on making custom parts for
the SnapNrack, which should be available soon.
Additional additional WEEB note: The WEEB washers can only be used with the
SolarMount Top-Mount clamps, not the Back-Mount clips, and not with
SunFrame. With back-mount clips, and SunFrame, use one WEEB lug (or our
efficiency, deep discharge, light weight and long life.
Carl Emerson
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: 5 October 2010 9:29 a.m.
To: RE-wrenches
I believe they have been taken over by PowerOne.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
Is this system capable of reporting accurate state of charge?
Fatspaniel could not deliver this feature...
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches
I would also try Kerosene which is also a mild abrasive.
Happy New Year.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
Great discussion.
Why not backfeed into the generator and reduce fuel costs?
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
I have heard of it being done successfully in the Pacific Islands with
Generator derived mains.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun
and then top up with distilled water?
Appreciate your collective wisdom.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
List sponsored by Home
be a case to lower
the SG a little?
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On
If you remove the blades they make a nice quiet wind direction indicator
although a little more expensive than a wet finger.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
Hi there,
Anyone out there got experience with Santerno???
Carl Emerson
Web www.freepower.co.nz
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Hi Guys,
The discontinued Unisolar US64 did not have any glass on the face.
A great product, a shame they stopped manufacture.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Web www.freepower.co.nz
Hi Marco;
Regular modules are designed to take quite an impact. I recall one
manufacturer that
bringing AC
back to the inverter.
Trying to keep cable costs down.
Many Thanks,
Carl Emerson
Auckland NZ.
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Hi John,
Yes I have seen this one thanks.
I should have mentioned that the array will be about 1 kW so a unit that
size is overkill...
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Web www.freepower.co.nz
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
Hi Ray and Dan,
Thanks for that, the bank is 48V so that sounds like a very good solution.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re
r failure. Nor do we need to worry about the pH of the
Hope this helps,
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland NZ
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of August Goers
Sent: 25
This is a good product but not sure if available in the US.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland NZ
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Orion
Sent: 7
Hi there gang,
Just to say that IMHO solar thermal panels will radiate quite a bit less
than they collect, someone must have some data on this ??
Have a great Christmas.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re
Maybe your client would consider this option.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Web www.freepower.co.nz
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Need info resource re wind & hail damage
Allen, UL 1703 simulates a 1" hailstone @ 50mph by dropping a 1.18lb 2"
diameter steel ball 51" onto the
Hi Folks,
These pumps are still in production.
Check out FLUXINOS in Italy
Parts available.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer...@freepower.co.nz
Web www.freepower.co.nz
From: re
Carl Emerson
Freepower Co.
Auckland NZ.
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: 12 October 2012 9:59 a.m.
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Charge
Hi there,
Is there an 'off the shelf' low cost product that will divert exported
energy to a load?
I have put thought into this and have a simple solution but need to know if
it is worth while marketing it.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
generated power
exceeds the loads and can divert the power that would have been exported to
a local load?
I have figured out a way to do this cheaply but need to know if I am
reinventing the wheel.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
Mobile +64 22 630 9689
Email emer
icipate in this ?
If so please contact me off list.
Carl Emerson
Freepower Co.
Auckland NZ
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Carl Emerson
Sent: 16 October 2012 1:36 p.m.
Hi Chris,
The most obvious use would be to heat a thermal store.
This is a resistive load and very easy to control.
I also have a client who would like to use it for irrigation loads.
So what is the device you have in mind?
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Land line +64 9 473 4286
emote cell site.
I am expecting at least another 5 - 7 years life.
Carl Emerson
Freepower Co.
Auckland NZ
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List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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Hi there,
Just to say that SunRise pumps are still in production.
Check out FLUXINOS in Italy
Parts are still available.
Carl Emerson
Freepower Co.
Auckland NZ
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
Hi there,
Check out these educational units that include miniature fuel cells and
Carl Emerson
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE
Hi there,
Does it not depend on the size of the generator?
I know that solar grid tie into a diesel generator derived grid is done on
several pacific Islands.
Carl Emerson
At 02:07 PM 12/12/2012, you wrote:
Hi Wrenches,
I have a quick theoretical question related to trying to
hough warnings have been given not to do this, it clearly can work.
I think we need to understand better what does and what does not work and
Carl Emerson
022 630 9689
PO Box 305-130,
Triton Plaza,
say that your making information freely available over the years has
assisted many.
Carl Emerson
022 630 9689
PO Box 305-130,
Triton Plaza,
Auckland 0757
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
transformers used in the
units here will not work for you.
Carl Emerson
Hi Carl,
Your 230vac is a single wave form right?
RMS peak to zero crossing of 230v
vs our
240vac which is 2 phase wave form
RMS peak to zero crossing of 120v
Have I got this right
Carl Emerson
Hi Carl,
thanks and yes, I think its why they only did a 120v version here.
Another question for you there.
Its my understanding that neither of your legs is bonded to ground correct?
peltz power
On Feb 3, 2013, at 4:22
is a different consideration for AC
versus DC in New Zealand.
Do you know what other Metric based nations use for determining wire
resistance values?
Thanks in advance.
William Miller
At 04:32 PM 2/3/2013, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi William,
Just a comment on the spreadsheet.
You have
on many
Carl Emerson.
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator Controlled Mini Grid
I am connecting a Kohler 12RES to my house, the roof has 3.1KW of PV
connected to a SB3000.
I thought we would have problems so we all knew to turn of the solar before
turning on
Carl Emerson.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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rly investing in this direction and I understand will release
suitable product this year.
Carl Emerson.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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rrect this answers your question.
