search terms on youtube and video.google :
thermate <-- the material used by criminals
alex jones <-- lead media man on this case
terror storm <--- great video
loose change <-- excellent video
steven jones <
Copy and paste from the site on 911 http://reopen911.org/
$1 Million Challenge Details
This is void where prohibited by law: including but not limited to
Colorado , Maryland , Nebraska , North Dakota, Vermont, New Jersey and
Tennessee. It is void anywhere prohibited by law.
The contest page supe
Journal of 911 studies:
$1 Million Challenge/REWARD Details regarding 9/11:
W88 warhead design
Bali bomb was possibly a micronuke from Dimona Israel - the land of
milk and honey ;)
http://www.vialls.com/nuke/bali_micro_nuke.htm < Excellent
The nexus between 911 truth movement and its success is closely
related to the democratic victory in Pakistan.
The Pakistanian Military Dictator, a foolish patsy of Bush-Neocon-
Crime Syndicate, provided critical validation to the 911 LIE by
implicitly buckling under the false conspiracy theory.
Dr Gideon Polya published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific
career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text
"Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (Taylor & Francis,
New York & London, 2003), and is currently editing a completed book on
global avoidable mortality (nume
So the truth is unstoppable indeed .
On Apr 24, 7:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Cal Tech is the ELITE of ELITE in physics.
> If Feynman were alive, he would point his finger straight at the 911
> criminal operators, the yank bastards themselves ...
> http://www.911blogger.com/n
Can anyone upload these seminal papers on the internet? Send them to
City police chiefs, City officials, Mayors, Congressmen, District
Judges, Federal Judges, Supreme court judges, FBI Incompetentos, CIA
Bastards, Opus Dei, The Pope, Hollywood, President Vladimir Putin,
Hugo Chavez, Dr. Fidel Castr
That means a metal or finely distributed mix.
Look up bismuth-tin phase diagram and move from the eutectic point to
as much Sn (since its cheaper) to whatever is suitable melting point
of the solid of your choice.
911blogger.com <--- challenge to FBI to show a proper and
Yank Bastards:
What evidence do you have for the 19 hijackers ?
What explanation do you have for thermate products ?
What evidence do INCOMPETENT Graduates of the FBI Academy have for the
suicide of building 7 ?
Why were FBI rats running around to confiscate the evidence of missile
hitting the
Here is one version of the picture at the occasion
but there was a much better full page photo in newsweek or the Times
or some such magazine.
Can any kind who remembers what I am talking about help locate that
picture on the web?
On Mar
On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, "Dr. V I Plankenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The anthrax attack was almost certainly carried out by someone who had
> access to Gov labs or other secure facilities, but the attack on WTC was an
> act of Islamic fanaticism, and you're an ass to suggest otherwise without
See the video with your own EYEBALLS, that is if you have some courage
and shame left:
On Apr 6, 9:39 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Apr 4, 6:31 pm, "Dr. V I Plankenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > The anthrax attack was almo
We know that the city officials are corrupt. Instead of applying the
city codes and pursuing violations, they let the cases fester and turn
into civil disputes when there are clear code violations. And when
they apply, that is at the instigation of evil neocons and their boss
george w bus and neil
This William D Clinger is a YANK MOTHER F*CKER, a 911 controlled
demolition operator group member or a ROGUE bastard in FBI whose
job and RACIST tendency is to CONTROL FREEDOM of information.
These MOTHERF*CKERS using fake accounts use "FULL LONG NAMES"
to FOOL simple and honest people that they ar
If you sheeple are ignorant of what I say, look at this link:
and the papers therein.
(1) Why did FBI bastards not catch the ANTHRAX mailer?
(2) Why did building 7 commit suicide?
(3) Where is the Pentagon video, of the plane hitting it ?
On Oct 8, 11:30 am, [
updated 8:39 p.m. EDT, Mon October 8, 2007
Deputy fired 30 shots from rifle in killing 6, officials say
CRANDON, Wisconsin (CNN) -- An off-duty sheriff's deputy used a
updated 8:39 p.m. EDT, Mon October 8, 2007
Deputy fired 30 shots from rifle in killing 6, officials say
CRANDON, Wisconsin (CNN) -- An off-duty sheriff's deputy used a police-
style AR-15 rifle to kill six people at an early m
Microsoft drops appeal of European antitrust case
The software giant, which faces a $1 billion fine, will make some of
its Windows operating system code available so developers can better
design products for it.
