Hi Bryan,

Thank you for your answer, that is what I was looking for at first ! 

Why would you think that fetch both user and look through the links is fastest 
than A -> B -> A ? Are links really that slow ?



Le 20 juin 2012 à 13:41, Bryan Fink a écrit :

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Morgan Segalis <msega...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone !
> Hi, Morgan.
>> 1 - Are Link walking in Erlang fast & easy ?
> Link-walking in the Erlang client is provided via the MapReduce
> interface. Instead of a 'map' or 'reduce' phase, specify a 'link'
> phase like:
>    {link, Bucket, Tag, Keep}
> Bucket is either a binary name of a bucket to match, or the atom '_',
> which matches any bucket. Tag is either a binary tag to match, or the
> atom '_', which matches any tag. Keep is a boolean with the same
> meaning as in map and reduce phases.
> http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce.html#Erlang-Query-Syntax
>> 2 - Is it possible to check fast if A -> B -> A (still in Erlang)? ('->' 
>> represents Links)
> The fastest way to do this is to fetch both A and B and look through
> the links they contain.
> HTH,
> Bryan

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