My findings are spot on with Bob's the lights almost go out in the house
when a load comes on and it does not have to be a big load. The Magnum
4448 120/240 inverter has probably the slowest regulation of any of the
big players. Is it an issue? I can only say on my installs if the
customer has
Wrenches i have a unique problem. I have a 2.5kw grid tied system
installed using a Xantrex GT inverter I also have the wired monitor that
uses the standard Cat5 cable. The problem is the Remote meter dumps its
data randomly sometimes once a month and sometimes it will go 3 months.
We have chan
Do your self a huge favor and use the Midnite solar Epanel. one thing is
for sure you wont install 2 FW250's
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Just thought I would post my days experience with Xantrex. I had another
GT inverter blow up and i called the new tech support number. 5 minutes
from dialing I have a RMA # and a replacement will go out today. Maybe
Schnieder is helping? Or I just got lucky?
That is one of the reasons we didn't do a lot of outback stuff. You are right
Midnite makes it so easy and if they don't have it they will make it they
listen that's for sure
Next time you do a multiple stack outback get ahold of Midnite and look at ther
Nottagutter combined with the Epanel
William and others The Epanel lite was designed for the SW inverter. I
cant imagine the Epanel or Nottagutter making you feel claustrophobic
they are roomy and easy to see into and very easy to use.
Also Midnite solar is in the process of having there combiners listed
for AC use as well as DC.
I have been very happy with AEE once I got a good steady sales person. I do
miss the dealer login and hopefully they will fix that some day?
I have also had good luck with Power Up but they are a little more money and
don't stock as much.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellul
Is it just me or what. I have a grid tied system we are doing and I am told mid
january on the xw cc. I ended up using an outback but it puzzles me why a 2 to
3 month wait on controllers did X find a glitch and redoing them?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
It seem's like I remember a program that would give you the physical seperation
between 2 array's? So that the first array doesn't shade the second. I know it
is fairly basic math but if there was a program or website it would be faster
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S.
I to agree it is nice to have a disconnect means at the pv array. I
worry that touch safe fuses may give some one the wrong idea as they are
not safe to open under load. they will catch on fire. I like the
combiner with disconnect idea and I know there is a Huge player in the
combiner market th
suspect it to be the same as the 48 volt. Call Gary at Magnum he
will get to the bottom of it for you.
Happy Holidays
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the flicker on the magnum's is due to the default settings. There is
a setting called ac drop or drop ac volts it is set for like 80 volts ac
bump it up to 100-105 and the relay will transfer a lot quicker.
Happy Holidays
The inverter stores the programming so the idea of setting the mate at the shop
won't work
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
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Options & s
I have a customer that we installed a Xantrex XW4548 on a Midnite
Epanel. He has 3kw of pv and 400ah of lead acid battery's. The issue is
he feels the inverter is to noisy. The inverter is hung in a garage on a
plywood wall that is 2 by 6 constructed with fiberglass and then drywall
on the hous
Wrenches I have a friend of a friend that wants to do a large grid tie setup in
Tucson Arizona any one in or around that area that is interested please email
me your contact info and I will give it to them
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
Well I had my reasons for looking for an installer in Tucson as these
are friends of some very dear friends of mine and I did not want to pass
them off to just anyone I figured that the pro's on the list would be
the ones I would trust. Oh well guess that is not to be here I will
scrub my reque
My experience with the fiber says it is almost useless for real structure. I am
sure it adds to the strength a little but IMHO is no replacement for steel
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
List sponsored by Home Power magazi
Ok the first one bounced back? The good people at APRS World make LED
lights and they are very high quality. I have checked out some that
where installed and they seem to be a great little product here is a
link to there product
I have done this a couple times. I have done this with a MX60 and a
MidNite Classic the beauty with the Classic is you can eliminate the
Transformer. I Simply rectified the 120vac and fed it into the Classic
works like a charm. I ran about 30 to 40 amps output into a 24 volt
battery bank. Ther
I have a customer that needs 2 sharp NE170U1 does any one have 2 they want to
part with? Contact me off list
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular
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You did not mention the XW, it frequency dithers so it is a pretty
straight forward setup. It also comes in 4, 4.5 and 6KW
On 7/31/2013 2:04 PM, Ray Walters
Hi Kelly;
I agree the Radian system
Well I totally agree and always try to buy USA as well as Buy Local, but
at the end of the day where are the grid tie inverters produced? Chine,
India and Germany.
