Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-17 Thread Jerry Shafer
What about a using a third party monitor like Egauge, we use it gor all kinds of AC DC systems. No codes but diagnostics are better Jerry On Dec 17, 2015 8:10 PM, "jay" wrote: > HI Lou, > > I’m using the Optics RE at my house. Its pretty easy to hook up. > The newest rev works well with Power li

Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-17 Thread Roy Rakobitsch
I use OpticsRE on my off grid system. It seems stable in its current revision. There are a few things that bug me about the GUI, such as not being able to make drop-down preferences retain settings on log-in for their graphs. Also not being able to make shunts display on top of dashboard (i dont us

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread jay
HI Todd, Thats not my understanding. VRLA batteris come just like FLA, cycling and non cycling. I can’t speak to the non cycling as I don’t use them. But cycling VRLA are lead/antimony, not lead calcium. jay peltz power > On Dec 17, 2015, at 8:56 AM, wrote: > > as i

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread jay
HI Ray, yep agreed, the brain power is going towards Lithium. Thats what I would do. Schneider also has a high temp shut down. Not sure about OB, or magnum. cheers, jay > On Dec 17, 2015, at 10:55 AM, Ray Walters wrote: > > Hi Larry and Jay; > > I totally agree, that taking into account c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-17 Thread jay
HI Lou, I’m using the Optics RE at my house. Its pretty easy to hook up. The newest rev works well with Power line carrier units. And its free jay peltz power > On Dec 17, 2015, at 8:05 PM, Lou Russo wrote: > > Wrenches, > > I have several existing off-grid sites that now require remote mon

[RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-17 Thread Lou Russo
Wrenches, I have several existing off-grid sites that now require remote monitoring. All of the systems are Outback FX series inverters with hubs, original Mates, and relatively easy WAN access. I keep coming back to Outback's OpticsRE as a option. I have been disappointed in most manufacture's

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Mason
I didn't install it but it was well done, has three Sunny Islands and three Sunny Boys. My only involvement has been to repair a breaker that failed, and to service the generator. On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Drake <> wrote: > With relays you can set the

Re: [RE-wrenches] SIPS panel roofs

2015-12-17 Thread Daniel Young
I’ve used Pro Solar Rail in a similar way, it has a flat bottom and you can place it directly on the roof with butyl tape under the whole length, then fasten as often as you determine is needed. Rails run from peak to eave, and modules go in landscape. We mount the rails as close to the peak as

Re: [RE-wrenches] SIPS panel roofs

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Mason
I have no experience with SIP but, There's a product I buy from Krannich that is excellent for difficult roofs where there is no point of attachment. It is called Xpress rail. The older product, which I don't think they sell anymore but I bought out everything they had, could be attached by pop riv

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module recommendation for a specific off grid situation

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Worcester
By the time we took the Sanyo’s down 7 out of 12 had varying degrees of Voc, either 25%, 50%, 75% of full Voc., in a nut shell. This didn’t just happen all at once, since we started diagnostics in the fall, then got snowed out, and resumed in the spring with the system showing less output. Pan

Re: [RE-wrenches] HuP Conundrum

2015-12-17 Thread Ray Walters
It's also possible to charge just the weak cells using an automotive charger set to 6 v. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer, Licensed Master Electrician Solar Design Engineer 303 505-8760 On 12/17/2015 8:29 AM, Luke Christy wrote: Thanks Guys, for the feedback. I r

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Ray Walters
Hi Larry and Jay; I totally agree, that taking into account charge and discharge rates, DOD, and temperature, we should be able to more accurately model a battery's lifespan. We already have temp sensors at the battery, so it seems just a matter of software to do this. Also battery's nonlin

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module recommendation for a specific off grid situation

2015-12-17 Thread Ken Schaal
Do you have any specifics as to why the Sanyos's were failing ? Thanks, Ken On Dec 17, 2015 12:54 PM, "Chris Worcester" wrote: > We just got a dozen from CivicSolar last month for a Sanyo replacement on > an existing Wattsun AZ225. Nice boost in power, seeing 270 watts output > from each 240 watt

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Jay
Hi Larry, I've talked to Ralph about adding temp comp and puekerts. But he doesn't know think that it matters, I don't agree with him though. Jay Peltz power. > On Dec 17, 2015, at 7:26 AM, Starlight Solar Power

