292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 29, 2018, at 9:07 PM, Darryl Thayer wrote:
> Hi Friends, sorry to be slow. This fits the Morningstar relay driver
> exactly. It can look at the battery voltage and activate relays in multiple
I ordered parts for our 1kW on campus a couple years ago. It was a hassle. I’ll
check my records and send the company info. I can’t remember the name off the
top of my head.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
I’ve never heard of C-10 or C-46. A quick google search seems to point to it
only being a CA thing. Nothing like this happening in MN.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 23, 2018, a
sitting around? I can make the
system work with 8 modules but I’d rather just slide two in. I’m guessing this
is just going to keep happening. These modules are 6 or 7 years old.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
I met that Pika crew at the energy fair in WI this year. Had a long talk with
them. They showed me their System and answered questions. Seems cool. But, I
have to agree Jay, after this silicon energy and Tenk solar debacle in MN, I’ll
only use proven equipment. I’ll be walking away from jobs if
edge of cloud could
maybe cause it. Maybe a calculation of extremes could give you an idea.
Rearrange the formula and get the irradiance needed to cause this high of
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Change listserver email address
contractors that I have a
good working relationship with.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2019, at 6:34 PM, Glenn Burt wrote:
> Nick,
> I recall an extensive discussion he
I have three SB 700 for my solar class. When we get the “waiting” on our LCD
we are always well above the required VOC. A call to SMA years ago lead me to
finding that there is a “wattage In”rating I need to meet to get the inverters
to grid tie. I never saw this in the manual. These inverters
The SMA 1000 was 120V output. I saw one a while back on eBay.
The SMA 700 are nice little units for training. The input window is tight with
newer modules. The input max current is pretty low.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV
from my iPhone
> On Dec 17, 2013, at 4:08 PM, "Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar Power Systems"
> wrote:
> William,
> If your Vmp drop is under 2% (my design goal for maximum acceptable loss) I
> can't see any reason why not.
> Larry
gt; sheets" as well.
> Thanks,
> Howie
> --
> Howie Michaelson
> NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™
> Catamount Solar, LLC
> Renewable Energy Systems Sales and Service
> VT Solar Electric & Hot Water Incentive Partner
> http://www.CatamountSolar.com
rized Construction Trainer
> Wrenches,
> If you are in a wild land fire zone in CA, it looks like we are all in for a
> rude awakening. Our local AHJ is requiring not only set backs for ventilation
I have them on my system at home and on a system at a local community college.
I like the data available from the system. My system had shade issues so I like
the idea of them with issues suck as mine.
I mounted the gateway device in the attic bellow the array instead of outside
at the array.
y outperform PV 'B".
> Incidentally, NOCT is measured and reported by the NRTL during certification.
> The manufacturer simply prints this value in their PV specs.
> As with anything .. your mileage
> Dan
> -
Hello all,
I am looking for recommendations for a battery cable crimper. I'd love to get
one with the dies built in, but the ones I've looked at are only for non-fine
strand wire.
Sent from my iPhone
List spon
I'd love a battery crimper, but a little out of my price range.
I think a hand crimper will do.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 30, 2014, at 1:42 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
> hydraulic or long handle bog difference in price
>> On Apr 30, 2014 8:32 AM, "
> The square lug end is just too big and thick, and can't bolt to battery
> terminals in some cases. We have had to grind away a corner for instance to
> have the heavy wall lugs land on an battery Flag terminal.
> The heavy terminals some what negate the advantages o
I ran across a system using a "Solarups" by Trace (black and white) I'm looking
for a manual for the system and didn't have much luck on-line or in the
Anyone have a copy or a link to where I can locate one? I'd like to look at
wiring and grid-tie option if it exists.
installed. Maybe get a look-see at Intersolar. You've got me curious also.
> Bill
> Feather River Solar Electric
> Taylorsville
> - Original Message -
> From: Chris Worcester
> To: 'RE-wrenches'
> Sent: Thursday, June 12,
This is the brand I have. I have used them for silicon energy modules as well.
My old man is a carpenter and does a lot of commercial entrance doors and
commercial window setting he has a different brand, but he uses 8" suction as
Usually we use butyl tape and a butyl base caulk to seal around the
> L-Feet. Is there a good method that would not require using toxic material to
> seal the feet on a metal roof.