Time will tell I guess.
Carl Emerson
Solar Frontier in Japan, the maker of copper-indium-selenium (CIS) mods,
claims that their product produces more kWhs per kW installed than
crystalline silicon.
I understand that they don't behave like A-Si modules.
They are claiming increased performance after soaking.
Carl Emerson
I don't understand the text as stated.I am not sure if they are simply
referring to a common effect in most thin f
for a panels ability to respond to light being captured at high angles
of incidence, therefore at times of global irradiance, some panels
performance drops off quite seriously.
Excuse the raveĀ
pet subject.
Carl Emerson
Ok so its a reading night.
There are a bunch of very
of overdriving the units for short term gain.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Co.
Auckland N.Z.
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Exeltech
Sent: 24 March 2013 5:50 a.m.
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] P1
27;s maximum power rating.
This allows for a projected life matching that of the PV.
In this case power clipping will not shorten the products life.
I am unable to confirm if all manufacturers are taking this approach, buyer
Carl Emerson
Is Enphase g
Hi there,
Hilton's third question is important.
Are we seeing a rise in thin film failure or is this only mono and poly?
Carl Emerson
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Hilton Die
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Current issues backed up with hard data would be very useful.
Carl Emerson
First Solar's thin film is definitely part of the industry's early onset
under performance problem.
With monocrystalline under $1/watt, I just don't understand why big projects
are still goi
Are they doing a 'real world' test for each module over say 12 monts????
Carl Emerson
Hi Carl
Would like to see real data.
Photon publishes their module data, and thin film are no where near the top
of the list.
Nexpower. #14
First solar. #131
Total of 1
real data.
Photon publishes their module data, and thin film are no where near the top
of the list.
Nexpower. #14
First solar. #131
Total of 151 modules in the test.
Peltz power
Sent from my iPad
On Jun 1, 2013, at 6:20 PM, "Carl Emerson" wrote:
Hi there,
dropped dramatically to one
tenth of its price ten years ago, taking away thin films competitive edge.
Carl Emerson.
Hi Carl,
Here is the link to how Photon measures each module.
Carl Emerson
Hi Carl,
Here is the link to how Photon measures each module.
Can you please tell me how they are doing it wrong
Hi Hilton,
I tried the link, most is in German, French and Italian, some English but I
couldn't find the results.
Carl Emerson
There is a university in Switzerland that did some detailed real-world
module testing. Here's a l
I can't seem to be able to get that data off the site.
Maybe someone else can.
It is a main reason I bought the subscription, just to support their great
testing work.
On Jun 2, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi Jay,
Thanks for that, yes, I have
st to support their great
testing work.
On Jun 2, 2013, at 8:30 PM, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi Jay,
Thanks for that, yes, I have seen the setup you refer to and it is very
comprehensive, but I thought that your reference to the 151 modules was a
lab test at STC and not an outdoor
e from way back.
On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 2:29pm, "Carl Emerson"
OK any good data from outdoor tests showing energy produced by thin film
compared to crystalline in the same conditions would be most helpful.
Can anyone confirm that NERL tested Unisolar for
Carl Emerson
Freepower Ltd.
Auckland NZ
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenches.org
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ge is the turbine? This helps to know if you can use the turbine
power to control the valves.
peltz power
On Sep 29, 2008, at 9:36 PM, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi there gang,
We are looking at a 4kW PM hydro for a client and was wondering if anyone
has do
Good luck,
peltz power
On Oct 1, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi There,
Thanks for the helpful comments.
Hydro is 400V 3 phase AC.
I have a 1500 foot underground feed back to the house
I would like to hear if anyone has done this and what were the issues t
Carl Emerson
Free Power
Auckland NZ
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and can we do our best to keep it
scientific, I don't mean to spread emotional alarm without due cause.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland N.Z.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re-wrenche
Hi again,
Thanks for the helpful input, much appreciated.
We have very little coal fired power generation down here so the
incandescent option does not produce so much indirect mercury pollution.
It seems the conventional 'linear' flouro has been a far greater hazard, I
remember being i
Hi there,
Is there a reliable cooling product that will run from 48VDC and deliver 1
or 2 kW of cooling?
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland New Zealand.
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address: RE-wrenches@lists.re
We are about to do a Wagner system about 50 SQM.
It is a top German product, definitely worth a look.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland, New Zealand.
-Original Message-
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
Hi Gang,
Just a point of interest, mid summer down here in New Zealand I measured the
maximum irradiance at 1287 watts/SQM. on the longest day.
We are right under the Ozone hole and have very low pollution levels.
What sort of maximums are being seen elsewhere??
Carl Emerson
Hi Gang,
The measurement was made at the Vodafone site Gt. Barrier Island near
The site is about 500ft above sea level.
This is "Melanoma" country.
Don't forget your hat and sun screen.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland NZ
From: r
Hi there,
Can someone confirm that there is still no MPPT regulators available capable
of accepting array voltages greater than 150.
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland NZ
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address
Hi there,
Anyone got some real world performance data that shows how well the Unisolar
US64 panels are holding up after several years in service?
Carl Emerson
Free Power Ltd.
Auckland NZ
List sponsored by Home Power magazine
List Address
Shipping and retail store (NO MAIL):
2998 Shari Ave
Yuma, AZ 85365
On Mar 24, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Carl Emerson wrote:
Hi there,
Anyone got some real world performance data that shows how well the Unisolar
US64 panels are holding up after several years in service?
From: re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Carl Emerson
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 5:20 PM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: [RE-wrenches] MPPT greater than 150V
Hi there,
Can someone co
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