By Jim Puzzanghera, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
11:43 AM P
Hiroshima,Nagasaki,Genocide in Australia and North America
It's The Oil
By Jim Holt
22 October, 2007
London Review Of Books
Iraq is 'unwinnable', a 'quagmire', a 'fiasco': so goes the received
opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the B
The time of fall
The fake anthrax letters
The absence of pentagon video, the most highly defended building
The thermate residue
The molten metal pools
The pyroclastic flow of dust
The shattering of the whole building into dust and small pieces
The spherical particles of molten iron with sulfur
On Oct 23, 11:29 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> (while (not (forward-char))
> (if (looking-at "a") break )
> When I run this sexp, I get error at break. So break is wrong syntax.
> But this is the way many C loops are written.
> while ((c=(getchar()) != EOF){ if (c=='a') break; }
Here is a
3027 Dead wrote:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/intern
Coz we have fools in the govt, the downfall of the US has only been
accelerated !!
The are morons who staged 9/11 controlled demolition to kill americans
to start their idiotic war.
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:12:20 -0500
Subject: [nsmworld] war with china? a different approach?
From: "J. Knowles" <
In this evil regime of George W Bush, you better keep your mouth
shut about international treaties. Many more finger will point at
you if you even point one finger at others.
Rand Simberg wrote:
> On not making messes in space? My dim understandin
Russia to build nuclear power plants in India
India, Russia for axis with China
Rajeev Sharma
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, January 25
India and Russia today supported their trilateral axis with China, but
opposed Beijing's January 11 testing
Bush Ignores True Cost of Iraq war
Asset H12937 Posted By GWHunta
In his State of the Union address, President Bush makes the case for
his plan to escalate the war in Iraq. He paints the potential costs of
pulling out of Iraq in s
I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of Freedom, EINSTEIN
"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting
different results".-Albert Einstein
"It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing
but an act of murder." -Albert Einstein
"I came to
Aide testifies Cheney helped effort to discredit Wilson
By Richard B. Schmitt, Times Staff Writer
5:27 PM PST, January 25, 2007
WASHINGTON -- Vice President Dick Cheney and his former chief
Libby trial pulls back White House curtain
Friday, January 26, 2007
By Dana Milbank, The Washington Post
WASHINGTON -- Memo to Tim Russert: Dick Cheney thinks he controls you.
This delicious morsel about the "Meet the Press" host and the vice
president was part of the extensive dish that Cathie
There is a million dollar reward for ANY fascist bastard to disprove
this assertion by giving a consistent theory of ALL the major observed
effects on that day about the related events.
Dick faced Cheney sprayed his own lawyer with BB's.
See the video by Alex Jones on the Forensics, why the claim
Military Develops Non-Lethal Ray Gun TO ENSLAVE THE SHEEPLE
New Weapon Makes Human Targets Feel Like They're About To Catch Fire
MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga., Jan. 24, 2007
Airmen pretending to be rioters scatter after being zapped by
Yeah, listen to wise counsel of klein. As a member of conquered races
and still under occupation, namely Jewish, French, German, Japanese,
Korean ... dont mess in the crimes of the anglo-saxon yanks. You should
remember the beating you got from the Anglo-Saxon Yanks and just keep
quiet ... As for t
What did Dick Faced Cheney told Honorable Senator Patrick Leahy ? "Fuck
So much for politeness and vulgarity at the top level.
On Jan 26, 2:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yeah, listen to wise counsel of klein. A
On Jan 27, 1:31 pm, Jim Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not one of the conquered races, I'm Swiss. We are the bankers to
> the conquerers. :-)
Exactly, Honorable J Klein, (although my reference was a general one,
you have entered the thread, so I will pick the swiss case) more like
FBI spook bastard that speaks french also
On Jan 29, 8:13 am, "Hampton Din" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> stupid troll
On Jan 29, 11:15 am, "Vance P. Frickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Directorate (overseas espionage), his old employers owned
> someone in just about every important government agency in
> India, from the 1970s until they stopped being able to
> afford paying all those bribes.
But in this anglo-
Listen you mother fucker VULTURE, the past cold war was with soviet
block, NOW the whole world hates you ... bastard you need friends, but
now with your 911 in which YOU KILLED YOUR OWN CITIZENS, you are THE
YOU NEED FRIENDS, your biggest perceived rival CHINA is the m
But Bush was merely an ego front for the neocons ... He spoke their
speeches, signed their recommendations, and ordered their wars, go and
listen to Benjamin Friedman's excellent video in his very passionate
voice ...
se four areas are:
1. Fall time for WTC 7.
2. Fall times for the Towers.
3. Challenging the NIST report and Fact Sheet.
4. Evidence for use of Thermate reactions: What the WTC dust and
solidified metal reveal.
