Ok, here's a link:
There's a link to a Gist in there with the full source. Hope it helps
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Vanessa Williams <
vanessa.willi...@thoughtwire.ca> wrote:
> Thanks very much for the advi
Thanks very much for the advice. I'll give it a good test and then write
something. Somewhere. Cheers.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Alex Moore wrote:
> If the contract is "Return true iff the object existed", then the second
> fetch is superfluous + so is the async example I posted. You can
If the contract is "Return true iff the object existed", then the second
fetch is superfluous + so is the async example I posted. You can use the
code you had as-is.
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 1:23 PM, Vanessa Williams <
vanessa.willi...@thoughtwire.ca> wrote:
> Hi Alex, would a secon
Hi Alex, would a second fetch just indicate that the object is *still*
deleted? Or that this delete operation succeeded? In other words, perhaps
what my contract really is is: return true if there was already a value
there. In which case would the second fetch be superfluous?
Thanks for your help.
> That's the correct behaviour: it should return true iff a value was
> actually deleted.
Ok, if that's the case you should do another FetchValue after the deletion
(to update the response.hasValues()) field, or use the async version of the
delete function. I also noticed that we weren't passin
See inline:
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Alex Moore wrote:
> Hi Vanessa,
> You might have a problem with your delete function (depending on it's
> return value).
> What does the return value of the delete() function indicate? Right now
> if an object existed, and was deleted, the functio
Hi Vanessa,
You might have a problem with your delete function (depending on it's
return value).
What does the return value of the delete() function indicate? Right now if
an object existed, and was deleted, the function will return true, and will
only return false if the object didn't exist or o
Hi Dmitri, this thread is old, but I read this part of your answer
You can use the following strategies to prevent stale values, in increasing
> order of security/preference:
> 1) Use timestamps (and not pass in vector clocks/causal context). This is
> ok if you're not editing objects,
Hi Dmitri, your point about r=2 is noted. I'll probably go with that. The
thing I have to decide is how to reconcile duplicates. For the time being I
can tolerate some stale data/inconsistency (caused by r=1). But for the
future I would prefer not to risk that.
Thanks to everyone for their help wi
Alexander, thanks for that reminder. Yes, n_val = 2 would suit us better.
I'll look into getting that tested.
On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Alexander Sicular
> Greetings and salutations, Vanessa.
> I am obliged to point out that running n_val of 3 (or more) is highly
Greetings and salutations, Vanessa.
I am obliged to point out that running n_val of 3 (or more) is highly
detrimental in a cluster size smaller than 5 nodes. Needless to say, it is
not recommended. Let's talk about why that is the case for a moment.
The default level of abstraction in Riak is the
Hi Vanessa,
The thing to keep in mind about read repair is -- it happens asynchronously
on every GET, but /after/ the results are returned to the client.
So, when you issue a GET with r=1, the coordinating node only waits for 1
of the replicas before responding to the client with a success, and o
Hi Dmitri, what would be the benefit of r=2, exactly? It isn't necessary to
trigger read-repair, is it? If it's important I'd rather try it sooner than
On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin
> Glad you sorted it out!
> (I do want to encourage you t
Glad you sorted it out!
(I do want to encourage you to bump your R setting to at least 2, though.
Run some tests -- I think you'll find that the difference in speed will not
be noticeable, but you do get a lot more data resilience with 2.)
On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 6:24 PM, Vanessa Williams <
Hi Dmitri, well...we solved our problem to our satisfaction but it turned
out to be something unexpected.
The keys were two properties mentioned in a blog post on "configuring
Riak’s oft-subtle behavioral characteristics":
Yeah, definitely find out what the sysadmin's experience was, with the load
balancer. It could have just been a wrong configuration or something.
And yes, that's the documentation page I recommend -
Just set up HAProxy, a
Hi Dmitri, thanks for the quick reply.
