My experience echo J Imler's. I also had it on my Joe Appaloosa. The bike
rode like the Titanic with that rack. I took it off after only one ride. I
thought I wanted it to be able to carry front panniers and more weight.
With experience I've learned to lighten my touring load so i don't need
I was really confused at first at the A Homer Hilson, Appaloosa and the new
Atlantis. The sizing is very different than of old, like for my Bleriot
where I ride a 55cm bike, looks like on the Hilson and Appaloosa I would
take a 51cm and on the new Atlantis a 50. So my question for those that
I used one on a week long tour with front panniers. It did it’s job very well.
But, like others have said, I’ve learned to lighten my load, and I try to keep
mostly lighter weight stuff up front. Also, I don’t tour that often, and this
rack is way overkill for normal riding.
I’d check out the p
In my experience, Riv's don't handle heavy front loads well, which I
attribute to their high-trail designs. I've read posts that claim
otherwise, but for me even a Berthoud-size bag on a front rack, loaded with
a moderate-for-its-size weight, isn't as stable as I'd like it to
be---especially i
Hi Patrick,
Very nice. Can you post a closer-up picture of your headlight support? I
hesitate to mount front or rear lights directly to fenders because of the
potential stress of the light's weight on the fender, but it look like
you've conquered that problem. Thanks.
Standover clearance is really over rated. I find that I never stand over my
bike with both feet on the ground and the bike frame perpendicular to the
ground. At stops, my right foot is on the peddle and the bike is leaning to
towards the left. So this adds clearance. I start off by leaning t
I rode with this rack on my Sam for about a year and did a long tour with it.
The awesome thing is you can just keep loading the thing and you won’t have any
problems. There are a few negatives:
-really heavy
-makes handling sluggish
-low rider rails really aren’t that low
-overly stiffens the
The top tubes of most MIT Rivs (including the MIT AHH and Atlantis) have
significantly more slope than the older models like your Bleriot.
Therefore the size for a given bar height with respect to seat height is
smaller, and ones proper size based on pbh is smaller.
Stand over is increased
James, thanks. I had 3 customs, a 53,54 and after Grant measured my PBH a
56 which gave me no clearance. The 55cm Bleriot gives me a bit of room.
Sounds like the 51 in the Joe or Homer, or 50 in the Atlantis would work.
I would like to find the most comfortable and stable bike. The new
Ted, thanks. I am beginning to understand the slopping TT and what that
means. From what I am reading I would be a 51 on the Homer and Appaloosa
and a 50 on the Atlantis. My Bleriot was a bargain as these new MIT models
are snout what I paid for my first Road, and my next custom was just a tad
Funny about Grant measuring your PBH. I've never been to Rivendell but have
talked to Grant about bikes by phone. He asked my PBH and I told him I
measured it at 83 and he said "you're probably an 85". I think he figures
most folks don't get all the way up to bone when they measure. I like
Hi Doug, I have been buying the largest I could ride, that is why the ‘new
sizing’ confused me. I am learning about how it relates to the TT newer
slope. I think Grant had me at or close to 84, I got as high as about
82.5. Will try one more time later. I agree with you on riding as large
as I c
Hey Joel,
Prices have certainly gone up since the Bleriot days, I think a lot of that
is just years of inflation but still ...
I encourage you to give the fine folks at RBW WH a call to discuss ride and
handling of current models wrt your Bleriot.
That said I would expect the AHH to be closer
Grant mentioned that a new single speed frame of some kind was a
possibility, but that if it happens, it won't be anytime soon.
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 2:02:48 PM UTC-7 Tully Lanter wrote:
> I seem to recall a mention of a single-speed country bike in the works,
> but can't for the life
Ted, I have had 8 Rivendells before my accident 10 years ago, 4 were still
with me. Sold 3 of my last 4 as I thought I would not ride again but kept
the Bleriot in the hope that I would as I bonded with the 650b. Now
retired and riding again and I have not touched my 401 money. Maybe I
deserve a
Tap that 401k!! Have you seen Joe B.'s custom? It has a nice sloping top
tube and I think maybe 650b? You SHOULD treat yourself to a retirement
gift. All those years of saving in your retirement accounts was good
discipline and now you should not feel guilty for investing in a nice bike.