> Thank you,
> Drake
> Drake Chamberlin
> Athens Electric LLC
> OH License
William Miller has some nice ideas on his website regarding protecting
circuits. I've used his ideas on one project and the inspector liked it.
Silicon Energy makes a module with raceways for output circuits. Their module
is expensive comparatively speaking and I've never seen one of their 190W
I saw a couple US Solar Mounts at the energy fair in WI this summer. I really
liked their setup. I forgot about them. They do have wire management.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 8, 2014, at 6:48 PM, "RE Ellison" wrote:
> Look into US Solar Mounts, Eric has built
your answer, or does it?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 25, 2014, at 6:40 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote:
> I had a tough customer recently that grilled me on how we can put a 270W
> solar module on a 215W inverter. Fortunately, Enphase has a wonderful white
> paper on
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 6, 2014, at 1:29 PM, "Chris Daum" wrote:
> Already figured that out (oh yeah, and he is cheap besides!)
> Have a great weekend!
> From: RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On
> Behalf
I am having an issue with a Watsun dual axis tracker. It is a 24VDC model, run
of a battery bank that is charged through an outback inverters connection to
the grid. So the battery voltage is always at 24V. The tracker will run fine
for a couple days then it will get stuck in the east fa
they need a rafter under
> them and the conduit run will not be above rafters.
> As it is very hot here, I want to get some air between the conduit and the
> roof.
> --
> Chris Mason
> NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™
> Solar Design Engineer
> Generac Generators
lightning activity in close proximity?
> How about a dead spot in the limit switch, or limit switch inoperable?
> From: Solar
> Sent: 9/22/2014 12:30
> To: Wrenches
> Subject: [RE-wrenches] Watsun problem
> Hello,
> I am having an issue with a Watsun dual axis track
ay tech to be really good
> I'd call them.
> Jay
> Peltz power
>> On Sep 22, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Solar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having an issue with a Watsun dual axis tracker. It is a 24VDC model,
>> run
found the tech support at Array tech to be really good I'd call
> them.
> Jay
> Peltz power
>> On Sep 22, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Solar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having an issue with a Watsun dual axis tracker. It is
Have you looked in to racking made by US Solarmounts in WI?
Their ground mounts are pretty nice and offer actual conductor protection.
I've never used them, but I've seen them at the MREA in WI. Nice product.
RE-Power LLC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 12,
able, please contact me off-list. I am one short and am told that they
> will not be making any more this year.
> Thanks!
> --
> Shine On!
> Kris Schmid
> Legacy Solar, LLC
> 864 Clam Falls Trail
> Frederic, WI 54837
> www.legacysolar.com
> 715-653-42
Thinking about the shading exclusion of the warranty and reading it for myself
I would say that this module should never be installed where it may be shaded
at all. Your point about "what is excessive?" is well put. If this company gets
to decide what excessive is I would stay away. Th
I don't have a link but the MREA in WI does cool stuff with Solar Cookers.
Their site might have something.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 12, 2015, at 1:54 AM, Allan Sindelar wrote:
> Wrenches,
> Our closest rural neighbor spends part of each year in Guatemala. Sh
s would
>> be very appreciated. Cost is less of a concern than finding something that
>> is effective and efficient.
>> Thanks,
>> Howie
>> --
>> Howie Michaelson
>> NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional™
I haven't used the PVI so I can't comment on the mounting issue but my past
experience with Solectria and tech support was similar to yours.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 29, 2015, at 6:19 PM, "William Miller"
> wrote:
> Friends:
> We have just begun using the Solectria PVI serie
g for 3 of the 7 local iron
ore mines,the local paper mill as well as doing most of the NEC code update
courses. During that time I ran a one year and a 6 month solar PV course. I
have a fairly nice lab built for the PV course consisting of the following:
2 axis tracker
Fixed tilt pole mount
All great ideas!!
We do have S-5 both for racking and the PV kit. To Great point we do cover
efficiency, passive solar, load shifting... We do have internships with install
companies and the utilities. We have 5 different racking types and one ballast
mount for hands on work. We have 4 on
Hello all,
I was at a get together lastnight and was taking to one of the higher ups at my
electrical co-op. He informed me that effective now they will not allow any
member to interconnect a renewable energy system that has the potential to
create more than 50% of their monthly electrical usag
yone can find it feasible to do something like
this is 0. Maybe I could since I don't have labor costs, but other than that.
