maybe some
wheel theft clamps, I think you'll be fine. No one is looking for a classic
steel bike these days. Now they want carbon and disc brakes. And there are
plenty of those bikes to steal. I'd give him the Clem.
On Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 4:05:31 PM UTC-5 mmille...@
Oh yes it might help a bit if the bike didn't look so new. With a few
duct tape patches that can be easily solved without hurting the frame.
On Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 5:24:24 PM UTC-5 Will wrote:
> When I was in college I had a Raleigh Competition and a Raleigh RRA
> (Fr
dded tires
for the couple of months we'd want them.
Both bikes are wonderful all rounders. You can''t go wrong with either.
Both take fat tires. My son's bike will easily take 700x45s (fendered)
which is plenty of tire. It will probably take 50s with fenders, don't
taught me about biking. In those days paperboys fixed their own
bikes. I learned to take wheels apart to grease the bearings and so on.
These days biking is a bit more upscale: Toyo built Atlantis. But the old
days were fun.
On Monday, September 6, 2021 at 5:56:51 PM UTC-5 Garth wrote:
I had been reading bike groups and one day back in 2014 a poster noted a
53cm Atlantis was for sale in my town. At the time I was riding an old Trek
610. It was a nice bike, road well, but wouldn't fit tires bigger than
35mm. So I went to check out the Atlantis. Rode it around the parking lot
I've got a lovely red Waterford R-33 frame here with a (gasp) carbon
fork. You really can't get a lighter steel frame; the ride on this
bike is simply wonderful. Absolutely stunning paint job with blue
flames creeping up the form and frame. Here are the details:
Yes, Roadeo might work, though I might prefer the higher BB and
sloping TT of a cross-style frame. Probably not a make or break.
On Jul 10, 7:46 am, jimD wrote:
> Will,
> I don't have one but wonder, would a Roadeo work for you?
> How fatty do you need those fatties
of knives, and
> no easy way to search for what you want.
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Scott Henry >
> wrote:
> > Anything by Spyderco will serve you well. Though I am partial to the
> M-16
> > series from Columbia River Knife and Tool.
> >
> &
Design away the top tube. If you get the twin transect right you have
plenty of structural support. We have mixtes, love'em.
On Friday, August 23, 2013 6:53:08 PM UTC-5, Liesl wrote:
> Hi friends,
> What a tutorial in gears! I'm learning quite a b
On Sunday, September 29, 2013 5:23:22 PM UTC-5, Cecily Walker wrote:
> I'm interested in putting a front rack (to be used under a Wald basket) on
> the front of my Betty Foy. While I love the Nitto racks, I don't have Nitto
> money. Can anyone recommend a nice loo
I must be missing something. Is an $11,600 bike relevant to BQ readers?
On Wednesday, October 2, 2013 9:36:41 AM UTC-5, Jan Heine wrote:
> Consider that we are talking about a full-custom carbon bike that weighs
> only 21 pounds with 650B tires and lights and costs $ 11,600. In that
> context,
Yes. But the day they don't do fine... Is a bad one. Is a very expensive
one too.
Been there.
On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:51:12 PM UTC-6, Peter M wrote:
> I love metal fenders, personally. I know they are "less safe" but they
> did fine for over 100 ye
SuperMirage Mixte, racked and fendered. Has Suntour Command Thumbies :-)
I totally get where Grant's gone with the Cheviot. Love the long
chainstays. I'll have that before I go toes-up.
On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:13:47 AM UTC-6, jinxed wrote:
> Over the las
Seems to me that if one is going to own, or build out a $3000 cycle, one is
going to want a gen-hub and decent lights. I gotta believe 80% of what's
built here includes lights now.
With that in mind, I'd like to see fork options, either wireless, or with
wire runs built on. The practice of usin
tion or
>> copying of this email (and any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited.
>> If you receive this email in error please immediately notify me at (212)
>> 735-3000 and permanently delete the original email (and any copy of any
>> email) and any printout thereof.
