Re: [R] selecting columns

2011-02-15 Thread Phil Spector
eate a reduced csv file called "mydata.csv" write.csv(mydata[,grep('Location|Ambient|Name',names(mydata),invert=TRUE)], file='mydata.csv') should do what you want, but without a more concrete example, it's just

Re: [R] How to speed up a for() loop

2011-02-17 Thread Phil Spector
Simona - I don't think preallocating your random variables would make the code run any faster. A very simple change that would speed things up a little would be to replace simPD.vec[i]=length(R.vec[R.vec Dear all, Does anyone have any idea on how to speed up the for() loop below. Current

Re: [R] A very basic line-plot question

2011-02-17 Thread Phil Spector
axis labeled in what ever way you want, to produce a whatever sort of plot you wanted. I'll leave it to you to figure out the details. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] sort by column and row names

2011-02-17 Thread Phil Spector
Jim - I believe dat[order(rownames(dat)),order(colnames(dat))] is what you are looking for. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Using Weights in R

2011-02-17 Thread Phil Spector
111 19.57672 567 100.0 You can probably find the specific part you want from the above code. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] xyplot formula

2011-02-17 Thread Phil Spector
year') xyplot(X~year|country*food,data=newdf) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] Mutiplying a data frame to a list

2011-02-21 Thread Phil Spector
Rohit- If I understand you correctly, and your list's name is mylist, then mapply('*',mylist,as.numeric(names(mylist))) will do what you want. In the future, please provide a reproducible example.

Re: [R] (no subject)

2011-02-21 Thread Phil Spector
1) adding an informative subject line 2) showing us what you tried without including your typos and other errors. I think you'll find this a more effective strategy than trying to replace core elements of R that you don't understand with empty functions.

Re: [R] Delete Comment Lines from SQL String as a Vector

2011-02-21 Thread Phil Spector
to get it to print the way you listed, you need to reduce the width of the line: options(width=20) use[use != ''] [1] "select sysdate " [2] " from dual " - Phil Spector

Re: [R] combining two columns into one column despite NAs

2011-02-24 Thread Phil Spector
Andrew - I believe$z = ifelse($x),$y,$x) should do what you want. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Transform a dataset from long to wide using reshape2

2011-02-26 Thread Phil Spector
t can rearrange the values. Hope this helps. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Ber

Re: [R] how to remove rows in which 2 or more observations are smaller than a given threshold?

2011-02-26 Thread Phil Spector
not sure ifelse would be of much use here. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] typecasting a function from character to double

2011-02-28 Thread Phil Spector
=k;s=s;eval(parse(text=exprs[1]))} expr1(3,2) [1] 0.75 expr1(10,5) [1] 0.5454545 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Speed up sum of outer products?

2011-03-01 Thread Phil Spector
0.008 0.104 Of course, you could just do the calculation directly: system.time({C1 = t(X) %*% X}) user system elapsed 0.008 0.000 0.007 all.equal(C,C1) [1] TRUE - Phil Spector Stati

Re: [R] Help with read.csv

2011-03-09 Thread Phil Spector
Giovanni - If you change "int" (which has no meaning in R) to "integer" in your second example, it should work. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] using lapply

2011-03-10 Thread Phil Spector
that R can't handle large problems. Learning to use the apply family of functions from the start avoids this misconception. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] A question about data frame

2011-03-10 Thread Phil Spector
tions. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] Large dataset operations

2011-03-11 Thread Phil Spector
To get the equivalent of what your loop does, you could use lapply(data[,3:5],function(x)x/ave(x,data$plateNo,FUN=mean)) but you might find the output of sapply(data[,3:5],function(x)x/ave(x,data$plateNo,FUN=mean)) to be more useful. - Phil Spector

Re: [R] 'Date' elements within a matrix

2011-03-11 Thread Phil Spector
.6. pts.7.9. 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-04 2011-01-07 2 2011-01-02 2011-01-05 2011-01-08 3 2011-01-03 2011-01-06 2011-01-09 sapply(z,class) pts.1.3. pts.4.6. pts.7.9. "Date" "Date" "Date" - Phil Spector

Re: [R] Reorganize data frame

2011-03-16 Thread Phil Spector
') rownames(ans) = NULL ans Date Ticker Return 1 20110301 MSFT 0.05 2 20110302 MSFT 0.01 3 20110301 GOOG -0.01 4 20110302 GOOG 0.04 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Why doesn't this work ?