On 8/8/2013 2:49 PM, Bill Loesch wrote:
Here, here, Bob-O. Thanks for the comment. My sentiments exactly.
Bill Loesch
That is not expected behavior. Which model of SPD are you using?
On 8/13/2013 1:08 PM, Allan Sindelar
Very seldom do inverters in off grid systems ever go to sleep
anymore, given the
To the best of My knowledge Robin had no knowledge of that issue. I also
remember that issue and it was aggravating to troubleshoot.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Howie
I understand it to be 2/0 now that MidNite has the Epanel released (Or
starting to release) for the SI.
On 2/4/2013 2:46 PM, Howie Michaelson wrote:
Hi it has been more than a year since I wired up a Sunny Island 5048
system and I'm trying to determine lug size for t
Our 100 amp din rail is essentially 2 breakers in parallel. So in theory
the 2 60 amp breakers "Could" work but. My concern would be that they
may not be tripped at the same time where they are not internally
ganged. I can't say "Go Ahead" but.
What we have done here at MidNite at times is to use our SSR fed by a plug
in Wal Wart plugged into the utility.
[] On Behalf Of All Solar,
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013
coupled mode is
truly not important. If this was a normal off grid system doing AC coupling
than it would be a different story.
Ryan Stankevitz
Technical Support Manager
MidNite Solar Inc.
360-403-7207 XT 151
Skype ID ryan.midnite
From: re-wrenches
Not all MPPT controllers do this. We took great pains to stop this in
the Classic. But even then there could be a wind turbine or something
hooked direct that could cause this so I could see a possible need for it.
Ryan Stankevitz
Technical Support Manager
MidNite Solar Inc.
reason you here people complain of small AGM battery
banks going over voltage from time to time. These same slower
controllers will take that same 2-3 seconds to catch themselves if a big
load is turned off.
Ryan Stankevitz
Technical Support Manager
MidNite Solar Inc.
I have to agree with Dan. Making disconnects that can open 1000vdc under
load as compared to 600vdc under load will be far more pricey. To "Rate"
all gear for 1000vdc will be prohibitive.
Ryan Stankevitz
Technical Support Manager
MidNite Solar Inc.
Last I saw the building is locked by the landlord, So SWWP may not have
access to these parts?
On 4/5/2013 11:29 AM, wrote:
in addition, i am looking for a spare blade set for the same unit
(whisper 100). i heard there was a warehouse full of these parts when
Why get rid of them? Not trying to be a wise a$$ but Wasps need a place
to live and if they are not bothering her it may be a safe place to let
them stay.
On 5/2/2013 2:13 PM, Dana Brandt wrote:
Hi Wrenches,
I have a client who has developed quite a problem with wasps behind
be ok. If you had an inverter that tracks real fast it could be a
battle. The fact the aurora failed in the early AM confirms my thinking
it is the battle of the MPPT.
On 5/8/2013 1:38 AM, wrote:
Hi all- While I have not had the failure problems noted with
From Robin
It has been pointed out that the Tigo modules can and do blow up some
charge controllers and inverters. When a charge controller or inverter
has fairly fast tracking, the two units fight each other. We have found
Classics using the fast tracking mode will blow up with Tigo's in the
pump or Charge controller pick the appropriate position for he
Ryan Stankevitz
Technical Support Manager
MidNite Solar Inc.
Office - 360-403-7207 XT 151
Cell - 207-416-2006
Skype ID ryan.midnite
On 6/6/2013 2:48 AM, wrote:
so it
And be watchful of the ribbon cable. Don't want to pinch it in the case.
On 6/12/2013 6:25 PM, Ray Walters wrote:
Take it off the wall, and watch out for the really short wires to the
fan on the cover you are removing.
R.Ray Walters
CTO, Solarray, Inc
Nabcep Certified PV Inst
nny Island. The
RS485 cable is only needed when you want the Sunny Boy to switch
between Off Grid and Grid tie.
On 6/22/2013 10:26 PM, Jeff Clearwater wrote:
Hi Esteemed
What we have done a couple times is to install a 15 amp breaker in the epanel
and wire in an outlet then plug a 12 vdc transformer into it.
when the generator kicks in the transformer turns on and it all fits neatly
inside the epanel.