Look here:
On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 2:47:28 PM UTC-5, john wrote:
> To cut to the chase, I've discovered I do better on a narrower saddle than
> the Brooks B-17. Problem is, I like the bag loops
A bit of inner tube stuffed between the seat rails and the loop clamps will
secure things... think p-clamps, same concept.
On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 3:30:26 PM UTC-5, Patrick Moore wrote:
> These are far better than the old Cyclos, but they still slip. I used tiny
> hose clamps
6 with a 26/40/chainguard in front would be perfect for
>> you, Deacon
>> On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:10:06 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>>> Thanks, Shoji. As I play with this more, It makes sense to me to take
>>> things one step at a time. I
The other solution is to calculate what pneumatic support is necessary.
It might be that the OP does not need this width to achieve his riding
I've watched this wider tire business for the last year or two. It's
interesting. But at some point, we will go too far a
I rode a Motobecane Super Mirage Mixte for several years. It was a good
bike and I have no complaints. It's nice for loads since mounting is easy.
I did not notice a difference in handling vs. reg. high tube bikes.
There are some other nice things about mixtes...
1) not attractive to thieves
Riv should tap these as part of the setup. It's not a big deal.
On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 5:56:21 PM UTC-5, CoalTrain wrote:
> I've been riding my Cheviot for 6 months, and want to add a basket for
> store runs. What's the best way to prep the braze on since they are
> covered in paint
I think you should measure your other bikes. Find out how far your comfort
level is. I have a feeling these bars will be too far forward, given
Hillborn's long top tube. The "stem" on these is 15 cm. that's longer than
what Riv specs for the build kits. For the drop b
check the Riv site: Big Bens...
On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 11:42:04 AM UTC-5, mothtoflame wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am wanting to throw some large tires on my Atlantis. I am writing in
> hope that someone will have suggestions that might help me decide. Here is
> what I am
My son, who has a night commute, is firmly bonded to the Riv reflective
triangle. He tells me that cars give him at least an extra 2-3 feet of
passing clearance. He will not ride nights without it. He has a Shimano
dyno and B&M front/rear lights... but the triangle is what moves the cars.
It's a great bike: much like the English sport tourers of the 60s and 70s
but finished with more thought. My Atlantis is upthread. It's heavier than
my old Raleigh Competition but certainly not a slug.
With an Atlantis you get great proven geometry with stout tubes. There's a
significant place
Might be nice to push back to GP and encourage more of these posts.
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Owners Bunch" group.
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to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroup
mplexity of bicycles, and the
> issue of diminishing marginal returns. Which is also related to energy
> inputs. The more energy a society has at its disposal, the more complex it
> will become. You can go from there to Tainter's The Collapse of Complex
> Societies. In other wor
t fear.
On Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 9:45:23 AM UTC-5, bluebirdonabicycle wrote:
> Apologize if this is a dumb question, but
> Don"t laugh. Im just getting back into riding a bicycle. Im an older
> fellow. I will be getting an expensive Riv.
> My main concern is it get
Yes and no... depends on where you live...
The fact is: his Rivendell-to-be will ALWAYS be the most expensive unit in
any public bike rack. It will ALWAYS be the most beautiful bike in that
rack as well.
It's bait of the highest order.
So why be anxious? Why hope the neighborhood is
g yesterday, can't remember where, in
> which the columnist said Pitlock wheel skewers will eventually strip and
> need replacement.
> This guy said his lasted three years before needing to be replaced.
> Has anyone here had any experiences with Pitlock skewers wearing
of future uses as has been mentioned
> before. That thinking can often cause these problems. I expect my AHH to
> arrive sometime in August. Just a few months further down the calendar,
> winter will be starting. Here in Anacortes, that means it is getting dark
> earlier. If I want to
ine with a Abus Granit
Futura Minu U lock. If you sink a heavy duty ring bolt into your cabana, or
The bike will stay loyal to you.
On Saturday, May 28, 2016 at 1:27:35 AM UTC-5, Tim Butter
Bingo you keep the Ortlieb front bag and match with Tubus/Ortlieb rear.
