ants to
work on it with me, I'd be glad to have the help.
Robert Dodier
Maxima developer
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erest (SBCL, CMUCL) do not.
Robert Dodier
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e compiled into the same image as Maxima
and then Python could (I guess) be used as the user language
for Maxima. I would be interested to see what that's like.
Robert Dodier
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to try this also, maybe your luck is better.
Robert Dodier
Maxima developer
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For more
t it looks like
it is going to be a long haul, and I'm not sure I want to do it by myself.
Of course, no one is obligated to help.
So: is anyone working on Maxima + ECL ?
Robert Dodier
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Thanks for your interest, & let us know how it turns out.
Robert Dodier
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, that would be very helpful.
If someone can fix the compilation problems, that would be even better.
Please direct followups to the ECL mailing list.
Robert Dodier
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mabshoff wrote:
> Out of curiosity: Did you take today's CVS since the anon ecl CVS
> trees were corrupted until about two, three hours ago?
I am working with ECL built from anonymous CVS from around May 14.
I haven't been able to update from CVS since then; apparently the
anonymous CVS server w
If someone wants to pomote a legal
theory under which relicensing is possible, I'd like to hear about it.
But from what I can tell, a decision amongst the current
developers isn't enough.
Robert Dodier
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t think that allows present-day contributors to change
the license to v2+ or v3+ (i.e. to exclude certain versions).
But since v3 is among "any version ever published" it seems like
the use of Maxima in Sage is OK. Yes/no/maybe ?
Robert Dodier
About the others, I guess we will have to identify them and
negotiate with each author. I've been meaning for a long time
to do a license review sweep through all of the share stuff ---
maybe now is as good a time as any.
Robert Dodier
On 6/3/08, Jaime Villate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> so we can continue to develop Maxima as his original author intended
> to?
I will point out that current developers are on much firmer ground if they
consider what Bill Schelter did, as opposed to what he was thinking.
it than Maxima!
Sage is a great project and it was terrific to meet William Stein
and everyone else. Many thanks to William for the invitation.
I look forward to further collaboration.
Robert Dodier
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asked for and received permission from him to release it under
terms of GPL and it is now in Maxima CVS.
Wester has test scripts for several programs; Maxima CVS only
contains the Macsyma test scripts.
Robert Dodier
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's not enough.
I would very much appreciate any help on it.
Also part of the problem is that the assume system in Maxima
is not very strong, and it has bugs. We could use some help on
that too.
I think I;ve made this appeal before --- I'm just trying to take
advantage of the momentar
when there are multiple solutions.
Robert Dodier
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see any indication of the domain in which each
result is applicable. Did I miss something?
It appears that the ascii art display shows something different
from the TeX display. Maybe they're equivalent, I can't tell.
Robert Dodier
> I have seen this benchmark, it's outdated and i think totally wrong.
Aside from being out of date, what's wrong with it?
Robert Dodier
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To un
ial revision in the 5.16 release which will appear next month.
Anyway maybe this is some use or interest. Comments on the CVS
version are much appreciated.
Robert Dodier
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ch is OK --- something boring which just works right
would be very useful.
Robert Dodier
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For more o
han preventing
unintended evaluation of units symbols. Undecided at this point.
Robert Dodier
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For more option
, x, 0);
=> log(2)
(No questions asked.)
We can probably thank Dan Gildea for this, as he has done
a lot of extremely valuable bug-fixing work on Maxima.
Robert Dodier
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g an existing Lisp
library for that purpose. I haven't looked into the details.
Robert Dodier
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For more op
get more people using and (I hope)
developing Maxima rather than reinventing its wheels.
Robert Dodier
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much less hackish, to just make
them functions and stay entirely within Python?
What's the benefit of parsing a string? Aside from the w00t-factor.
Incidentally Maxima has mostly the same set of expression-
operators, expressed as function calls.
Robert Dodier
What does this prove? Maybe not much, except that in this case
it's possible to do some useful expression hacking without
writing new code for Sage.
Robert Dodier
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To u
first_order_form (pbe, p, r);
=> ['diff(p[0],r,1) = p[1],
'diff(p[1],r,1) = (sinh(p[0])*k^2*r-2*p[1])/r]
> It's just a short shot from here to providing the input in a form that
> would be accepted by the gsl solver, or scipy.