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module recommendation for a specific off grid situation

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Worcester
We just got a dozen from CivicSolar last month for a Sanyo replacement on an existing Wattsun AZ225. Nice boost in power, seeing 270 watts output from each 240 watt module on the APsystems YC500A microinverters. It was a cold day! Took off Sanyo 195 BA3’s that were failing big time. Chris Wo

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread toddcory
as i understand it agm batteries are lead calcium. my personal experience has shown me that lead calcium is THE battery for ups systems. to reiterate previous emails about this: i have two grid tied systems here at home, both with battery backup (outback gvfx series) inverters. one has 1986 vi

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Drake
With relays you can set the A/C up as a dump load that will activate when the grid goes down. At 06:59 AM 12/17/2015, you wrote: I have a customer that has had AGM batteries in the Caribbean for many years without any sign of capacity loss, but...they air condition (?) the room they are in, an

[RE-wrenches] SIPS panel roofs

2015-12-17 Thread Tom DeBates
Hello Dana,  We were faced with this problem 10 years ago. I'm not certain if the OSB was 1/2" or 5/8". We used the DP&W Easy Foot with butyl between the foot and roof (this came adhered to the Foot), no flashing. DP&W supplied a special "deep-threaded" screw for this application. I can't rememb

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread frenergy
I'm experimenting with a panel I built myself that is series'ed and paralleled to produce a Voc of ~3.3 volts and ~10-12 amps which can be alligator clipped to slacker 2V cells, leads running outside to a sunny locale. It's certainly not the quickest/best solution but worth a try in some insta

Re: [RE-wrenches] HuP Conundrum

2015-12-17 Thread Starlight Solar Power Systems
No hydrometer, no log book, many cells at different SG and probably no battery monitor = neglect, wasted resources and, as you said, unbelievably expensive consequence. I hope you can communicate to the customer that this was his fault and not the battery maker. Larry On Dec 17, 2015, at 8:

[RE-wrenches] Fwd: Apollo Charge Controller

2015-12-17 Thread Howie Michaelson
For anyone interested, I did get through to Bill Todd at Apollo in regards to the MPPT state flashing on the display.of the T80 controller. Turns out whenever MPPT is displayed, it will be flashing. Not clear on the reason for the choice to make it flash, but it doesn't mean anything except that

Re: [RE-wrenches] HuP Conundrum

2015-12-17 Thread Luke Christy
Thanks Guys, for the feedback. I reduced the system to one string when I was on site, and it is maintaining, though the remaining "good" batteries had a lot of variance in the SG between cells. I don't think the cells in these particular batteries are removable (at least not by me), as the in

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module recommendation for a specific off grid situation

2015-12-17 Thread Starlight Solar Power Systems
I have been trying to purchase Panasonic modules for years. Where do you get them? Thank you, Larry Crutcher Starlight Solar Power Systems On Dec 17, 2015, at 12:27 AM, Chris Worcester wrote: Hi Allan, Try the Panasonic 240’s Chris Worcester Solar Wind Works NABCEP Certified PV Installer

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Starlight Solar Power Systems
Jay, And, and, and, indeed. There are SO many factors affecting battery life. With some battery capacity monitors (like Blue Sky Energy IPN-Pro), you can see the total kWh removed from a battery bank since it was installed. But that data does not consider the non-linearity of the DoD/Cycle life

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Mason
I have a customer that has had AGM batteries in the Caribbean for many years without any sign of capacity loss, but...they air condition (?) the room they are in, and they do not use any discharge, they are purely setup as a UPS style system. Unless the power fails, all the power is exported, and t

Re: [RE-wrenches] SIPS panel roofs

2015-12-17 Thread Will White
We’ve also used the ECO-65 which works great but the problem with your roof will be flashing. The roofs we installed on were asphalt so we could use the flashing. It’s going to be hard to seal a ECO-65 plate on a metal roof. Will White Director of Construction – East Coast RGS Energy 64 Mai

Re: [RE-wrenches] Module recommendation for a specific off grid situation

2015-12-17 Thread Chris Worcester
Hi Allan, Try the Panasonic 240’s Chris Worcester Solar Wind Works NABCEP Certified PV Installer Office 530-582-4503 Cell 530-448-9692 Fax 530-582-4603 From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf Of