It was actually our sysadmin who tried the load balancer approach and had
no success, late last evening. However I haven't discussed the gory details
with him yet. The failure he saw was at the application level (i.e. failure
to read a key), but I don't know
Hi Vanessa,
Riak is definitely meant to run behind a load balancer. (Or, at the worst
case, to be load-balanced on the client side. That is, all clients connect
to all 4 nodes).
When you say "we did try putting all 4 Riak nodes behind a load-balancer
and pointing the clients at it, but it didn't
Hi all, we are still (for a while longer) using Riak 1.4 and the matching
Java client. The client(s) connect to one node in the cluster (since that's
all it can do in this client version). The cluster itself has 4 nodes
(sorry, we can't use 5 in this scenario). There are 2 separate clients.
> On Feb 9, 2015, at 8:38 PM, Matthew Brender wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'm not sure of the specific regex you can run here. The most detail I found
> is from this: https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/pull/696
> Engel (CC'ed) wrote:
> Adds a regular expression filter for secondary index
lso is there any documentation what subset of Perl regexp is supported?
> Thanks
> Daniel
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Riak-client-returnTerm-and-regexp-tp4032539p4032556.html
By the look of it it seems returnTerm is available in 1.3+ and regexp
matching got merged into 2.0?
Also is there any documentation what subset of Perl regexp is supported?
View this message in context:
e know where can I find more information about those two?
> Regards
> Daniel
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Riak-client-returnTerm-and-regexp-tp4032539.html
> Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com
Does anyone know where can I find more information about those two?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com
Thank you!
> 15 янв. 2015 г., в 15:55, Ciprian Manea написал(а):
> Hi Ildar,
> We have a web GUI for riak called reckon [0]
> While not in active development, it's a good starting point to browse your
> riak data.
> Please note that Rekon should NOT be used on a production clu
Hi Ildar,
We have a web GUI for riak called reckon [0]
While not in active development, it's a good starting point to browse your
riak data.
Please note that Rekon should NOT be used on a production cluster!
[1] https://github.com/basho/rekon
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 11:07 AM
Hello everyone.
Would like to ask is there any riak clients like phpmyadmin for mysql db?
I mean i’d like to have an easy web faced (with frontend) client is there
Than you!
riak-users mailing list
Just wanted to say thanks again to everyone for the insight here. I fully agree
with the “security mindset” (hence my starting this chain) and am aware of the
need to prevent external access to Riak nodes (I’ll probably just use iptables
to prevent access from everywhere except known application
Exactly, SQL injection happens because people construct SQL statements
themselves and aren’t aware of correct escaping edge cases. Use a library to
convert between Ruby and JSON, and you’ll be fine on that front. The same
applies to SQL really. SQL injection is impossible if you pass Ruby obj
Ruby should "do the right thing" and escape your content appropriately,
that is, if you have a Ruby hash of:
{'test' => 'yes", "injection": "oops!"'}
JSON.dump will give you:
{"test":"yes\", \"injection\": \"oops!\""}
J. Austin Hughey writes:
> Thank you very much for the explanation, Jason.
y. If so, can you clarify what assumption was
> wrong?
> Hopefully this helps a bit,
> Jason
> > On 12 Dec 2014, at 22:30, J. Austin Hughey wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I’m fairly new to Riak, and I haven’t seen a clear answer to th
sanitize user input BEFORE sending to the Riak client, or does
> the client handle sanitization? (I plan to use the Ruby client, but I may
> want to use a different language client later on too depending on the
> project.)
> I can see the potential for injection here being
I’m fairly new to Riak, and I haven’t seen a clear answer to this question
through Google, so I’m going to ask the list here.
Do I need to sanitize user input BEFORE sending to the Riak client, or does the
client handle sanitization? (I plan to use the Ruby client, but I may want to
col: 'pbc'}])
> But in this configuration some keys that are available when I connect with
> the "simple" configuration are just not found. I changed it on the same
> server to use only one node
> riak_client = Riak::Client.new(pb_port: 8087, host: 'ip_of_
protocol: 'pbc')
and the key is found. I tried it with the other riak nodes and for each of
them it workes.
