I switched to the java riak-client 1.0.6 to take it for a spin, and several test cases of mine failed. Upon further investigation I found that any member variable that contains the @RiakIndex annotation does not serialize into Riak anymore. You can reproduce the problem with the following type
@JsonSerialize(include=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) public class MyType { public static final String SOME_NAME_STR_REFERENCE = "blah"; @RiakKey private String myKey; @RiakIndex(name=SOME_NAME_STR_REFERENCE) private String indexedProp; // Getters and setters go here } Make a call to bucket.store(typeRef).execute() followed by a GET to /riak/myBucket/myKey. The indexedProp element will be missing in the json for calls made on riak-client version 1.0.6 but will be available when the call is made from riak-client version 1.0.5. Thanks Deepak Bala
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