What brand/model of seat pack is that Patrick ?
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Hi Andrew,
Tried to reply privately from desktop and failed. I will take the Albatross
Tom Palmer
Volvotom1964 at gmail dot com
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 2:04:44 PM UTC-4 Andrew Huston wrote:
> Soma Cazadero 650x50, pair, brand new $80 plus shipping
> Nitto Technomic 10cm $25 shipp
Joe Bernard? I have not seen his custom but until I started riding again I
have not been active here. Something to think about. First I thought you
were talking about a Joe built, he did my 56cm Joel Green.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 2:12 PM Doug Hansford
> Joel,
> Tap that 401k!! Have yo
I just looked at a few of the close ups, this one probably sports a bit too
much patina for the price. (Though it certainly wouldn't put me off if I
could get a better deal on it, or if I knew it would be a keeper.) Happy
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 2:40:33 PM UTC-4, Mark Roland wrote:
Gotcha Tom. I’ll email you shortly.
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Oops, one more and I promise to stop Shopping Vicariously. Just a few past
the Bob Jackson is a Trek 620. Still overpriced in my view (though again,
if you use it, it's still cheaper than a new tigged frame and will last at
least as long), but a known geometry.
Trek 520's, 620's, 720's. Of cou
Here's a couple more photos.
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Yes, you really no longer need to think in terms of "largest size" with the
newer Rivendels. The idea behind that was based on the more traditional
diamond frame with level or only slightly sloping top tube, so that you
could get handlebars high.
The newer frames account for that without needin
About the production frames, I had a 51cm Appaloosa, great bike, I think you
would love it.
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My retentiveness is having issues with how wide you're throwing your net,
especially regarding handling, and where you want to put your weight. I
wouldn't want to drop serious $$$ into a frame meant for long-distance
comfort and handling till I knew what geometry works best for me.
My base prej
An update: I bought a pair of Snoqualmie Pass tires with the standard casing
last week and set them up right away. They went on to my TB14 rims fairly
easily and are an absolute joy to ride. Plenty fast on the road, but they
really have me seeking out what limited gravel roads and trails we have
Bars and stems sold.
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Mine are sold now, too.
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Speaking of which (sorry I'm not remembering everything and putting it all in
one post), Rich Lesnik @ Riv is selling a very nice 51 Appa. Look for his post
"mustard-gold Appaloosa" on this list.
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Joe, absolutely beautiful, and a one of a kind.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 2:49 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> You mean this one?? Definitely long chainstays which was Grant's choice,
> and I picked the drop-toptube because I like the clearance and the look.
> The look gave me the heart seatlug and RBW de
I’m waiting for him to get back to me thanks
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:24 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> Speaking of which (sorry I'm not remembering everything and putting it all
> in one post), Rich Lesnik @ Riv is selling a very nice 51 Appa. Look for
> his post "mustard-gold Appaloosa" on this
Joe, I think so too but no new ones for now. It seems to be what I am
thinking about. Not sure if you have had a Bleriot, rode mine today, had
a close call, my fault and another with what I will call stability of the
front. Just put on 42cm tires (has 32 Grand Boise before) but I know that
I'm sure you deserve a 401k funded retirement treat. It's great you are
able to ride again. I too am recently (~1.5yr) retired. Great deal aint it?
Everybody should be so lucky.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 10:53:23 AM UTC-7, Joel Stern wrote:
> Ted, I have had 8 Rivendells before my acc
First there was the QB
After a hiatus, there was one batch of SOs.
Another hiatus.
Then the Blue Lug instigated FJ Sr.
And another hiatus.
Another dedicated single speed coming out wouldn't surprise me.
I also wouldn't hold my breath.
RBW has a lot on their plate at the moment, and SS models don't
Indeed it is. I was out before retirement after 2 back surgeries, hence my
fear of riding, but after 2 successful RFA treatments pain is controlled.
I used to be embarrassed when people asked what I do all day, now I just
say, I’m retired, whatever I want. And now I can ride again, life is good.
