class our department calls
"Mathematical Computing", where we basically teach majors who have
completed the Calculus sequence some programming. In the past we used
Maple. The class was originally designed under three NSF grants, and
uses the Springer-Verlag textbook, "Mathematical Computing" by
Betounes and Redfern, the professors who designed the course.

It had become clear to me that the textbook was no longer appropriate.
Maple has changed, and some examples don't work anymore, or if they
do, don't work the way the book says. I recall that there's an fsolve
() example in our text that gives a different root than the one the
book reports, so I guess Maple changed some internals that affect
that. I could have looked for a new book that did more or less the
same thing, but since I've been using Sage exclusively for the last
year and a half, I thought I'd try it with MAT 305. This course for us
is not like what people from some universities have to face, where
someone expects the students to use what they learn in an engineering
or other math course. So I didn't even ask permission; I just went
ahead and did it. ;-)

It worked out very, *very* well. I switched the textbook to Zelle's
"Python Programming" and assigned only the chapters appropriate for
Sage (1, 2, 4, 6--8, 13), making adjustments to some exercises as
necessary. For example: my students have used the notebook interface
more or less exclusively this semester, and the notebook doesn't work
well with Python's "input" command, so I had to work around that.

Some students installed Sage from their laptops, but most work from
the server I run in my office. It's a Dell desktop hand-me-down with
512 MB of RAM, powered by an Intel Pentium 4, running a recent Ubuntu
Linux. As someone observed, it can run pretty slow during class time,
but it does run. Every now and then it'll hiccup and I have to restart
it, but aside from that students have more difficulty with the
computers in our labs than with the server. The load on the computer
is relatively small: there are 18-19 students in the class, and they
pair up on the computers in the lab. Since some use their own laptops,
I'd guess there are about 12-15 people running on that server at any
one time.

I didn't ask for permission; I just went ahead and did it. This might
not be a good idea in general. One of the other professors who teaches
the course spoke to me after a faculty meeting and said, "I notice
you're using Sage for Math Computing. I was thinking of that; how is
it working out?" He'll use Maple again next semester, but he's very
interested in switching in the long-term. To my knowledge, no students
have complained, even though Sage and Windows don't play as easily as
(say) Maple and Windows. To the contrary, the students seem to
*really* *like* it; the closest thing to a complain I've had was a
question last week along the lines of, "I really like this system, and
I'd like to use it in the high school classroom, but how easy is it to
install and move files from my home computer to my school computer?"
etc. Some students were sold, I think, on the fact that they were
learning Python programming as a bonus.

I mentioned Honors Calculus: I gave them a basic introduction, then
assigned occasional worksheets that required Calculus to solve a
problem. It could be done by hand, but doing it with Sage was
encouraged (and would have left them sane). Most of them responded to
it okay, some even loved it, while others just saw it as make-work.

I haven't (yet) tried to convince my department on switching
completely to Sage, but at least one colleague has switched, and
another apparently plans to. The main attractions for us have been
cost, open source, and using a fairly standard programming language.
The students like the worksheet interface, including the HTML editing
for text cells (TinyMCE?). But you do have to be completely honest
with the department that running Sage on Linux is easy, while running
Sage on Windows machines is non-trivial. It's not hard, but it's not
as straightforward as running it on Windows.

Hope something in all of that is useful.

john perry

On Nov 15, 5:12 pm, Colin Macdonald <macdon...@maths.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for success stories from people who have used Sage in
> their undergraduate teaching, particularly at the lower years.
> Also, any advice in convincing one's peers and institution that Sage
> is an appropriate path to take?  In particular, in switching away from
> a proprietary product.
> My department is moving away from Maple as a component in our first
> year teaching, and I may be in a position to influence what we start
> using next September.  I haven't looked over the ciriculum of the
> current course but it might include calculus, linear algebra,
> differential equations and various pure maths.
> thanks,
> Colin
> --
> Colin Macdonald
> University Lecturer in Numerical Analysis
> Tutorial Fellow at Oriel College
> University of Oxford
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