2011-03-16 Thread Phil Spector
function(t)ifelse(t %in% c(1,2,3),1,0) makez(3) [1] 1 makez(4) [1] 0 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] [O/T] reference for regular expressions

2011-03-18 Thread Phil Spector
e thorough or authoritive. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] problem running a function

2011-03-19 Thread Phil Spector
Try RN() - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] how to convert a data.frame to a list of dist objects for individual differences MDS?

2011-03-22 Thread Phil Spector
l 13.1 6.0 Gy1 12.6 7.9 6.2 Gy2 10.6 8.4 8.4 5.2 Green 10.6 9.4 9.9 6.5 4.1 Blue 10.8 10.2 10.3 8.8 7.0 6.4 BlP7.3 11.3 12.7 11.2 10.4 9.9 4.2 Pur1 5.4 11.5 12.9 11.7 10.8 9.4 8.4 4.5 Pur2 5.0 11.5 10.7 10.2 10.6 10.1 8.1 6.4 3.0

Re: [R] Loading mdb

2011-03-22 Thread Phil Spector
k. I don't know what operating system you are using, but the mdb tools are designed for non-Windows systems. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Loading mdb

2011-03-22 Thread Phil Spector
atabase choice, and navigate to your database. You should then be able to pass the Data Source Name you chose to the odbcConnect function, and use the result in the odbcQuery to make SQL queries to your data base. Hope this helps.

Re: [R] line graph question

2011-03-26 Thread Phil Spector
)) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley On Sat, 26 Mar 2011, Bulent

Re: [R] Select subset of data

2011-03-29 Thread Phil Spector
Lisa - Suppose your data frame is called "somedat". Then,spl[sapply(spl,function(z)z$result[1] == 0 & z$result[2] == 0 & sum(z$result) == 1)]) should give you what you want.

Re: [R] Cannot install pakcage RMySQL

2011-04-06 Thread Phil Spector
You need to install the mysql client development libraries. On SUSE systems, I believe the package is called libmysqlclient-devel . - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Need a more efficient way to implement this type of logic in R

2011-04-06 Thread Phil Spector
Walter - Since your codes represent numbers, you could use something like this: chk = as.numeric((hh.sub$HHFAMINC) hh.sub$CS_FAMINC = cut(chk,c(-10,0,5,10,15,17,18),labels=c(0,1:5)) - Phil Spector Statistical

Re: [R] Where is the tcltk package?

2011-04-07 Thread Phil Spector
tcltk support, - Phil On Fri, 8 Apr 2011, Rolf Turner wrote: On 08/04/11 12:40, Erik Iverson wrote: On 04/07/2011 07:32 PM, Rolf Turner wrote: On 08/04/11 12:22, Erik Iverson wrote: Rolf, What does capabilities("tcltk") return?

Re: [R] Finding elements in a character vector

2011-04-08 Thread Phil Spector
match(list.a,list.b) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] loop and sapply problem, help need

2011-04-09 Thread Phil Spector
c(1,2,3,3) allvals = rbind(lcd1,lcd2,lcd3) pn = replicate(10,allvals[sample(smpool,1),]) but I can't be sure. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Extract indices after comparing two vectors

2011-04-18 Thread Phil Spector
?which A <- c(1,2,3,4) B <- c(0,3,1,5) which(A [1] 4 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] 'Record' row values every time the binary value in a collumn changes

2011-04-20 Thread Phil Spector
apply(Next,1,function(x)answer[answer[,1]==x[1] & x[2] >= answer[,2] & x[2] <= answer[,3],4]) [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facilit

Re: [R] get cells by the combination of their column and row names

2011-04-20 Thread Phil Spector
mtrx[outer(rownames(mtrx),colnames(mtrx),function(x,y)substr(x,2,4) == substr(y,2,4))] Hope this helps. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Stati

Re: [R] Parametrized object name in Save statement

2011-04-22 Thread Phil Spector
bly do what you want. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley spec...@sta

Re: [R] merge with origin information in new variable names

2011-04-25 Thread Phil Spector
7; names(df)[wh] = paste(names(df)[wh],nm,sep='.') df } Reduce(function(x,y)merge(x,y,by='id'),lapply(names(dfs),changenm)) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