What is going on?
riak-client (
Chaim Solomon
riak-users mailing list
> Fra: Gopi Krishna
> Dato:26/05/2014 14.18 (GMT+01:00)
> Til: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Emne: calling erlang module,function from python-riak client in mapreduce
> Hi all,
> I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in query.map() in
> pytho
rlang module,function from python-riak client in mapreduce
Hi all,
I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in query.map() in python-riak
I have written a function in erlang.
funs(Obj,_,_) -> [riak_object:get_value(Obj)].
I have saved it in a file called maps.erl
Hi all,
I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in query.map() in
python-riak client.
I have written a function in erlang.
funs(Obj,_,_) -> [riak_object:get_value(Obj)].
I have saved it in a file called *maps.erl*
I have compiled the *maps.erl* to get the *maps.beam *file to
I have done this in the riak-erlang client
Thanks & Regards,
J.Gopi Krishna
Lintel Technologies Pvt. LTD,Hyderabad.
This message contains confidential information and is intended for
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified t
Hi Mark,
Responses are inline below.
On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 5:17 AM, markrthomas wrote:
> Hello
> mongoimport is blazingly fast compared with my java-riak-client inspired
> groovy load script (using pb). I'm just trying to import JSON data for a
> small data
mongoimport is blazingly fast compared with my java-riak-client inspired
groovy load script (using pb). I'm just trying to import JSON data for a
small dataset. There's just no comparison. It would be handy if Riak came
with an equivalent 'riakimport' tool.
1) Has anyone had any success with integrating the java-riak-client with
2) How do you use the 'com.basho.riak.pbc.RiakConnectionPool' with Spring?
Is it required if you're using nginx TCP load balancing. I'm confused in how
to use load-balancing with connect
ide and retry logic. In ruby riak-client 1.4.2 as
well as master, there doesn't seem to be any timeout logic for protocol
buffers. Am I mistaken? A lot of the logic seems to be there
(Riak::Client#recover_from as well as your extensions to TCPSocket), but
not wired together.
Ideally we c
Hi Mark,
The Counter is just a a riak_object under the hood (at the Riak end of things)
to the erlang client though it is modelled as an integer and operations on an
We’ll get around to the README, sorry about that.
Using the counter is pretty simple. First you need to set whatever bu
Hi -
I'm trying to puzzle through how to use the PN counters in Riak 1.4.x via the
riakc client. It *looks* like
a 1.4 counter is a special kind of riak_obj metadata tuple. So do you just set
the tuple in a riakc_obj with
an undefined value?
The README in the client repo also doesn't seem to
Answering my own e-mail:
The function has to be executed on a Riak node. The script should call
rpc:call(Host, riak_kv_mrc_pipe, mapred, [Inputs, Phases])
instead of
riak_kv_mrc_pipe:mapred(Inputs, Phases).
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Miroslav Urbanek
> Dear Riak users,
s to the github "downloads" section of the project
but unfortunately I just noticed / found out they discontinued that
feature so ... they're missing. Sorry about that!
I just uploaded the "fat jar" to S3 - you can grab it via
Is there a repository/location where I could download 1.0.7 Java
without building it myself?
riak-users mailing list
发自我的 iPhone
riak-users mailing list
Great. Thanks Sean.
On 13 November 2012 10:37, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Scott,
> It is generally safe to use the Ruby client from multiple threads. A
> few items that are infrequently touched (memoized buckets and their
> properties) are not, but normal requests are all handled by a
> thread-safe
It is generally safe to use the Ruby client from multiple threads. A
few items that are infrequently touched (memoized buckets and their
properties) are not, but normal requests are all handled by a
thread-safe connection pool. Ripple historically kept a client in the
thread-locals in order
Hi there,
I noticed this post from a bit over a year ago (
and wondered whether this was still the case. I've noticed one detail
suggesting that it may be (the fact that Ripple creates a client per
thread), and one
Anyone else using the Ruby riak client test server with JRuby with any success?