Yes. I believe a combination of symbo
Tim Lahey wrote:
> I presume that Sage can't take a derivative with respect to a function
> (Maple can't which is why this code is written this way).
By the way, what do you mean by that? What is the operation that
you would like to do, but fails? Thanks for the info
mailing list to see
if anyone has worked with Lagrangian mechanics in Maxima.
Robert Dodier
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For more options, visi
axima interface doesn't distinguish infinity
inf, probably it should. Maybe it does already.
If someone can post a bug report to the Maxima bug tracker for this
problem, that would be great.
Robert Dodier
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ople to use Sage, you might attempt to accomodate
them, rather than immediately switching into the you're-a-moron mode.
(3) The answer to the o.p.'s question isn't in the tutorial or
manual. Yes, I looked. Did you? I didn't think so.
Robert Dodier
feature of how the Python
> language works.
Well, that would be an improvement. The need to declare variables
is different from various other packages, not just Mathematica. Some
explanation should go in the documentation for var itself as well.
Robert Dodier
uating it? (Isn't there
an AST package or s.t.l.t. which could do that?) Then you could
(I guess) detect undefined variables without causing side-effects
from any part of the input. Just a guess -- I'm no expert on Python.
Robert Dodier
I think even for trivial documents, just as for trivial programs,
it is a good idea to state the license terms. You never know
what's going to happen to the stuff you create.
Robert Dodier
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the right thing to do is to postpone function evaluation until
additional context is supplied.
Robert Dodier
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elopers can and should steer away from them.
I say this after encountering various convenience hacks
in Maxima, which, lo, these many decades on, are
very hard to banish.
Robert Dodier
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st what he wrote?
How could he express it so that his readers wouldn't
mistakenly try to clean it up? I don't think he should
bother trying.
Robert Dodier
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To u
and now it's been released.) Maxima's symbolic integration
has been greatly strengthened by recent work of Dieter Kaiser
and Raymond Toy.
Robert Dodier
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To un
rce code in any sense of
> the word, thus the GPL is completely irrelevant (I think we agree on
> that).
That simply isn't so. To quote the GPL:
"This License applies to any program or other work ..."
"The "Program", below, r
Brian Granger wrote:
> Are you arguing that jpeg's produced by GIMP are all GPL'd?
> I agree that it is definitely possible to release "non-programs", such
> as JPEGs, under the GPL.
OK, I misunderstood. I thought you were claiming just
r language) is a derived work.
Robert Dodier
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Agreed 100%. As it happens, symbolic + numerical computation,
specifically for Bayesian inference, is one of my pet projects.
The overall strategy is to pose the problem in symbolic form,
try to push the analysis symbolically as far as possible, then
Sorry for the late reply. The problem which came up in February
was to compute the integrals for specific values of m and n.
However Maxima still cannot solve the general problem.
Hope this clarifies the situation.
Robert Dodier
have observed GCL running out of memory on problems
which other implementations can run to completion.
So maybe switching the Lisp implementation can help,
but, I'll guess, not GCL.
Robert Dodier
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(The linked-to articles refer only to the simpsum flag, which handles
relatively simple cases.)
Robert Dodier
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Or is that wishful thinking on my part?
FYI the Maxima 5.19 branch is scheduled for Aug 1
with an official release later in the month.
Robert Dodier
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sorganization quite comfortable;
I don't have any trouble figuring out what to do,
and, I guess, neither do the other participants.
We get a lot of work done. It's a great project.
Robert Dodier
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code in Maxima. Well done!
I'll try the patch & if all goes well I'll commit it.
Robert Dodier
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'll try the patches from Juanjo Garcia and
commit them before the branch if they work.
FWIW the current schedule is 3 releases per year, April, August, &
Robert Dodier
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en I'll commit them for
Maxima 5.19.
Or if anyone would like to commit the patches then please go ahead. 8^)
Robert Dodier
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stabilizes after 2 or 3 releases,
which takes 2 or 3 weeks. Probably by the end of August
we'll have a stable release.
Robert Dodier
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d should have been updated
like the rest. If anyone was paying attention they could have
fixed it long ago. Who cares how the bug was found,
at least it's fixed now.
We can be grateful that anybody outside the project
is still paying attention to Maxima.
Robert Dodier
l from Maxima CVS, my advice
is to pull RELEASE-5_19-BRANCH since upcoming releases
(RSN) will, I hope, differ only minimally from whatever you get.