I've owned a 55 Bleriot. Nice bike, too long ago to remember steering but even
then that frame was too talk for me and I'm certainly older/creakier now. I
know there's another opinion on this thread about standover not being
important, but it is to me..I like knowing when I pop of the sad
I just put on a set of standard Baby Pass with tubes. I cannot speak of
durability but they sure ride nice. I’m keeping the PSI down to 40.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 3:09:37 PM UTC-4 Brady Smith wrote:
> An update: I bought a pair of Snoqualmie Pass tires with the standard
> casing last w
I would add the Rawland Nordavinden to your list. It meets every one of
your criteria (except tigged frame) and its standard diameter thinwall
tubing would complement your light weight. It's low trail though, so as
Paul said, it's important to know your preferences. I eventually decided
Joe, you pinned me, the lady like frame is hard for me but the Atlantis and
Appaloosa (should it come back in stock) are looking very nice to me. My
thoughts are to use my components from the Bleriot, will never find the
Suntour stuff I have again, and if I love it then I can get some other
If you decide low trail is what you want, you might consider the Soma Grand
Randonneur. Designed by the Boulder Bicycle people, but way, way cheaper
than their All-Road. If I had funds for a third bike, it would probably be
the one I'd choose.
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 10:06:09 PM UTC-4, A
If you can do 26" wheels there's a 50cm Atlantis frame on the Riv site. You'll
need to score new (or used from Craigslist) wheels, but this would keep wheels
under the Bleriot for rebuilding that frame later.
PS. The latest 50cm A
I don't know, I never bonded with 26" wheels, my AR was never a favorite
but it was nice just never a first choice.
I actually have an extra rear build up with a FW (which brings up the other
issue, do I want to go cassette, but I see no real reason too). Also, any
thumb shifters are out as I have
Sounds like a plan, Joel, Mark will definitely show you the way to go.
About the arthritis which I also have, is one hand worse than the other? My bad
one is the right and if you look closely at my custom you'll see that the
shifters are swapped. Most of my shifting is the rear and done with my
Well Joe, now that is a good question. It goes back and forth., So I had
this revision surgery in December on my right and it is about 30% better
but if I use it to work around the house it flares. But now the left has
gotten worse due to my using it more and I just had an injection because it
Joe, just looked at the bike again, are the shifters friction or have you
gone to index? Index may be in the cards for me but then I would have to
build up another rear wheel and I have that spare Velocity rear that I was
using for the rollers with fork mount when I could after my surgery. Also,
Really nice. I may have to decide if I will use my side pulls (if I can) or
go to Cantis. Only used Cantis on my allrounder many years ago and sold a
NOS pair of Suntour Expert I think a couple of years back. I want something
easy to release and reattach.
Nice colors too. Beautiful bike
On Sun, J
I wasn’t able to mount it so can’t comment on feel, but have a 34F in great
shape for sale in case you’re looking for a used one ($150)
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Index rear, friction days of pretending I have the patience for rear
friction are DONE.
I highly recommend the Shimano DXR v-brakes you see on my bike, they're super
easy to disconnect for wheel removal. And pretty!
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Knee hitting isn't unusual with bars that go back, an upright riding
position, and when riding very slowly around turns (though the bar ends
make it happen at a shallower turn angle). I have a 78cm PBH and it has
happened to me with: Bosco on a Clem, Bosco on a Bubbe, Albatross on an
Appa, and
Joe, thanks. I was thinking about maybe going cassette and index. It is
probably easier on your hands. I have a nice Deore 9 speed rear
derailleur. I have velocity synergy rims now, wonder what looks good
I will have to learn more about V brakes, I see from reading on Rivendell
that Gra
Thank you all for the incredible information. I really do appreciate the
time spent on my hunt for a glass hammer! Iv'e got a couple candidates so
far, one being a local seller with a 93' (same age as me!) RB-1 frameset
and another with a Mercian I'd like to get additional info on. The longer
I agree with this advice. I would add: Rivendell Rambouillet and A Homer
Hilsen. Somewhat rare, but they do turn up every once in a while on eBay
and craigslist. They are not front load oriented, but you said a saddlebag
might be OK, so I think they are worth considering. For what it's worth, I
My 59 Clem H came to me second (or third) hand and I was pleased to receive
it with Schwalbe Big Apple 50mm tires. It seems to be accepted wisdom that
the Kenda tires originally fitted to Clems are not on many people's wish
list. After a couple thousand miles in my use, and who knows how many
I thought some years RB-1s maxed out at about 28mm tires, though I could be
wrong. I think the issue would be the bottom of the brake calipers. But
maybe the '93 was one that took wider tires.
