On Jun 25, 9:58 am, Brendan Rooney <broo...@uwaterloo.ca>

> In trying to extend my computations I have run into
> a number of Maxima errors that I am at a loss to explain.
> These errors occur only after several thousand consecutive
> calculations, and fail to repeat themselves when the
> offending calculation is immediately repeated.

It seems possible that Maxima is running out of memory.
In the interest of pushing the resolution forward I'd like to
ask you to post an example which triggers the problem.
Especially this:

> This error arose while trying to calculate the matchings
> polynomial for all graphs on 9 vertices. It occured even
> after storing the input strings in small files, and
> processing them individually.

Can you show us one of these small files?

You mention that you're working with polynomials.
What operations are you doing? There may be different
algorithms (selected by global flags) which can run
to completion.

It may be possible to adjust the memory allocation
parameters for Maxima, but that will depend on the Lisp

For what it's worth, GCL seems to use memory less
efficiently than other Lisp implementations;
I have observed GCL running out of memory on problems
which other implementations can run to completion.
So maybe switching the Lisp implementation can help,
but, I'll guess, not GCL.


Robert Dodier
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