Re: [R] Problem installing XML in Ubuntu 10.10

2011-04-25 Thread Phil Spector
Abraham - sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev is what you need to get the development libraries and xml2-config installed on your Ubuntu machine. - Phil On Mon, 25 Apr 2011, Abraham Mathew wrote: Hello folks, Here's is info on what syste

Re: [R] Problem installing XML in Ubuntu 10.10

2011-04-25 Thread Phil Spector
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] Problem installing XML in Ubuntu 10.10

2011-04-25 Thread Phil Spector
Interestingly, for xml, it's last one listed. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berk

Re: [R] Install and Configure RSQLite in Ubuntu

2011-04-25 Thread Phil Spector
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev (Unfortunately, the method I described to find this package in my previous post doesn't work for this one.) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Fac

[R] Venn Diagrams

2011-08-15 Thread Phil Schnarrs
Hello All, I am currently using the vennDiagram function in the limma pkg to construct venn diagrams. I would like to change the size of the circles based upon the n of each set (if that makes sense). Does anyone have any ideas of how to do this? Thanks, Phil [[alternative HTML

[R] rJava and error messages

2011-08-15 Thread Phil Schnarrs
r 'rJava' Can anyone help? Thanks, Phil [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

[R] Combining Venn Diagrams

2011-08-15 Thread Phil Schnarrs
Hi All, Is there anyway to combine vennDiagrams with venneuler commands so I can have both of the diagrams as one? venneuler gives me proportionate circles but without numbers and veenDiagrams gives me numbers without proportionate circles. Thanks, Phil [[alternative HTML version

Re: [R] reading file in zip archive

2012-05-30 Thread Phil Spector
Iain - Do you see the same behaviour if you use z <- unz(pathToZip, 'x.txt') instead of z <- unz(pathToZip, 'x.txt','r') - Phil Spector

[R] Round down to earliest hour or half hour

2012-06-08 Thread Phil Hurvitz
I wanted to round rather than truncate timestamps # create a data set to work with s <- 30 * rnorm(10, 1, 0.1) gps.timestamp <- Sys.time() + s*1:10 gps.timestamp <- c(round(gps.timestamp[1], "min"), gps.timestamp, as.POSIXct("2012-06-08 17:32:59"), as.POSIXct("2012-06-08 17:32:30")) f <- funct

Re: [R] strings concatenation and organization (fast)

2012-06-15 Thread Phil Spector
et 25 rows.) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] Using Sub

2012-06-19 Thread Phil Hurvitz
Possibly overkill, I use a Windows batch file that calls a perl script. Both the bat and pl files need to be in the executable path. Open a command prompt, type `pwd ' and then drag the file or folder from the Windows Explorer to the cmd. The script will return the file with backslashes convert

Re: [R] need help reshaping table using aggregate

2012-06-20 Thread Phil Spector
Tim - Another approach to your problem is to use xtabs: xtabs(count~site+bug,data=myf) bug site grasshopper ladybug spider stinkbug A 4 0 20 B 0 6 08 - Phil Spector

Re: [R] How to adjust the start of a series to zero? (i.e. subtract the first value from the sequence)

2012-06-30 Thread Phil Spector
your data. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

Re: [R] list.files recursively to find files in a specific way...

2011-07-19 Thread Phil Spector
e=TRUE) should give you what you want. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Deleting rows and store the deleted rows in new data frame

2011-07-24 Thread Phil Spector
There's no need to use sapply or loops with grep -- it's already vectorized. So you can find the rows you're interested in with wh = grep('^[.,]+$',df[,9]) store them with sf = df[wh,] and delete them with df = df[-wh,]

[R] OPeNDAP access with R

2011-12-13 Thread Phil Wiles
ommon requirement, particularly among earth scientists - perhaps they are all still using Matlab. Does anyone have have a solution? Or maybe I am just not proficient enough at finding solutions on the R-network... Thanks in advance for your time, Phil. [[alternative HTML version de

[R] Difference across the Nth dimension of an array

2012-01-08 Thread Phil Wiles
thought was thorough) search. Thanks in advance, Phil. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide

Re: [R] SAS Import with sas.get {Hmisc} - status 127 error

2012-03-28 Thread Phil Spector
I've found the keep,log=TRUE option of sas.get to be useful in cases like this. There's also a log.file= option if you don't want the default location for the log file. - Phil Spector Statistical Com

Re: [R] Using ! in a HAVING clause in sqldf() XXXX

2012-01-17 Thread Phil Spector
Dan - Try using "having Premie not null" instead of "having !" . - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Depa

Re: [R] Subsetting for the ten highest values by group in a dataframe

2012-01-27 Thread Phil Spector
sing=TRUE)[1:10],]) should give you what you want. In this simple case, you could also use,by(df,df$z,function(dat)dat[order(dat$x,decreasing=TRUE)[1:10],])) from base R to get the same result. Hope this helps.