While I would agree with Paul that some of the touring frames mentioned
would be a bit portly, a 70s/8
Inflating a tube outside a tire, it doesn't take much pressure before it is
larger than the tire and it is not close to failure. Not luck, and not
Kenda tube specific, but tubes in general do that, even Kenda. Grin.
With abandon,
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I have a 1974 Motobecane Grand Record frame 60cm. Full 531. Takes 38mm
tires and will easily take 35 and fenders. Paint is a bit rough but if you
have an interest let me know and I will send pictures.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 9:48:32 PM UTC-4, Mark Roland wrote:
> I thought some years RB-1s
Joe, what hubs and rims are you using?
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 2:53 PM Joe Bernard wrote:
> Here's a couple more photos.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
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Just curious, what do you think the Cheviot will do that your Clem doesn't.
Short commutes and tooling around the neighborhood sounds perfectly
Clem-ish to me.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020 at 6:23:24 PM UTC-5, Mike Packard wrote:
> Howdy,
> It's looking more and more like I need to try all
This is one of the coolest bikes in existence! I'm rooting for this exact
geometry to become a production model.
On Sunday, 28 June 2020 11:49:34 UTC-7, Joe Bernard wrote:
> You mean this one?? Definitely long chainstays which was Grant's choice,
> and I picked the drop-toptube because I li
Still in the works, but there have been no updates, and no pictures... all
we know is that the idea exists. As I understand it, the bike is on the
back burner for a bit.
On Saturday, 27 June 2020 14:02:48 UTC-7, Tully Lanter wrote:
> I seem to recall a mention of a single-speed country bike in
I forgot to add that I am not opposed to selling just the frame either. If
that is the case I'd sell it for 325.00.
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 10:54:09 AM UTC-5, Kelsey Ashcraft wrote:
> Ok i know its not a Rivendell but it is steel and it does have some lugs.
> Im trying t
I can't seem to figure out how to PM you Nathan on the new Google groups
(reply to author is greyed out), but I'm interested in your Clem H.
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 9:51:28 AM UTC-6 Nathan W wrote:
> FS: Clem H, size 59 (700c), in grilver.
> This was purchased new in Spri
I'm in the market to buy a Roadini but I am on the fence when it comes to
sizing. My PBH is 33 inches which calculates to 83.82 cm. That puts me at
the top of the range for a 51 and the bottom of a 54. Has anyone else found
themselves to be in the same situation and what route did you take?
I was starting at 550 but I’m easy to negotiate with.
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Actually it is a Kogswell model G, sometimes referred to as a "poor person's
Quickbeam". I have one running Barlow Pass tires, no fenders. Cool ride.
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Update: The bike sold. Thanks!
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 11:53:45 AM UTC-4, ryan carey wrote:
> Hi all:
> Hoping to sell my Clem L. The front wheel was rebuilt with a Son hub (the
> Edelux II light is included). I swapped out the 12 cm Technomic for a 10
> cm dirt drop (I can include
White Industries hubs, Mi5 and some other name up front, Velocity Atlas rims.
Rich Lesnik built of course!
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Thanks all. I just ordered the latest model of Atlantis, size 55, fitting
700c wheels. Those Simworks fenders sure are expensive! Good to know it all
fits on the Atlantis. I suppose the Simworks smooth 62mm would not provide
enough clearance correct?
On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 5:18:26 PM UTC
Well,...maybe not close to failure,...but not optimum either,
the tube DOES get noticeably thinner when it's used much beyond the
stated tire size. A little over and usually no problem, but in
your case some luck was involved too I think it fair to say. :-)
On 6/28/20, 'Deacon Patrick'
Thanks, Ash! (I secretly hope it becomes a production model, a
low-step version of the Appaloosa)
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