Some of the bugs mentioned might have been fixed already,
I haven't checked.
Robert Dodier
creating a new directory named maxima in the
current working directory).
I'm planning to tag Maxima 5.19.0 and create tar.gz and rpms
so maybe that obviates the need for CVS.
Be advised it's likely there will be a few more 5.19.xx releases
I have tagged version-5_19_0 in CVS and created tar.gz and rpms
and uploaded them to SF. See:
Likely there will be 5.19.1 and maybe .2 later this month.
Robert Dodier
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c_e problem, my first guess is that
ECL calls C libraries which yield different results.
The above was generated on Solaris, right?
Maybe someone can try it on other systems.
Robert Dodier
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don't know what the difference is, or whether both are needed.
If topoly_solver isn't needed, we should axe it.
If it's needed, we should rename it. Barton?
Robert Dodier
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(1-sqrt(2))],[q = 1/sqrt
> (sqrt(2)+1)])
Unfortunately this isn't right either. The first solution is spurious, isn't it?
float(subst(q = -1/sqrt(1-sqrt(2)), q*sqrt(q^2+2)-1)) => - 1.999
Thanks for your help
Robert Dodier
The code in question is function ELLIPTIC-E in maxima/src/ellipt.lisp.
(Note that there are several similarly-named functions in there,
so be careful.)
Thanks for your help,
Robert Dodier
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out options.
Robert Dodier
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Maxima mailing list archive for the story --- search
for "eigenvector patch" or something like that.
Robert Dodier
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es represented
as symbols with units and other properties
* derivative and integral of quantity + units via pattern matching
(still working on this one)
?? ezunits and ?? physical_quantities finds the documentation.
demo(ezunits) shows some examples.
Maybe a Sage units package could do
=> 3.045884688 ` lbm/(foot*s^2)
(1) separate units from quantities
(right & left sides of backtick)
(2) concise notation
(3) conventional abbreviations
(4) conventional capitalization
Robert Dodier
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William Stein wrote:
> suggested doing almost precisely what Robert Dodier keeps telling us
> to do, which is make the different units just be symbolic variables,
Well, in addition to implementing units as symbols, it greatly
the whole business to keep the units separate fr
zunits); in a recent Maxima release (5.19 if you have it)
and tell me if you still prefer Mathematica.
Robert Dodier
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;s) with say "N" for numerical_approx.
Agreed. That's a good argument for separating units from quantities
in an expression. Then you can tell without ambiguity which symbols
are supposed to be units.
Robert Dodier
x27;m not saying Sage should
apply such an identity, only that Sage should not prevent the user
from applying it.
I agree that Maxima's result for integrate(f(x), x^2) is spurious.
Robert Dodier
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the simple ((FOO) A B C) scheme above.
(1) is the most important, (3) not so much, and you can
ignore (2). I mention here that I'd like help on (1) and (2)
because it's of interest mostly to outsiders;
within Maxima it doesn't make much difference.
Hope this helps in some way.
omplex than just adding two
integers. I suppose that adding numbers is an important enough
special case that some effort could be spent trying to speed it up.
But most of the fun is in symbolic stuff, so that's probably why
it hasn't been done yet.
Not sure in this case whether the parser or s
revious message.
Robert Dodier
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e list).
Or: put print(elapsed_real_time()); in your script and load("myscript.mac");
(parses and evaluates all the stuff in the script but doesn't create
Robert Dodier
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On Aug 24, 2:11 pm, Nils Bruin wrote:
> On Aug 24, 7:55 am, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > The #$ macro constructs a string input stream and eventually
> > calls ADD-LINEINFO so it suffers from the bug I mentioned in
> > a previous message.
> The $NOLABELS variabl
complex)). I think domain:complex won't have
the same effect. Maybe Sage is already calling declare.
Robert Dodier
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independent instances is via fork/exec.
I think ECL has those and other POSIX-ish functions.
Dunno if they work on Windows, if they exist.
Thanks for your work on the Maxima/ECL/Sage combo.
Robert Dodier
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y to avoid branching to find the right function to
Also, the purpose of each parameter is obscured here.
If uniform, gaussian, etc were classes in a package of distributions,
each one could have named parameters according to what's
appropriate for them (a, b, mu, sigma, whateve
tation. Wrapping numerical functions
is nice but doesn't offer anything fundamentally different.