Alternative Energy Systems of Maine
57 Hemlock Rd
Corinna, Me
Have you tried this system with all the house loads switched of physically? It
does sound odd that you can time the swings but could it be something in the
house drawing around the 400 watts for a few seconds? the XW may just be
responding to that?
If all else fails try switching off all the br
Wrenches i have a customer that wanted to install a dpw top of pole mount for
18 sharp 180 watt panels. he installed his own pipe and even after several
reminders by me and a signed contract stating shcedule 80 8 inch steel pipe he
installed a 8 inch cast iron water main.
My dilemma is this he
I use a lot of these Magnum 4448's and have never had any trouble like that. i
did have some real odd behavior out of the first 3 i installed and we worked
with magnum to get a software upgrade that would handle surge better.
Mine where falling off for a lenghtly period of time when a heavy load
I have a customed with a Xantrex gt inverter and the remote wired display he
has repetetive problems of the display losing or dumping the Monthly and Yearly
It will go random lengths of time between losing this data sometimes 2 months
sometime 1 month it varys. the remote was replaced
Another good option is the xantrex XW it has 2 inputs one for the grid and one
for the Generator then you can sell the sw's. we have had good succes on ebay
selling the sw's. And you are correct the wind or sun or whatever brings the
battery voltage to a certain point will trigger the inverter t
Midnites Classic CC is close they are beta testing there high voltage unit.
I am actually beta testing there standard voltage unit. boB is working very
hard on these and i suspect we will see them soon. There is a long list of
features packed into this little unit. I will let boB or Robin fill
Midnite solar has 2 beta units rated for 250 volt running out there. One is
running on 12 kc130's in series and the other is running 10 solar world 24 volt
panels 5 in series so 2 strings of 5. They will be installing a 250 volt unit
on a wind turbine this weekend.
They have a bunch of the 150
We have noticed we seem to be spending a lot of our time doing warranty work as
well. And it doesnt seem to be any one manufacturer. We have had a Xantrex MPPT
controller that was reading off by 6-7 volts. We have an outback controller
that wont sleep at night. We have had 2 Xantrex GT's die as
This problem with the FM series getting stuck isnt wide spread but it is out
there I have an FM60 at a customers house doing it. If you pick auto restart
mode 1 it will rite itself every 2 hours. But you can still see a big loss of
productin in 2 hours.
My customer has the lates software and a
Wrenches i had an interesting request today. I have a nieghbor who is an over
the road truck driver and he wants air conditioning while he sleeps. The
specifics i won't bore you with. but he has seen a "Molded panel" that fits on
the roof that takes the place of the airfoil on the cab.
Has any
ut for the
outdoor runs it would be. And since so many runs will be exposed to both
types of locations, it only makes sense to me to keep it all THWN-2. I like
your position of only stocking one wire type to reduce the possibility of
confusion in the field.
-Original Message-
From: r
can't redesign using something
else, with equal or better cost, time or performance results. Seriously,
send me an old or new Enphase design, I'll look it over, and propose an
alternative. If a reasonable person won't agree in that alternative, I w
this one is set-up, the
inverters are very service-able, and seem to be cleanly installed.
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
Cell: 707.591.1950
Direct: 707.536.9839
Hello Ryan,
I wonder if SMA still thinks
e PPA's have it covered, oh
yeah, they don't want one, great for us. Is anyone watch-dogging these PV
finance guys? They're the ones that scare me the most, you know, the ones
that get lost at the "T" for "truth-in-lending".
Thanks for your relentless service
Specifically, the additional fusing and disconnect requirement you mentions.
Is that each positive and negative PV Source and Output Circuit must have
OCPD and go through switched? Twice the combiner boxes, fuses and switches?
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
isolating switches.
This paragraph doesn't make mention of accessibility.
Good luck,
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Yago
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 11:57 AM
To: 'R
The second system does not rely on the first to convert solar energy to
electrical energy so you will supply a singular circuit breaker for the
interconnection of each system.
On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 10:42 AM William Miller
> Larry, Wrenches:
> I appreciate you
Hey Chris,
Speed Solar, Inc. in Deerfield, WI stocks bifacial modules from Adani/Mundra
(608) 764-4900
Ask for Al or Cal.