I still think you should go back to the drawing board and give strong
consideration to a "complete" Sam. It might be cheaper from a financial
POV, but it is not cheaper from a visual or functional POV. The builders in
I think there is too much self in your post. :-)
On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 7:41:12 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
> No one here is being unreasonable from my perspective, they are just
> being themselves ! You know, I have family in the bike biz for example
> that wi
I think if I had a Cheviot with long chainstays I'd do this:
We had these folders on all of our errand/commuter bikes. They work well.
Once you get into front struts, you have problems at public bike racks. The
struts won't go into the ti
Three things:
1) have someone photograph you on your current bike and send it to Riv
2) do the measurements to determine your current front-center (and stem
length) send to Riv
3) send your PBH to Riv
On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 10:15:13 PM UTC-5, Tim Butterfield wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I ha
this build, I wanted to post an update.
> My A Homer Hilsen, size 57, in standard blue, is on order and the deposit
> has been paid. Now, I just need to get with someone there to plan out the
> build while I wait the two to three months for the frame to be ready. Once
> the da
u don't use something. It's fine to say "I don't
> recommend using such and such and here's why". It's fine to say "I won't
> use that" and not give any reason. But, when you tell people that you
> don't condone me using something,
telligence--even ones that, unlike the fencing zips I
> sometimes use, are not labeled UV resistant.
> On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 2:36:59 PM UTC-4, Will wrote:
>> If a steel fork is necessary, well... so is a bullet proof basket
>> connection.
mplicated installation immensely.
> The little plastic cap that fit over the end of the stay has been replaced
> with an integrated plastic anchor. Presumably these will keep the cap on
> the stay, but they also require threading the stay while holding the screw
> and bolt in plac
VO metal
> fenders during their Christmas sale, so I got these
> Here they are on the bike:
> As Will said of his P65s, great coverage, light,
traighten a front SKS fender
> for my Hunqapillar, then gave up and decided my Hunqapillar will remain
> fenderless and knobby.
> When it cam time for my AHH, I surrendered to a higher
> power/talent/wisdom/workshop and paid Rivendell to do it. Best money I ever
> spent.
I've done front racks, Wald baskets, and such... the solution I evolved to
was a Tubus rear with Ortlieb bags. Why?
1) Rivs handle better with rear loads. It a design thing.
2) small front racks with large basket overhangs are fussy.
3) front racks have very modest capacity (unless they are th
You have to lean the bike more to carve the same arc (as a shorter
wheelbase bike) during a turn...
On Monday, June 20, 2016 at 11:21:34 AM UTC-5, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Could you please explain this? I'm too dim to get the causal connection
> between chain stay length and pedal strike.
Scare up a small metal tube (look at this link for a visual:
The tube will manage the spring and give you leverage with control. Works
better than pliers or other "grabbers". Local hardware should have
something close.
On Su
my bike
> has returned. So in the interest of brevity I will keep my question short.
> I have pretty much decided that I will get the Sam Hilborne. I'm 6' 1" with
> a PBH height of 95 CM. Long legs, long arms and a short torso. I'll be one
> of those guys who ne
I'm guessing Riv, having made tandem design work, would accept custom
They might have to fudge with some filet brazing, but I think that would be
acceptable to the cognocenti.
On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 2:12:24 PM UTC-5, Bill Lindsay wrote:
> I would place the odds at somewhere bet
Call Riv and ask whether this works... they will probably want to know what
stem is on the Clem and what stem is on your Foy. This will be your
cheapest solution since the Albas will transfer with their levers and
shifters. The key thing is reach. This stem may put the bars too far
That sounds so nice. Once upon a time I lived up near the top in Twin
Peaks, SF. And I had a job in Novato. Once or twice (if I was feeling
especially sadistic) a week I would bike the commute. In the morning I
would pick my way through the climb but at night on the way home I
didn't have it in me.
those racks on the way but wasn't considering putting it
on the front for that reason. I'm not interested in using clamps on a
fork that has rack braze-ons. Just figured I would mount it on the
back. But that looks close enough to level for me! Maybe I will try it
after seeing yours. I have a
iggie. It will do the same tricks on the back. Cheers
y'all and happy new year!