There seems to be some issue with pipes and JRuby that I can't quite figure out
how to negotiate. Here's what I get when I try to fire up the test server:
ArgumentError: Could not find or open pipes for Ri
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, 26. September 2012 at 20:36, Sebastian Cohnen wrote:
> >
> > > The drop of Protocol Buffers (according to the readme) is a sad thing.
> > > AFAIK there is not a single usable Riak client lib for node that supports
his also brings
>> serialization/deserialization in line with our other annotaded fields
>> in that these values will not be present in the resulting JSON. To
>> override this behavior the Jackson @JsonProperty annotation can be
>> supplied
>> Thanks,
rop of Protocol Buffers (according to the readme) is a sad thing.
> AFAIK there is not a single usable Riak client lib for node that supports
> PB :-/D
> >
> >
> > On 26.09.2012, at 20:25, Mark Phillips m...@basho.com)> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Ca
On Wednesday, 26. September 2012 at 20:36, Sebastian Cohnen wrote:
> The drop of Protocol Buffers (according to the readme) is a sad thing. AFAIK
> there is not a single usable Riak client lib for node that supports PB :-/D
> On 26.09.2012, at 2
The drop of Protocol Buffers (according to the readme) is a sad thing. AFAIK
there is not a single usable Riak client lib for node that supports PB :-/D
On 26.09.2012, at 20:25, Mark Phillips wrote:
> Hi Callixte -
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Callixte Cauchois
> wro
Hi Callixte -
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Callixte Cauchois
> Hello,
> what would you guys advise me to use to connect to riak in node.js?
> Basho seems to push for Voxer's node_riak
> (https://github.com/mranney/node_riak), but are there better alternatives?
In addition to node_r
what would you guys advise me to use to connect to riak in node.js?
Basho seems to push for Voxer's node_riak (
https://github.com/mranney/node_riak), but are there better alternatives?
riak-users mailing list
il.com>> wrote:
> I switched to the java riak-client 1.0.6 to take it for a spin,
and several
> test cases of mine failed. Upon further investigation I found
that any
> member variable that contains the @RiakIndex annotation does not
> into
> Thanks,
> Brian Roach
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Deepak Balasubramanyam
> wrote:
> > I switched to the java riak-client 1.0.6 to take it for a spin, and
> several
> > test cases of mine failed. Upon further investigation I found that any
> > m
sonProperty annotation can be
Brian Roach
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:01 AM, Deepak Balasubramanyam
> I switched to the java riak-client 1.0.6 to take it for a spin, and several
> test cases of mine failed. Upon further investigation I found that any
> member variab
I switched to the java riak-client 1.0.6 to take it for a spin, and several
test cases of mine failed. Upon further investigation I found that any
member variable that contains the @RiakIndex annotation does not serialize
into Riak anymore. You can reproduce the problem with the following type
Actually this is what I'm doing…
A as an unique ID, lets call it A-UID
A and B are stored in the bucket with keys A-UID and B-UID
The link in B for A will be named A-UID
And link in A for B will be named B-UID
Le 20 juin 2012 à 15:28, Bryan Fink a écrit :
> On Wed, Jun 20, 20
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Morgan Segalis wrote:
> Why would you think that fetch both user and look through the links is
> fastest than A -> B -> A ? Are links really that slow ?
It's not that links are that slow, but that they're not that focused.
Unless you're using B's key as the tag o
Hi Bryan,
Thank you for your answer, that is what I was looking for at first !
Why would you think that fetch both user and look through the links is fastest
than A -> B -> A ? Are links really that slow ?
Le 20 juin 2012 à 13:41, Bryan Fink a écrit :
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012
>> every information really fast from one user.
>> One of the feature I'm really interested in, are Links.
>> Links seems to be a great way for me to create association between users…
>> When A adds B, I create a link from A to B.
