Below is a post repeated with interesting information. But the main purpose of this post is to find out how many sheeple still believe in the 911 fairy tale of 19 hijackers that was to be USED BY THE EVIL CRIMINALS TO "change the world forever" BUT IT WONT. Are we going to PERMIT some evil criminals in the government positions to make an Orwellian world of enslavement and doublespeak for us and our children ????? ==================================================================== Journal of 911 studies: ===================================================================== $1 Million Challenge/REWARD Details regarding 9/11: ===================================================================== Background info: ===================================================================== REPUBLICANS are ANTICHRIST-FASCIST Bastards, Herbert Bush, Ronald Reagan and NOW Mark Foley, VIDEO EVIDENCE docid=359924937663867563&q=conspira... There are two main suspects in the child ring were Craig Spence and Lawrence E. King Jr. Below are some pictures of them. Both were involved in the Republican party. King sang the National athem at two republican national conventions during the 1980s. He served time in jail for bank fraud and is now living somewhere on the east coast. Spence was an important Republican lobbyist, who feared that, because he knew something very dark, implicating the very most powerful man in America, George H. W. Bush, that he would be killed by the CIA at his murder would be made to look like a suicide. He was later found dead in a hotel room - the CIA connected coroner declared the bizarre death -suicide. Several of his partners went to jail for being involved in the adult part of the homosexual sex ring. Democrats were also involved in this as well, so don't expect them to expose the sex ring. ===================================================================== HOW 9/11 actually may have happened , WE HAVE BEEN MADE FOOLS OF THE CENTURY by the media From: American Patriot Friends Network The only thing to be afraid is cowardice itself. The news is spreading like a jungle fire. In your workplace, send email to everyone and anonymously about this site and other top sites Make a free email account: ===================================================================== Holocaust Victims Accuse Product #: 10011 Documents and Testimony on Jewish war Criminals by Reb Moshe Shonfeld This out of print book, published in 1977 describing the brutal Zionist role which prevented the rescue of the holocaust victims,has been reproduced with permission of the author. catcode=1&catna... --