I don't know, I never bonded with 26" wheels, my AR was never a favorite
but it was nice just never a first choice.
I actually have an extra rear build up with a FW (which brings up the other
issue, do I want to go cassette, but I see no real reason too). Also, any
thumb shifters are out as I have basal joint arthritis, had 2 surgeries on
the right, the last one is not helping too much, had the other two
surgeries in 2009 and both failed within 5 years. So bar ends are good for
me, friction is fine, I have no real issue with index if I was to go to 8
or 9 speed which maybe is a consideration and then leave me with a double
instead of a triple. I have a few parts at home as I sold most on these
sites when I had lost most of my hope of riding again but parts are always
going to be available, I just may have to change some of my wants. I did
not know you can use sidepulls with the Atlantas but from reading it seems
you can use these or Cantis.

For $100 more I can get, if I decide on the Atlantis the current geometry
which may suit me better.

I will call and try to get Mark tomorrow as Mark has always been a great

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 4:25 PM Joe Bernard <joerem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you can do 26" wheels there's a 50cm Atlantis frame on the Riv site.
> You'll need to score new (or used from Craigslist) wheels, but this would
> keep wheels under the Bleriot for rebuilding that frame later.
>  https://www.rivbike.com/products/copy-of-50cm-atlantis-demo-bike
> PS. The latest 50cm Atlantis is 650B, this is a slightly older frame.
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