>> When B accepts
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Morgan Segalis wrote:
> Hi everyone !
Hi, Morgan.
> 1 - Are Link walking in Erlang fast & easy ?
Link-walking in the Erlang client is provided via the MapReduce
interface. Instead of a 'map' or 'reduce' phase, specify a 'link'
phase like:
{link, Bucket, Ta
interested in, are Links.
> Links seems to be a great way for me to create association between users…
> When A adds B, I create a link from A to B.
> When B accepts A's invitation, I create a link from B to A.
> If links are not both ways, e.g. A to B to A, message
nk from B to A.
If links are not both ways, e.g. A to B to A, message can not go through (B who
didn't accept A should not get its message yet)
My server is coded in Erlang, I have checked the Erlang riak client, and I
didn't see something as simple as the HTTP use of Links in the de
On May 24, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Steve Warren wrote:
> Thanks Reid, that's a very clear explanation. Are there any logs created
> under the cited circumstances? I'm not seeing any errors or logs that
> indicate any of the below conditions are in fact happening and would like to
> confirm the exac
Thanks Reid, that's a very clear explanation. Are there any logs created
under the cited circumstances? I'm not seeing any errors or logs that
indicate any of the below conditions are in fact happening and would like
to confirm the exact condition. I'm also not clear why doing this "PR = PW
= R = W
I have a pretty good idea what is causing this problem.
Riak uses "tombstone" values to denote that an object has been deleted.
Under normal conditions, this tombstone value (really, the key/value pair)
will be deleted three (3) seconds after the delete. The delete_mode config
lets you change the
Steve, Kyle,
In order to track it down, I'd like to be able to reproduce this issue.
Can you provide some minimal Java code to reproduce, from an empty
Riak cluster? Please include any changes to the Riak app.config as well.
Some things to think about in writing code to reproduce:
* Are you conn
Whew! I was afraid I was the only one!
On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Kyle Kingsbury wrote:
> On 05/23/2012 01:08 PM, Steve Warren wrote:
>> I'm seeing this pretty consistently and have no explanation for it. I
>> delete a large number of keys (20k to 100k), but when I then search on
>> the
I have a 5 node cluster and given a successful delete call, I expect to get
the latest data back given the bucket properties (as shown below)...
Bucket properties:
On 05/23/2012 01:08 PM, Steve Warren wrote:
I'm seeing this pretty consistently and have no explanation for it. I
delete a large number of keys (20k to 100k), but when I then search on
the keys ($key/0/g) anywhere from 0-200 or so of the deleted keys show
up in the results. It doesn't matter how
Riak is eventually consistent. Deleting it doesn't show up immediately.
There is an option like delete_immediate
On May 23, 2012 4:08 PM, "Steve Warren" wrote:
> I'm seeing this pretty consistently and have no explanation for it. I
> delete a large number of keys (20k to 100k), but when I
I'm seeing this pretty consistently and have no explanation for it. I
delete a large number of keys (20k to 100k), but when I then search on the
keys ($key/0/g) anywhere from 0-200 or so of the deleted keys show up in
the results. It doesn't matter how long I wait after completing the
deletion step
Thank you for the reply. My observation does not quite match up with this
though so I'm still a bit confused. The deleted keys appeared to stay long
past the 3 seconds described in the post you referenced. In fact, I don't
know if they ever "went away". I'll run some more tests to see if I can
Hi Steve. There is no caching of key lists in riak. What you are seeing is
likely the fact that listing of keys or index queries can pick up deleted keys
due to the fact that riak keeps tombstone markers around for deleted objects
for some period. For a really good explanation of riak's delete b
The last message I saw on this (from a year ago) says the caching of key
lists will be removed. I just ran into it while running a $key index range
search. I then ran a ?key=stream search on the bucket and the same stale
key list appeared (I had created a bunch of data and then deleted it as a
55 13 8117 3316
From: Brian Roach
To: clau...@br.ibm.com
Cc: riak-users
Date: 03/05/2012 12:20
Subject: Re: Java Riak Client / MapReduce Querying, Any Sample
The example code in the readme on github does have some basic e
The example code in the readme on github does have some basic examples of using
MR in the Java client: https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client - scroll down
to about 3/4 of the way to the end.