Now mounting is the trick!
> On Aug 13, 2019, at 9:08 AM,
> wrote:
> Hello people:
> We have a custome
the frames were off just a little, so the corners of the
modules were like razor blades! They look great though.
> On Aug 20, 2019, at 8:31 PM, William Miller wrote:
> Bill:
> I hope your trailer has side walls. Load the pallet near one side of your
> trailer.
Mission Solar’s 72 cells are 375w and BAA compliant for our projects out of
> On Aug 27, 2019, at 4:08 PM, James Rudolph wrote:
> Aloha Wrenches,
> Are any you able to get “Buy American Act” compliant modules, or know where I
> can get them
> I know
(including locating your array
to the proper location using Google Earth) but I have been very pleased with
the results. It isn't a simple calculator but it is a powerful and free
Also, there was a good write up on the subject in the first SolarPro, it may
get you what you need.
a well executed product. They have a very helpful
and knowledgable staff to work with. Before you know anyone over there,
when you call, you may get an answering service that knows nothing. Once
you get the right number they are responsive. Overall, it's been a solid
relationship. We
Check out this tool on Solmetric's website:
You can input your tilt and azimuth and it calculates the percentage loss
from the site's ideal orientation.
uilding at
whatever azimuth you actually have.
You need to make sure you locate the array to your physical location through
Google Earth. If I remember right, the shading tool defaults to Boulder, CO.
-Original Message-
the issue of dropping out of the inverter's window out of the equation. But,
as Jeff has brought up, we don't always have the liberty to do that.
[] On Behalf Of Kent
Did they require electrical stamped drawings only or structural too?
[] On Behalf Of Conrad
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 9:56 AM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
aesthetics and cost. For ground mounts, we can play with it a little more
to find our sweet spots.
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
Lead PV Consultant
2139 Westland Dr
Santa Rosa CA 95407
Cell: 707.591.1950
Direct: 707.536.9839
I've had so much conflicting input on the points of Grounding Water pipes or
using them as Grounding Electrodes for systems in places like New York and
San Francisco.
Could someone be kind enough to set me straight on the intentions, functions
and applications of this?
Ryan J. LeBlanc
, at
With appreciation,
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
Cell: 707.591.1950
Direct: 707.536.9839
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wr
120% Rule math.
Check out: Solar Pro SP2.4 Article "Can We Land: Means and Methods of
Utility Interconnection." (LeBlanc/Yates)
Available Free online at SolarPro's website.
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
Santa Rosa, CA
Cell: 707.591.1950
Direct: 707.536.9839
y appreciated.
Look forward to other opinions, comments, etc.
Sorry about the length,
Ryan LeBlanc
Natural Energy Works
> Nick,
> Advocating for an economic comparison between the cost of wire and the
> energy saved by larger wire is not the same as advocating for high voltage
&g advertises in Home Power and SolarPro for PV labels. I have
samples from them, the labels seem good although I have never used them on
any systems.
-Original Message-
Eaton has a line of disconnects that may fit the bill:
From: RE-wrenches [
Bentek has a product listed on their site that may fit the bill, although there
isn’t much in the way of documentation:
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
ed by humans and pets."
Ryan HarkinsNABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer /Project Manager
Description: Adobe PDF document
Synergy Renewable Systems, LLCPO Box 58Stoughton, WI 53589PH:
On Jun 21, 2012, a
I currently use a Solar Pathfinder for shade analysis onsite. We have an iPad that would make site visits pretty slick if the Solmetric iPV app for the iPhone is useful, and accurate.Anyone have experience with the app? How accurate has it been?Thanks,
Ryan HarkinsNABCEP Certified Solar PV
ldn't want a roofer making electrical connections or designs on a PV
system without the right training so why would we want to violate their
standards when we penetrate their roofs?
On 02/07/12 4:40 PM, "" wrote:
My 18V Milwaukee cordl
ction, permitting, exporting, code, electric rates, licensing, wind maps, etc.Thanks,
Ryan HarkinsNABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer /Project Manager
Description: Adobe PDF document
Synergy Renewable Systems, LLCPO Box 58Stoughton, WI 53589PH: 608-712-7862ryan
[] On Behalf Of Jesse Dahl
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 6:43 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Disconnets
Anyone have recommendations for a ballasted roof racking manufacturer? Tilts of 30-degrees or more would be best.
