On Apr 23, 1:08 pm, "Bill Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps you have other ideas about how to achieve this kind of
> interoperability? I could imagine for example linking Python directly
> into the Aldor C run-time system or maybe linking the Python into the
> lisp image that runs Axiom?

There is an implementation of Python in Lisp called CLPython.
There was a message from its developer a day or two ago that
he's thinking about porting CLPython to SBCL (it runs on
Allegro CL and Lispworks at present). If CLPython could run
on SBCL, it could be compiled into the same image as Maxima
and then Python could (I guess) be used as the user language
for Maxima. I would be interested to see what that's like.


Robert Dodier

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