This coop, of which I am a member, does participate in net metering. Here is a
link to future of solar here in mn. For the coops at least.
40 kW system with no
> limitations on size. Many in our local solar industry are working together to
> make sure utilities don't dissuade customers or try to enforce rules that go
> beyond what state law allows. The State Dept of Commerce and MnSEIA are
> compiling many complaint
Schneider Electric | Xantrex Brand | CANADA |
> Sales Application Engineer
> Phone: +604-422-2528 | Tech Support: 800-670-0707 | Mobile:
> +604-505-0291
> Email: jarmo.venalai...@schneider-electric.com | Site: www.Xantrex.com |
> Address: 3700 Gilmore Way
I am currently doing a lumos project and that is the only mod I can picture
that comes close to fulfilling your need. We still have alum racking
however Interesting question though.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 31, 2015, at 5:22 PM, William Miller wrote:
> Friends:
> I thoug
A while back I asked about a dream system for my electrical/solar training
program at the CC I teach at. I think an instrument like the one you linked to
fits that bill. I sent an email requesting a price quote to the company just
now. Checking the price via google seems a touch more expensive
I've used them a few times and have them on my home due to a small shade issue.
Like mentioned the monitoring is great, lots of data. Never had a problem with
any parts.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2015, at 8:22 PM, Marco Mangelsdorf wrote:
> Hola amigos y amigas.
> I’d app
Now that I am teaching electrical/solar more than installing electrical/solar I
am designing labs and systems for education. As part of my classes I spend
lots of time discussing wire management and "safe and workman like manner" to
students with little to no experience in electric
and they are closer to your
price range but I've heard some people say they didn't work all that well.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On
have news from that plant?
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 18, 2015, at 5:23 PM, Bill Hoffer wrote:
> WA Silicon Energy has been shut down for almost a year now, leaving behind a
> lot of warranty claims for delaminated modules. Not a pretty picture at all.
> Hop
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 28, 2016, at 5:58 PM, jay wrote:
> HI August,
> I guess my question is.
> Are they asking for a lockout AC disconnect on a AC circuit IE from the AC
> panel?
> or
> are they asking for a lockout from
on Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 30, 2016, at 9:07 AM, AE Solar wrote:
> Hey Wrenchers,
> A friend wants a very small battery set up at hunting cabin (like under 1kW).
> It will only be used in
I've had boxes made by a local dad shop for places that a pre-made box wouldn't
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 31, 2016, at 9:08 PM, Benn Kilburn wrote:
My electrical/solar training program has received an equipment grant and along
with new equipment I want to invest in safety. We have harness and different
lanyard/tie points, arc flash suits, insulated tools, eye and ear protection,
lock out tag out gear but what else in your eyes
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 23, 2016, at 1:17 AM, Dan Fink wrote:
> Dan; rough-and-tumble world indeed here off the grid! My understanding is
> that Voc will still be additive, minus degradation over the years
Not sure about the rest but under ground conductors are considered a wet
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 23, 2016, at 3:41 PM, Peter Parrish
> wrote:
Solar world and Silicon Energy have standard frame mods with glass on glass. I
think it's the same module...
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 8, 2016, at 3:09 PM, James Rudolp
-250W regularly
during those cold winter months. I try take that into account when designing a
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 3:37 PM, Kirk Herander wr
and the 1500W is on a
little cart we use when we go to high schools for recruitment. We use the later
to run a tv and an X-box while at the highschool.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
rical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 6, 2016, at 7:14 AM, Howard Arey wrote:
> Aw, one more Enphase / SolarEdge response.
> The "high voltage" DC is 350-380 volts and with the rapid shutdown capability
> now shipping standard with SE
the electrical
maintenance program I teach.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 26, 2016, at 10:12 PM, Maverick Brown
> wrote:
> I use a lot of Phoenix Contact di
;t have lots of experience with large
systems like others might.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 28, 2016, at 6:32 PM, Corey Shalanski wrote:
> We're in the process of de
a few other DC
breakers in there already. The whole cabinet is basically inaccessible.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 10, 2016, at 9:40 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote:
> You m
nd the MATE will shut off and restart.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches@list
I will have the students perform the update next week. This MATE has been in
service for 3 years and this is the first time we've had problems.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
I use the Klein CL2000 and I believe it's 1000V rated cat3. I don't like the
way the leads attach but other than that I like the meter.