Ryan HarkinsNABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer /Project Manager
Description: Adobe PDF document
Synergy Renewable Systems, LLCPO Box 58Stoughton, WI
with that equipment in Wisconsin please contact me off list.Also, one site has a high water table, so any tips on pouring in that environment would be welcomed.Thanks
Ryan HarkinsNABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer /Project Manager
Description: Adobe PDF document
I suspect this would be a large issue for an AC coupled
wind turbine. I would try a couple things, A- Ask SWWP to open the SkyStream up
or B- Try using a Outback or XW inverter if you can just to see if it is
better. or C- Get a 1KW Battery charging wind turbine.
> Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2
We see the same issue here in WI. Funny that you say 64 minutes, as some of the M215s show the error for 64 minutes for us routinely. Could that just be some designated error reporting length? Daryl, thanks for the Enphase update. Keep us updated if you can on the software fix.
Check out Google Sketch Up. You can use it in conjunction with Google Earth
to designate your location and apply shading. The free version will probably
give you want you want and it doesn't take too long to learn the program.
[mailto:[EMAIL PROT
milar situation for an install we were working on, the engineer
acknowledged that he would not have any concern with such an arrangement.
You may approach your utility and see if they have a standard protocol you
could follow for your system.
-Original Message-
gh to view regardless of line weights and
Ryan Mayfield
Renewable Energy Associates LLC
PO Box 208
Corvallis, OR 97339
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up, and forever
annoying if they don’t match well:/
Ryan Harkins
Synergy Solar
Stoughton, WI
> On Nov 5, 2021, at 6:12 PM, Maverick Brown wrote:
> Solar modules are crystals and no two crystals are the same. The textured
> glass helps to homogenize the appearance or maybe
Obviously, not ground breaking work, we've all already known that sub 2kw
systems were viable candidates for micro-, but I was very disappointed to
see such a lack of competition on the CEC list for those of us looking to
keep our inverters out from underneath the array.
-killer in some
Solarpro advertisement, show pictures of an enphase unit as a doorstop,
paperweight, meat-tenderizer, etc. and be done with this over-employed,
stop-gap of a technology.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wr
-killer in some
Solarpro advertisement, show pictures of an enphase unit as a doorstop,
paperweight, meat-tenderizer, etc. and be done with this over-employed,
stop-gap of a technology.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wr
, and then 80 as you got away from that cell.
Is this a normal temperature when the bypass diodes are working, and just
the cells in the string are feeding the shaded cell, or is this unusually
hot, perhaps caused by a faulty, or missing diode?
Any help is appreciated.
Ryan J. LeBl
rchase price paid to Sharp for the
Product or service which gave rise to the claim under the Limited Warranty.
Ryan J. LeBlanc
NABCEPT Certified Solar PV Installer
Cell: 707.591.1950
Direct: 707.536.9839
vid Brearly, or the
host of other awesome PV Guru's on the list is extremely appreciated.
~Ryan L
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he ac grounding system by one of the methods in (1), (2), or
Any help is appreciated
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e info that the US site doesn't.
~ Ryan LeBlanc
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 08:25:47 -0700
From: David Katz
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Sunny boy 1800
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=&q
I think the thing that I still haven't seen mentioned, is printed on the
device itself, it's nameplate says 215 @.95 power Factor.
Which would mean, at unity it would be higher...
Another shining example of this company not telling the whole story in their
Does anyone have an opinion about the best sources or approaches for
training proper and efficient fall protection rigging techniques for the
variety of applications we run in to installing PV. Manufacturers, training
organizations, OSHA Contacts, Etc. I have definitely cowboy'ed a few times,
Thanks for the E-caps post.
Could you briefly describe why the Thin-Film Caps guys continue to spread
this rumor?
Perhaps give a brief description of the differences?
Perhaps some weaknesses of the thin-film caps?
I'd love to get your take on this.
Hi Jesse,
Good open questionhere's what I think about this problem
We all understand that electrical components have very clear performance
versus cost trade-offs.
I think extreme outside conditions, like those below -40°C temps, simply
lend themselves to a string/central PV topology
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