Sounds like a silly question but is there any way to ground a small battery 
based PV system serving a temporary fishing shack on the middle of a frozen 
lake? Around here they call these 8' x 8' (or larger) shacks "ice houses". One 
or more holes are augered through the ice for fishing lines. Some of the shacks 
get remarkably fancy, almost luxurious (in a guy kind of way). There is usually 
plenty of beer and snacks. Sometimes fish, too. The shacks get set in place as 
soon as the ice is solid (4-6" thick) and they may stay there for several 
months. It's a home away from home for a lot of upper midwest folks in the 
winter. Some like the idea of a small solar powered battery system for light, 
CD player, TV, etc. There's no earth around for hundreds of yards, even miles.

Charlie Pickard
Aladdin Solar
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