Re: [R] Rearanging Data

2012-02-09 Thread Phil Spector
Try sub <- subset(Claims, Year==Y1) In R, the equality test is performed by two equal signs, not one. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department

Re: [R] apply pairs function to multiple columns in a data frame

2012-02-10 Thread Phil Spector
reproducible example goes a long way towards getting a good answer. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] obtaining a true/false vector with combination of strsplit, length, unlist,

2012-02-11 Thread Phil Spector
It sounds like the problem boils down to counting the number of "_"s in the WELLID variable, and seeing if there are two: nchar(gsub('[^_]','',edm$WELLID)) == 2 [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE

Re: [R] reading file in zip archive

2012-05-30 Thread Phil Spector
#x27;t reproduce the exact error which you saw.) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley

[R] Overlapping distributions (populations) - assigning an individual to a population?

2008-04-08 Thread Phil Rhoades
each of the different populations? Thanks, Phil. -- Philip Rhoades Pricom Pty Limited (ACN 003 252 275 ABN 91 003 252 275) GPO Box 3411 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Fax: +61:(0)2-8221-9599 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] __

Re: [R] Overlapping distributions (populations) - assigning an individual to a population?

2008-04-08 Thread Phil Rhoades
Rolf, On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 10:57 +1200, Rolf Turner wrote: > On 9/04/2008, at 10:30 AM, Phil Rhoades wrote: > > > People, > > > > Say a particular measure of an attribute for individuals in different > > populations gives a set of overlapping normal distribut

[R] package update

2008-04-16 Thread Phil taylor
/windows/contrib/2.6 Warning message: In open.connection(con, "r") : cannot open: HTTP status was '0 (nil)' Can some one out there help interprt these for me? Is it an R problem, or is it related to my server? Regards, Phil * * [[alternative

[R] Is my understanding of rlnorm correct?

2008-05-03 Thread phil colbourn
rlnorm takes two 'shaping' parameters: meanlog and sdlog. meanlog would appear from the documentation to be the log of the mean. eg if the desired mean is 1 then meanlog=0. So to generate random values that fit a lognormal distribution I would do this: rlnorm(N , meanlog = log(mean) , sdlog

Re: [R] Is my understanding of rlnorm correct?

2008-05-04 Thread phil colbourn
/repair processes which I have read are typically log-normal. I should now be able to get the result i expect to get. Thanks again. On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Berwin A Turlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > G'day Phil, > > On Sun, 4 May 2008 14:05:09 +1000 > phil col

Re: [R] help with the unique function

2008-05-07 Thread Phil Spector
Another way to produce the data frame is subset(,Freq>0) - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statist

Re: [R] Format integer

2008-05-12 Thread Phil Spector
.352 0.012 0.363 If you look at the definitions of the functions, you'll see that formatC is written in R, and sprintf uses a single call to an .Internal function. I - Phil Spector

Re: [R] Max consecutive increase in sequence

2008-05-13 Thread Phil Spector
$length [1] 5 - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics UC Berkeley [EMAIL PROTECT

[R] boxplot subsets

2008-05-19 Thread Phil taylor
s: 1) In my data sheet I have the sites grouped together (i.e. above pollution, below and unaffected), but the default setting in R seems to place these alphabetically on the x-axis rather than in the order I have entered into the spreadsheet. How to i correct this? Many thanks, Phil

[R] pvclust warning message

2007-12-06 Thread Phil taylor
method.hclust) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 11) In addition: Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion in: as.double.default(x) Many thanks, Phil [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list https

Re: [R] Parsing unusual date format

2008-12-17 Thread Phil Spector
You can use regular expressions: as.Date(sub('(\\d+)m(\\d+)','\\1-\\2-01',dts,perl=TRUE)) but as.Date isn't as inflexible as you think: as.Date(paste(dts,'m01',sep=''),'%Ym%mm%d') - Phil Spect