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Sorry. I meant at the drop out on the fork. Earlier versions of the
Sam (all not made be Waterford? Not sure about that) have one eyelet
on the rear of each drop out on the fork for mounting fenders. The
later, current Waterford built Sams all seem to have a second eyelet
on each fork dropout in fr
Strongly prefer to sell local. RBW members get first pick.
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Also, I might consider a partial/trade for certain parts. Lemme know
what you've got.
On Jan 16, 5:00 pm, Will wrote:
> Strongly prefer to sell local. RBW members get first pick.
You received this message b
Gorgeous photography. Kudos to the photographer.
On Sep 21, 4:10 pm, EcoVelo wrote:
> Yup.
> On Sep 21, 11:30 am, JL wrote:
> > Isn't that orange a standard color for the second run?
> > On Sep 13, 7:50 am, David Estes wrote:
> > > Isn't that custom paint amazing!
"People do ride the route on fully rigid bikes, usually cyclocross or
rugged touring bikes, so it's certainly possible and I wouldn't
discourage anyone from trying it. 2,700 miles is a lot of dirt road,
however, and the vast majority of riders will be more comfortable on a
What a spectacular setup -- thanks for posting.
Can the S-A 8-spd be shifted at a full stop?
For what it's worth, I'm the original owner of a 1973 bike with the
classic 3-speed S-A hub (
Despite never being serviced/maintained in 36 years, the h
<< Filson makes a paste wax for re-proofing their waxed cotton
garments. I've used it on a Baggins with positive results. Hot
weather, a heat gun or oven helps the wax to flow into the fabric.>>
I second the vote for the Filson wax (
finish-wax--pi-2092385.html). S
Yes, thanks for posting. I'm a real fan of this bike: the internally-
geared hub and generator hub, stamped fenders, green paint, brown
leather. Hey, what does she weigh fully dressed? (Not implying
anything, just curious.)
On Dec 30 2009, 3:29 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> Yep, it definitely beats
I was thinking the same, only I can think of a number of frames from
the 1970s that had this and other variants of brown.
When is someone going to put a 62-cm Ramb up for auction (or FS on
this list)? I've been looking for 1.5 years and still nothing...
On Aug
y (headset tightness, tires, wheels, rake, trail, wheelbase,
rider’s fore/aft weight distribution, winds, rider skill/experience);
I’d also be grateful to hear from others who experienced and then
dialed down the twitchiness/speed wobble/shimmy factor.
PS Michael, it sounds like you were going *re
ure was
> cool enough in the morning to feel pretty cold at that speed, so I
> might not have noticed a small gust.
> The idea of lowering the bars a bit is interesting. My bars are set 2
> cm below the seat, and I'm not anxious to change my set up. I will
> take off the
truts with a hole drilled at one end
to trade for the 25cm. (Or sell?) Pictures of the struts here (note rack tilted forward 1-2 degrees to make
struts barely work) and here
PS If anyone is wondering, yes, it's a very nice rack --
search with email alerts. Maybe you are doing this already.
I also like as a search tool. For example,
reveals one SR900 right now. The site is RSS-able.
Good luck,
NYC (Chelsea)
On Aug 2
Not mine. They *are* my size but not in my location, so they're up for
the list! Looks like a steal at the price:
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Owners Bunch" group.
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Riv website only has 41cm right now, which seems pretty tiny. Anyone
want to sell me a wider pair?
