Hi all,

I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in query.map() in
python-riak client.

I have written a function in erlang.

funs(Obj,_,_) -> [riak_object:get_value(Obj)].

I have saved it in a file called *maps.erl*

I have compiled the *maps.erl* to get the *maps.beam *file to give the path
of the beam files under tha

 I have given path like as metnioned in the riak documents.

Now i want to get the values out from the map phase udner the python-riak
client by sending erlang module and map function to the query.map() phase.I
have given like :

*query.run() *is giving me error like below, please tell me where i have
done or what is the correct to way to implement it.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
line 234, in run
    result = t.mapred(self._inputs, query, timeout)
line 322, in mapred
    (repr(response[0]), repr(response[1])))
Exception: Error running MapReduce operation. Headers: {'date': 'Mon, 26
May 2014 11:24:04 GMT', 'content-length': '1121', 'content-type':
, 'http_code': 500, 'server': 'MochiWeb/1.1 WebMachine/1.10.0 (never breaks
eye contact)'} Body:


Thanks & Regards,
J.Gopi Krishna
Lintel Technologies Pvt. LTD,Hyderabad.

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