Re: [R] Calling an R Exit Function

2008-12-20 Thread Phil Rack
Thank You Sarah! With your help, I was able to use the .Last function along with options (error = .Last) to get what I wanted. So basically the new code that I need to add to my process looks like: .Last <- function() { cat("File Completed - WPS2R1 \n",file = "D:\\WPSWork\\WPS Temporar

Re: [R] Can't find files after install package (Windows)

2009-01-14 Thread Phil Spector
Unless you issue the statement library(gcl) the gcl package will not be available in the current session. Using demo does not load the package; only library() does. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

[R] maptools, sunriset, POSIX timezones

2009-01-19 Thread Phil Taylor
ething improperly, or if there is a small bug somewhere. I'm using windows Vista and R 2.8.1 Thanks, Phil Taylor > require(maptools) > Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT") > location <- matrix(c(-80.1,42.5), nrow=1) > sunriset(location, ISOdatet

Re: [R] merging several dataframes from a list

2009-01-21 Thread Phil Spector
Another possibility is Reduce: Reduce(function(x,y,by='pos')merge(x,y,by='pos'),mylist) pos data.x data.y data 1 A 2 69 2 B 6 23 3 C 3 96 4 D 1 72 5 E 9 51

Re: [R] Loop on characters

2009-02-11 Thread Phil Spector
sapply(l,length) count1 [1] 4 6 52 Hope this helps. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics

Re: [R] Aggregrate function

2009-02-12 Thread Phil Spector
Monica - Here's a more compact version of the same idea:,by(xveg,xveg['loc'],function(x)x[x$tot == max(x$tot),])) - Phil Spector Statistical Com

Re: [R] how to obtain p values from an ANOVA result

2009-02-13 Thread Phil Spector
Richie - There is a test= argument that can be set to "Chisq", "F" or "Cp", for various different tests. See the help file for anova.glm for details (or look at if your model is of class "xxx").

Re: [R] Creating an Excel file with multiple spreadsheets

2009-03-09 Thread Phil Spector
The xlsReadWrite package provides write.xls for Windows, while the dataframes2xls package provides write.xls for non-Windows systems. - Phil Spector Statistical Computing Facility

[R] [R-pkgs] Update for R package KScorrect for K-S goodness-of-fit tests

2019-07-05 Thread Phil Novack-Gottshall
k-gottshall/KScorrect. We hope you find the functions useful when conducting goodness-of-fit tests using the K-S test. Sincerely, Phil Novack-Gottshall and Steve Wang -- ~~~~~ Phil Novack-Gottshall Associate Professor Department of Biological S

[R] US county map question

2009-04-03 Thread Smith, Phil (CDC/CCID/NCIRD)
ow do I do this? Please reply to Thanks, Phil Smith [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide http://ww

[R] What is the R version of the S function

2009-04-30 Thread Smith, Phil (CDC/CCID/NCIRD)
Hi R Community: What is the R version of the S function Please reply to: Thanks! Phil Smith CDC Atlanta, GA [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ mailing list

[R] getDividents() doesn't work

2022-09-20 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
Hi R-Help People! I'm using the current version of R for Ubuntu: R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23) -- "Funny-Looking Kid." I'm using the quantmod package and am having difficulty with the getDividends() function from the quantmod package. Here is my code: > library(quantmod) > > getDividends( "VO

[R] package sare not loading and/or installing

2023-01-31 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
ne: Error in library(quantmod) : there is no package called ‘quantmod’ How do I install and load these packages successfully? Thank you! Phil Smith Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email. [[alternative HTML version deleted]] __ R

Re: [R] get.symbols doesn' work

2024-12-18 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
On Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 at 11:00 AM, Bert Gunter wrote: > > > Please look at what you wrote. > get.symbols vs. getSymbols. > > -- Bert > > On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 7:56 AM Phil Smith via R-help > wrote: > > > Hello r-

[R] get.symbols doesn' work

2024-12-18 Thread Phil Smith via R-help
Hello r-project: I want to load and use the tiny quant libary. Hello R-project: get.symbols doesn't work this morning. I use this code: # # # install.packages(c("quantmod", "TTR", "xts", "zoo" , "tidyquant" )) # Load the tidyquant package library("t

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