* Please note that I do not focus only on the thermate-hypothesis,
A little intro to Uncle Al.
This bastard is a spook from the criminal agencies.
His job is to harass, disinform and such on the internet.
He has been doing it overtime for many years.
Now he was indeed doing his job in the last post.
Thermate is indeed the correct terminology.
When you search
Here is the daily good news.
It was established at the Nuremberg that simple excuse of "following
the orders" will not save your skin from crimes.
You must at ALL TIMES work according to the International law and also
in the USA according to the constitution, no matter who
I am sorry for the earlier triplicate post of 13 CIA due to technical
problem with google post, i am sure those with google experience would
know that it happens. I am sure many of you will enjoy the triplicate
- the silent majority - the only ones to scream are the minority of
dissidents, as usual
Dr.Bricmont, We are extremely proud of you for your brilliant analysis
and courage to come out and say it. Your article brings out not one
but several key concepts, worth close reading. The physicists like
myself are proud to have one among us like you who seems to have an
acute sense of humanitari
First the tiny hezbollah destroyed merkevas one after another using
precision anti-tank weapons reducing the israelis to madness of
indiscriminate cluster bombing.
But the Iranians are the smartest of these Islamics. Grand chess
masters ... who once saved the ass of jews under Cyrus the Great from
On Feb 4, 11:46 am, "Frank Arthur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is good to blow up a marketplace full of people buying and selling food
> in Iraq.
> This is how Muslim insurgents will drive "the enemy" out of their country.
> By killing and maiming fellow Iraqis! The traditional Muslim way.
> Th
diapers, wig, knife ... guys i am dying of laughter, someone help
me ...
Seems like the Neoconish spirit of Bush/Cheney has permeated the whole
country thru the cell phones and cause the yanks to go mad ...
including the internet spok gone mad about bAbe
I know if the events could have been controlled, the bushcons would
have tried to suppress the news .
What goes around comes around .
Thanks Lord, our police system is still functioning without too much
corruption and nepotism .
On Feb 6, 4:01 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> diapers,
Pretzel, please include scientific newsgroups like
in your valuable posts
On Feb 6, 4:24 pm, "Möbius Pretzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Breaking News: US Soldiers Do It Again- Please Watch!
> By: Seele
> 06.02.2007
> US
Now I see, its the mossad spoooks ... obviously they pulled 911, bush/
cheney thankful for it and fell for it, what do they care about 3000
dead and others with lung disease ... the israelis were paged SMS
before 911, and larrysilversteins took day off ... its the mossad
On Feb 26, 2:19 am, Arash
such things
> in a Python, tex or physics mailing list.
> Hey... everybody, if you use Google groups and are getting tons of
> this crap, report it as abuse! I don't know if they will do anything
> about it, but its getting to the point where I don't want to look at
> comp.lang.python at work.
Listen, self-hating zionazi, mossad spook, or informal zionist lobby
He has perfect right for liberal education of the people.
For the moment your jew media strangles the flow of truth.
However, you flood the world with porn and debauchery.
For example, I support my claim with that zionist billionaire bitch
Ruth Parasol aka the parasite who has made billions by selling
porn and gambling to the Christian people.
He has perfect right to post well substantiated videos on 911 crime
by you bastards, that you painted on others.
On Nov 8, 3:28 am, philipp neulist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Nov 7, 4:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> 911 carried out by evil jews and
> mossadhttp://www.guba.com/watch/2000991770
> > 911 truckload of Explosives on the George Washington
> > Bridgehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J520P-MD9a
Take a break from a stressful day, and educate yourself !!!
Below is the optimum browsing order.
On Nov 12, 11:29 am, "radiosrfun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was MUSLIMS who killed close to 3000 people of all races/religions.
Where is your proof ?
Where is the Anthrax Mailer ??
His proof that the moslems did not do it is painted all over the
internet in
??? John Kenneth Schiefer, a hacker damaged 25 computers causing
immense loss and anguish to the owners, but will get off the hook due
to membership in the jewish khazar ashkenazi tribe which blackmails
all top politicians and controls the banks and the media ???
Just consider that every hacke
LA Botnet Hacker Reaches Guilty Plea Deal
by Alice Turner 10:46, November 10th 2007
LA Botnet Hacker Reaches Guilty Plea Deal
Los Angeles hacker John Schiefer agreed to plead guilty to fraud and
illegal wiretap charges carrying a maximum sentence of 60 years in
federal prison and a 1.75 mil
59 matches
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