Jesse Dahl
NABCEP PV Installation Professional
IBEW Local 292 - Electrician
Electrical/Solar PV Instructor - HCC
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb
estigated? Are there some Asian
manufacturers you trust and some you definitely stay away from?
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
Options & settings:
similar but
AHJs have been very happy with this approach (so far).
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
Excelsior, MN 55331
- Original Message -
From: Rebekah Hren
To: RE-wrenches
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:25 AM
Subject: Re
d see.
Charlie Pickard
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer
Aladdin Solar
- Original Message -
From: Kirpal Khalsa
To: RE-wrenches
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 2:21 AM
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Zep Solar
What is the best approach to interconnecting with a 208 volt 3-phase service
having a high leg? Small to medium sized PV systems.
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
me away from home for a lot of upper midwest folks in the
winter. Some like the idea of a small solar powered battery system for light,
CD player, TV, etc. There's no earth around for hundreds of yards, even miles.
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
ve any effect at all?
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
- Original Message -
From: Ray Walters
To: RE-wrenches
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding system for a shack on a frozen lake?
There are many RVs out there too, and they don
Jason, believe it or not, you are not far off! You are envisioning the solution
for some of the more "advanced" shacks--entertainment centers and satellite
Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
- Original Message -
From: Jason Szumlanski
To: RE-wrenches
Sent: Tuesd
I'm finally updating a longtime client's 12V off grid system to 48V.
This is a 1986 system with the original Trace 1512 inverter that has
worked continuously and without fail for 32 years. While I have added
modest array and an MX60 about ten years ago, the system has pretty much
I agree with Jerry here, and will add a bit more. I'll venture that
neither generator is being seriously hurt, but neither is what's
happening good for them.
This is a case where more specific info is needed to diagnose the
problem remotely. VFX or VFXR? Which specific Honda generator?
The time has come to upgrade a longtime client's 1985 12V system and
original Trace 1512 inverter. The inverter still works fine after 32
years of continuous operation, but 12V is too limited to allow much
expansion. The power system has numerous 12V loads - mostly lighting
Hello again Wrenches. This is Michael, testing file attachments again from a
different email address.
Please do not respond to this post, contact me off list if you have any
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenches
Hey Wrenchers,
We just did our first install with Prism Solar bi-facial panels (Bi-48
286's). So far two panels have shattered already. Both were from mild
impacts (the battery of a drill hitting the panel with not much force
behind it). The system is only about 6 weeks old. I'm in co
allel and 1 Xantrex 6848 and 2 Xantrex Conext MPPT 60 150 Solar
Charge controllers. Via a surge from SCE system shut down and sat
before we were called in. Batteries are sitting at 6.67V and the
charge controller will not turn on unless the batteries are at 40V
since at the time they were made fo
the most
> reliable monitoring available.
> One trick we've learned is, if possible, use the wps option to gain web
> access so that when your customer changes their WiFi password the Envoy is
> not locked out causing you to make another trip.
> Wayne Irwin,
> Preside
some doubts about how long the adhesive will hold up over
> time.
> We purchased it on ebay for a discount.
> Kevin Eigel
> *Ecohouse Solar*
> 1857 Northwest Blvd. Ste 201, Columbus, OH 43212
> www.ecohousesolar.com
> 614-805-5776
> On Tue, May 8, 2018 a
The very first time I saw UniRac's 'new' extruded aluminum hub at a show
I figured it would fail over time, and I was assured that it wouldn't.
It did.
My best suggestion would be to talk with Jeff Randall at Solar Rackworks
in Albuquerque. He welcomes cust
HUPs. They're made by Enersys. I have yet to see a failed cell.