Making it possible to do statistical stuff with symbolic or
mixed symbolic-numerical computations would be very
exciting and useful. Maybe you're already working on that,
I can't tell. If so sorr
and generate
the alternatives and re-evaluate under each alternative.
That way it's not necessary to change the code at all of the
places at which questions are generated. I considered that
also and decided against it.
If anyone is interested, I would very much apprecia
On Oct 16, 2:23 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> I'm not on their list. I hope Robert Dodier or someone else sees this.
Probably it's best to submit Maxima bugs to the bug tracker.
llis) would be
happy to answer questions posted to the mailing list.
Robert Dodier
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in Maxima. That should fail with a more informative message.
If you don't have a working version, try reverting clmacs.lisp.
I don't know how far back you'll have to go.
Sorry I can't be more helpful,
Robert Dodier
ufourn(2.3, 8)
Dunno what's going on here, but when I try this in Maxima 5.19.2
it works OK (I get a list of values from ufourn).
I can post a session log later if there is interest.
Robert Dodier
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e loop.
I don't think that would help. "Too many contexts" has been an
of some kind of bug every time I've seen it.
Robert Dodier
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gt; read() calls of one character each. The sys admin doubts that is anywhere
> near the
> problem of the NFS stat calls, but it does seem inefficient."
Well, when I try it, I see sysfun.lsp being read in blocks of 8 K.
Dunno why it would try to read it one byte at a time.
Maybe ECL
Dunno what's going on. Not really so much of a problem,
but it is a curiosity.
Robert Dodier
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So far so good
> (%i1) :lisp (share-subdir-list)
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> The function SHARE-SUBDIR-LIST is undefined.
Oops, it should be (share-subdirs-list) .
Robert Dodier
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s searching all of / .
Do you see Maxima looking in all of / in the calls to stat?
If not, what do you get for the above steps if you run it on
a system in which Maxima searches all of / ??
Robert Dodier
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ns on a variety of topics.
Robert Dodier
Maxima developer and 5.20 release manager
Project page:
Bug reports. Please create a Sourceforge login
before filing a bug report.
quickly moving target.
For the record, there will be the now-usual December release of
Maxima next month, to be followed by another April, etc.
Thanks a lot for your work on Maxima + ECL.
I know that's only a tiny fraction of all the work you do.
xima; see:
Even if you end up using Sage, you might get some ideas there.
Hope this helps
Robert Dodier
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ectation function should be moved out
of the probability space base class (I don't know what
that is in Sage) and into some subclass which can
guarantee the operation succeeds. Just a thought.
Robert Dodier
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which is called from
Hope I've understood the question & haven't messed up something.
Robert Dodier
$ maxima --batch sage_fourier_helper.mac 1> 1.out 2> 2.out
$ tail 1.out
$ cat sage_fourier.mac
n doing a tremendous amount of work on
integration and special functions in Maxima.
Robert Dodier
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mabshoff wrote:
> There is no such thing in Sage, all the experiments were done without
> Sage, i.e. build ecl and then Maxima.
OK. Btw, what mechanism did you use to build Maxima?
ASDF or defsystem or ??
Robert Dodier
To p
mabshoff wrote:
> Yes, but you can run Maxima on top of ecl, but the issue with asksign
> for example does not go away. I asked Robert Dodier about it at Dev1
> and he seemed reluctant about this possibility.
Hmm, what is "this possibility" ? I don't un
mabshoff wrote:
> On Jan 3, 11:27�am, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > Hmm, what is "this possibility" ? I don't understand.
> I meant embedding Maxima into a library extensions via ecl. You stated
> to the best of my recollection that this would be troublesome due to
g a fixed width font, from what I can tell.
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For more options
as a convenience function equivalent to integrate(lambda([b], a), [c,
I've left out many details but the general point is that I think
you guys (= Sage project) should aim high.
Robert Dodier
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(Since regex
characters could be arithmetic operators, allowing any
kind of regex syntax seems problematic.) Maybe Sage
likewise could adopt a distinction between different kinds
of search.
Robert Dodier
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s generally obnoxious.
I've worked on ways to construct a conditional expression
instead of requiring user input. I'll be happy to collaborate
with interested parties on a solution.
Believe it or not, Maxima is not stuck in a time warp;
progress is actually possible, when we stop
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