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red' by the SFR 600k as well as the Dharmawheels pilgrimage
ride. Looks like a great route and should have plenty of places to
stay, but much of it will definitely new territory to me. Hence, I'd
love any feedback or advice you'd like to give. In exchange, I promise
a full ride repo
I've got a classic Santana tandem that I've fixed up in Rivish
fashion. We love to ride it but don't have a lot of room for it and
have to store it at a friend's house, so it doesn't get used very
often. I'd consider parting with it if I knew it was going to a good
Let me know if you are int
Jason, however you go, it will be a great trip. NYC to Montreal is
just under 400 miles, so to do this in 5 days, New York State Bicycle
Route 9 might be your shortest path. We cycled the route from Albany
to NYC in May 2009, and while, yes, you share the road with others,
the shoulders were wide
e 45mm fenders, cork handlebar tape w/ shellac,
Sugino XD2 24/36/46 triple crank (and IRD 110-mm square-taper bottom
bracket). Also on the bike are the Brooks Flyer Special, Acorn Bag and
Shimano A530 platform/SPD pedals, all of which I learned about from
y'all (thanks).
You re
I rode the past two years; afraid I can't ride this year. Last year
was *really* wet/cold. My Rambouillet was one of the few bikes I saw
with fenders ( When will
the people learn? :-)
Yes, do be careful out there. In 2008 I personally witness
Interesting that the seller is claiming a 59cm top tube, not the stock
60cm top tube (source:
On Feb 13, 10:38 am, jinxed wrote:
> Not the owner, just happened to notice it on craigs list.
> 05 model said to have full Dura A
If Andrew doesn't mind my tag-teaming off his message, I would say
"ditto" to anyone considering unloading a 62-cm Quickbeam. (Thx
On Feb 27, 7:31 pm, neurodrum wrote:
> just wondering if anyone has a 58 cm quickbeam that is seeking a new
> home.
> g
Same problem here (pics here and here
In my case it was a stout circa-1998 Mavic touring rim that was
straightened after a subtle taco-ing from a 1999 crash. It then went
thousands of miles--many self-supported touring--before these cracks
showed. The
Don't know the seller, but recall Sheldon Brown's endorsement of the
mid-1980s Miyata 1000. (
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A lady once ran me and my 25-lb bike off the road with her 3000-lb
Ford wagon -- and I was thankful for years of motorcycle safety
training which teaches one to look where he wants to go, not at what
he is trying to avoid (I stayed upright). Trying to give her the
benefit of the doubt (maybe she
Yup. We know so much more now about nutrition now than we did before,
and I appreciate Grant's occasional nod in this direction in the
Reader. Personally, I wish every American would read Dr. Joel
Fuhrman's "Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program
for Conquering Disease" (1995; ht
Gotta say, Joe Huddleston's Rivendell Road is stunning. Exceptionally
well done.
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With internally-geared hubs, and rear racks, it seems there's nothing
to damage (easily) in the rear. Nice find! Thanks for sharing.
On May 1, 5:18 pm, Jeff Feldstein wrote:
> Found this on a cyclist's blog:
> Apparently these folks throw some
nd 21 bicyclists killed by
cars in NYC's 5 boroughs (source:; the combined
total ranges from 110 to 160 every year). I'm not blaming cars for all
of these, but nonetheless it's the equivalent of one Boeing 737 crash
every year. And that's just in NYC. --Will
Jim: I appreciate your ongoing delineation of the group's mission.
It's this focus that attracted me here 3 years ago.
I was about to suggest that maybe it's time for us to create a
parallel Google group. How 'bout the "Rivendell Owners Bunch Off
Topic" (ROBOT) list? There's something really neat
Did you see this May 17 Cycling News article about Andy Hampsten's
lugged-steel frame that he rode to victory in the 1988 Giro d'Italia?
I was struck by the similarities among design criteria for a 1988
Rode my 1973 Schwinn 3-speed. Just can't bring myself to lock the Riv
outside on the streets of NYC all day. It was a perfect day in the
mid-Atlantic states. :-)
Peter Andrews wrote:
> Rode my single-speed Bomba (my only bike at the moment... mmm, well I
> do have a Cannondale F1000sl that's bee
Fourth for Harris Cyclery. And you can get there from Boston South
Station via commuter rail (Harris is just a few blocks from the W.