I'm backing away from IBE (which I have in my own home), as just this
week one longtime client has a second failed cell (out of 24) on a
seven-year-old set. He takes meticulous care of them too. The first one
several years a
what methods are you all using for grounding on metal roofs? thanks
Adam Katzman
Autonomous Energies
PO Box 1245
Kingston, NY 12402
(518) 567-1468
List sponsored by Redwood Alliance
List Address: RE-wrenche
thanks glenn. and what about commercial? anyone have code references
regarding grounding when doing solar on metal roofs? i thought a few years
back there was a conversation on this but i can't seem to find it.
Adam Katzman
Autonomous Energies
PO Box 1245
Kingston, NY
orks LLC
> www.oregonsolarworks.com
> 541-299-0402
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 4:01 PM, Jason Szumlanski <
> ja...@floridasolardesigngroup.com> wrote:
>> Is it possible for a utility meter to be programmed/wired backward? I
>> have a client on an Enphase syst
I would like to broaden this topic a bit, please: we're currently
installing our first Blue Ion LFP set (48kWh). I work almost exclusively
with existing off grid systems, often older systems most of which have
TriMetric monitors, either the TM2020 or newer TM2030. Has anyone
llan, have you talked directly with Bogart?
On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 12:56 PM Sindelar Solar
mailto:al...@sindelarsolar.com>> wrote:
I would like to broaden this topic a bit, please: we're currently
installing our first Blue Ion LFP set (48kWh). I work a
s an AC coupled system, they won't
even have any PV production the next morning either. This is another
reason AC coupled is not a great idea, or at least you need to always
have some DC coupled PV as well, but I digress..
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 8/23/18 5:43 PM, Dan
rsolar.com <mailto:al...@sindelarsolar.com>
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder (Retired), Positive Energy, Inc.
*505 780-2738 cell*
On 9/5/2018 5:53 PM, solar1onl...@charter.net wrote:
I thought since solar PV prices have come down
h the Outback OPzV battery? I have a
client who destroyed a set of Solar One HUP batteries (2490 A/HR) by
forgetting to water them for a year. We are looking to take watering
out of the equation.
He does need this much storage (maybe more) My next thought was 3
strings of GS SLR 1000 batteries (cycle
Bill, I wouldn't, especially with FLAs. I have seen this situation here,
where the summer highs are similar, with a few homeowner/hack
installations and no, 60-cell modules will not finish the charge in hot
weather. Strings of three work just about perfect with modern charge
controllers, especi
ir of 72 cell modules should be enough.
Ray Walters
Remote Solar
303 505-8760
On 9/12/18 9:21 AM, Mac Lewis wrote:
Hi Bill,
I agree with Allen. We get similar peak temps here and two 60 cell
modules doesn't charge a 48V battery bank adequately. This effect
would become worse over time w
x27;s outside of solar
distributor familiarity, and I have had to learn over many years how
best to work with them. It's a quite different industry.
On 9/12/2018 12:31 PM, William Miller wrote:
I used to buy Trojans. My vendor told me about 3 years ago that Trojan
had been ac
drake.chamber...@redwoodalliance.org>> wrote:
Since Solar Converters seems to have evaporated, I'm not sure
where to look for a 48 to 24 V DC to DC converter. Samlex has 24
to 12. It seems like someone mentioned a Canadian company that
makes these.
I need to step down power fro
Jay and all,
I recently learned that while Array Technologies has grown well past
small residential applications, there is limited support available for
older Wattsun trackers. The Wattsun.com website doesn't say much about
this, but Array Tech sold their residential division to old friends of
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder (Retired), Positive Energy, Inc.
*505 780-2738 cell*
On 11/9/2018 10:04 PM, David Coale wrote:
Does anyone have a good contact for Schott Solar warranty claims? Is this
de up of four sets of 5 batteries in parallel to
produce 500 AH battery sets at 12 V. These four parallel sets are then
wired in series to give a 48 V nominal bank.
> The battery voltages vary from around 13 to 15 volts. The bank is
about 5 years old. The CEO of Batcap told the syst
ominal bank.
The battery voltages vary from around 13 to 15 volts. The bank is
about 5 years old. The CEO of Batcap told the system owner that these
batteries have lasted up to 30 years in solar applications, so he has
high expectations for these batteries being around for a while.
My fi
nal message
From: Sindelar Solar
You write "I'm sure you know this..." but I don't know it. I don't
think I have heard this before, as you have presented it.
How do you rotate strings? Where did you learn this? Is there an
online source that you can pro
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