I'm also currently working on a more comprehensive Java client "cookbook" and
MR is probab
Dear colleagues,
Is there any basic sample or documentation available that illustrate how
to construct execute the MapReduce syntax through the Riak Java Interface.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Claude Falbriard
Certified IT Specialist L2 - Middleware
AMS Hortolând
and buckets in the Python client
689 make fails: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() undefined
792 Modifying Java lib to emit multiple link headers
1277 Erlang Riak Client Throws Exceptions
1325 Fix list vs binary data type inconsistencies in Erlang PB client
1326 Infinity mapred timeout in
You were correct, its doing a lookup on initialization(something I'll have
to deal with next). Here is a traceback(cut off at app code) when a bad
port is used:
File "/home/mike/django/riak-python-client/riak/bucket.py", line 260, in
return obj.reload(r)
File "/home/mike/django/r
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:34, Michael Clemmons wrote:
> Greg,
> Your amazing thanks. In my application its failing on the start of the
> application, I do not believe while trying to do a request but its possible
> let me grok and get back to you with some trace backs.
Sounds good. I just looke
Your amazing thanks. In my application its failing on the start of the
application, I do not believe while trying to do a request but its possible
let me grok and get back to you with some trace backs.
As far as Im aware to define more than one hostport with the client you
still have to hack
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 15:53, Michael Clemmons wrote:
> I've decided to go back and cleanup that approach and reapply it to the
> current master branch. To my surprise I found that the ConnectionManager
> supports multiple connections and has the tools to add and remove them.
> Looking at t
>> FIrst time on the list, so go easy. I've been working with the
>> python-riak-client for a while and one of the biggest blockers has been its
>> lack of connection pooling. Until recently the fork maintained at
>> https://github.com/bretthoerner/riak-python-client
me on the list, so go easy. I've been working with the
> python-riak-client for a while and one of the biggest blockers has been its
> lack of connection pooling. Until recently the fork maintained at
> https://github.com/bretthoerner/riak-python-client has been sufficient
> for my n
Hey All,
FIrst time on the list, so go easy. I've been working with the
python-riak-client for a while and one of the biggest blockers has been its
lack of connection pooling. Until recently the fork maintained at
https://github.com/bretthoerner/riak-python-client has been sufficient f
> Re-entrant threadsafe resource pooling:
> https://github.com/seancribbs/**ripple/blob/master/riak-**
> client/lib/riak/client/pool.rb<https://github.com/seancribbs/ripple/blob/master/riak-client/lib/riak/client/pool.rb>
> Node configuration/error tracking:
> https:/
I don't know about Python, but we've been attacking this problem in the
Ruby client. You might find these useful:
Re-entrant threadsafe resource pooling:
Node configuration/error tracking:
Hey everyone, I'm sure this has been asked before but I was wondering what
other people are doing for pooling clients using python?
I've noticed that HttpPoolTranport is deprecated, and there doesn't seem to
exist an analogous PBuffers version.
I could just go ahead and write my own, but I thought
David Leimbach wrote:
> As such I'm just wondering if anyone knows of anyone working on a protocol
> buffers version of a Riak client in C++, or if this is going to be
> something
> I'll have to take on.
Out of similar interest, I have started such a project
> "This was fixed in commit #086e917e67002c99fb10045b37473b8813bc1fb9 on May
> 13, 2011 by jackdempsey."
> When do you think this might be available with a gem install?
> By the way, I've been experiencing some weirdness when trying to gem
> install riak-client today. For example,
think this might be available with a gem install?
By the way, I've been experiencing some weirdness when trying to gem install
riak-client today. For example, this on my Linux VM:
>gem install riak-client
ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
undefined method `call'
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