Newton station;
On May 30, 7:41 am, Bill Spencer wrote:
> There is always Independent Fabrication in Somerville. Not
ut 3,000 miles on it over almost
> 6 years, never been crashed. I'm asking $1450 for it (plus actual
> shipping, if needed), complete minus saddle and pedals, and will
> entertain reasonable offers. I've written up a full description with
> photos on my blog (below), let me kno
here: (link to pdf; see p. 27).
On Jul 9, 8:43 am, EricP wrote:
> Not a Rivendell bike on the cover (although it has fenders). But the
> bike has what appears to be a Medium Sackville on back and a Brand V
> Bar Bag up front.
> Another photo inside sh
your enjoyment...
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
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Upon seeing a brief mention of RBW in the annual Adventure Cyclist
touring bike buyer's guide (April 2009; see p. 22 at, I was
reminded that other articles of possible interest to this list have
been published in the last 10 years of Adventur
There's a Rambouillet that lives in Chelsea. It was one of the few
bikes to do Sunday's 5-boro bike tour with fenders. :-)
Chelsea, NYC
On May 3, 10:04 am, Peter Flint wrote:
> I ride an Atl
2/3 was dry. Wondering if others have found more effective solutions.
How do you like the Velox cover? ( I know,
nothing works as well as a plastic bag and duct tape -- just looking
for something slightly more eleg
At the 2008 Five Boro ride I saw a gentleman with a beautiful mustard-
colored Bleriot with a front rack, though I could not get across to
crowd to speak with him. (Man had a beard). Is this you?
On May 5, 11:35 pm, Dave G wrote:
> I did the the NYC Five Borough tour on
left shifter laying around. Also happy to hear from
you if you have a spare pare. Let's talk off ze list. Gracias!
PS Is it coincidence that this should happen the same week as Gino's
post to "secret STI owners"? Hmmm. (
Oops. I think I meant "spare pair" as in 2, not pare, as in Spanish
for "stop". :-)
On May 12, 11:50 am, Will wrote:
> Anybody have a left down-tube or bar-end shifter (for 8 or 9-speed
> triple crank) that needs a loving home? My decade-old left Shimano 105
> S
t of
us are probably "UCI + 10."
On May 12, 12:55 pm, James Warren wrote:
> Sorry, no offer of matter, just advice: You'll end up with a better set-up
> than you had before. Nice crisp rear indexing and nice trimmable front
> shifting. My sister loves her bike set up
<< As an alternative you can simply cut off some old Levis at the
bottom of one pant leg and hem one side and stitch on some Velcro
closures then attach with toe straps through your saddle loops.>>
Very nice solution. Renew, reuse, recycle! I love it.
<< ...consider Acorn bags if you can't score
Funny. I learned the hard way that if you box your Ramb to ship home
via FedEx after Ride the Rockies, it's a good idea to tighten the
Nitto stem's handlebar clamp bolt and the seat-post bolt. Both
disappeared in transit. The folks at RBW graciously sent free
replacements. Oh, the number of times
gt; > > seemed to snap back into its place on the frame. At the first
> > > > opportunity, I fished the strap out of my bag and put it back on.
> > > > Vanity is not a good reason for leaving the strap off.
> > > > I don't know if this makes a differ
One more polishing question: how do you get the cassette and cranks so
clean (especially in the deep recesses of the nooks and crannies)? The
shine of the drivetrain and hubs is impressive.
When are you publishing your photo book? :-)
--One more who cycles the near the Chelsea Piers.
On Jun 2,
Of course there are the hats by Sun Precautions:
Has anyone created a bicycle helmet with a wide 360-degree brim?
On Jun 2, 2:31 pm, Paul wrote:
> Don't forget that the Tilley has a lifetime warranty.
> And they really
Is having the bars sweep back a patentable design element? I notice in
the next photo that the drops are anatomically shaped, not the
traditional round curve. Ain't exactly the Noodle/Soba.
On Jun 5, 6:19 am, Jay LePree wrote:
> Hi Aaron:
> It looks amazingly like the Noodles. I am surprised
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