All of the above, plus:
- Best Pythonic tools for GUI
- notorious projects (in science, education, NGOs, etc) using python
Please keep us informed, and best wishes
El 25/05/2013, a las 07:29, Michael Poeltl
> * DRJ Reddy [2013-05-25 05:26]:
>> Planning to start
You could also try
like this:
for i in range(5):
print "".join(str(i) for j in range(i))
Dear All,
I have some complicated loops of the following form
for c in configurations: # loop 1
while nothing_bad_happened: # loop 2
while step1_did_not_work: # loop 3
for substeps in step1 # loop 4a
# at this point, we may have to
-leave lo
> one more idea, a kind of named loop:
interesting idea, thanks.
> When it become too complicate, I use state
> machine:
I unsuccessfully played a bit with a FSM, but there is a lot of data
that is passed around between the states and a lot of
> Do you only ever have one top-level loop that you would be naming? If
no, unfortunately not. The rough structure is several loops deep, and
I need to break/continue/restart many of them.
Continue is used more than break, because most of the time that I find
some strange value, I'd just _continue
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate any input.
> Do you think the software in the Apple iPod is "simple"? Or Microsoft
No, that's much more complicated that what I am doing.
But the iPod probably (?) doesn't get new algorithms based on a
specification discussed with non-programmers on
I thought a bit about Carl's and Thomas' proposals, and it gave me an
idea how this problem could be approached:
Break is relatively easy to implement with a context manager that
returns an iterable that throws an exception specific to that context
with named_loop(i for i in range(10)) as
If i have a figure like 13247347347437x23828328382 how to make a
progress bar in tkinter that shows the time the pc takes to give the result?
Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
How to do a code to print to paper? please post here a "Hello World"
code to be printed on paper with an inkjet.
Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
How to install Python 3.8 on top of Python 3.6?
Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
What about skipping the re and try this:
On 27.05.2014 14:09, Vlastimil Brom wrote:
2014-05-27 12:59 GMT+02:00 Aman Kashyap :
I would like to create a regular expression in which i can match the "|"
special character too.
I have a module with a dao class declared and I want to use mock to set
a return value for a dao function, dao.execute_ldap_search().
import mock
import unittest
import model, dao
class TestPeopleDAO(unittest.TestCase):
ldap_person_response = SOME_DICT
I found that the following change worked:
def test_find_by_last_first_comma(self, mock_dao):
# setup the mock
mock_dao.return_value = self.ldap_person_response
On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 10:28:20 AM UTC-5, Da
On Monday, March 9, 2015 at 10:28:20 AM UTC-5, Daniel wrote:
> I have a module with a dao class declared and I want to use mock to
> set a return value for a dao function, dao.execute_ldap_search().
> import mock
> import unittest
> import model, dao
For about week i am experiencing a problem with pexpect that's why i
hope you can help me :).
Following is my code which tries to remove some files from the root dir
and the code works on linux debian and freebsd but with no success on
linux fedora .. any idea why this happen only in fedora
For about week i am experiencing a problem with pexpect that's why i
hope you can help me :).
Following is my code which tries to remove some files from the root dir
and the code works on linux debian and freebsd but with no success on
linux fedora .. any idea why this happen only in fedora
there is no such implementation in fedora you can su as a root .. i can
su from regular user to root with no problems
the problem come when i use the pexpect module
On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 14:47 +0200, Nizamov Shawkat wrote:
> 2011/10/5 Daniel <>:
> > Hello,
Okey i figure it out how to do the job in fedora
i added slight delay before sending each command
either by the delaybeforesend attribute or by the time module
On Wed, 2011-10-05 at 14:47 +0200, Nizamov Shawkat wrote:
> 2011/10/5 Daniel <>:
> > Hello
I'm so confused by the keyword "is" and "==" equal sign, it seems they
could be exchanged in some contexts, but not in others, what's the
difference between them in terms of comparation?
s all compound types (dictionary for instance)
behave in this way.
however, when list is replaced with other built-in types like integers
a = b = 3
changing one of them cause the two objects differ...
best regards.
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> daniel wrote:
> > when I tried to check the stuff out, found sth interesting that if you
> > define variables in a style like this:
> > a = b = ['a', 'b']
> > changing one list affects the other, and they still refer to sam
I use listchars
in vim to all my tabs and trailing spaces visible, make sure they are
used consistently, but python still raise syntax error, no further
description, and just make no sense to me.
anyone heard of such issue or the like before?
many thanks
;" or
"(" not matching...etc.
tks again..
-like object, I have to
use socketobj.makefile() to do that, how can I stop and resume that
transfer then? the abort() generates lots of wierd and unexpected
behavior, I guess if there is a way to upload raw data buffer, the
restart action should be implemented more easily.
On Oct 20, 1:10 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> daniel wrote:
> > well, I'm trying to use ftplib to upload data that received from
> > socket, and the application is required to restart the transfer at a
> > specific interval so as to generat
I was wondering if anybody can give me pointers on an existing network
simulator in Python somthing like ns2 which would model all the real
world internet dynamics including TCP stacks, congestion, flow control
Every help is appreciated,
Any help ?
Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anybody can give me pointers on an existing network
> simulator in Python somthing like ns2 which would model all the real
> world internet dynamics including TCP stacks, congestion, flow control
> etc.
> E
I want to write a P2P streaming client where ine user broadcasts and
many users receive the streaming content and forward like BitTorrent.
Can anybody provide pointers for starting in Python. I have done couple
of small projects in Python but I need to get this done.
Every help is appreciated.
er to use Decimal
by default instead of float (but only in the eval() calls). I
understand the performance implications and they are of no concern. I'm
also willing to define a single global Decimal context for the
expressions (not sure if that matters or not). Is there a way to do
what I want without rolling my own parser and/or interpreter? Is there
some other alternative that would solve my problem?
~ Daniel
Wow, what an elegant solution! I had no hope that it would be this
simple. I always wondered what compile() was useful for and now I know
at least one thing. I'll try it out tomorrow. Thanks a lot Alex!
~ Daniel
resource availablitiy... all I want to do is bundle the library when I
deploy (preferably in the form of a single file).
That's my $0.02 on Python packaging and library dependencies. In my
opinion it's one of the few things that Java got right that Python
~ Daniel
can someone give me a good threading tutorial
Trying to load a C++ module that is wrapped with boost_python and get
the error
ImportError: Don't know how to import XYZ (type code 3)
I think type code 3 is means that it is a C++ wrapped .pyd.
I have know idea what that means or how to fix it.
Any ideas?
Can anyone explain the main points in working with threads in Python.
Why use threading and not Thread.I have read an article that i have to
subclass the Thread class and override some function.
there's a dll extension used to be imported with no error under version
2.4.3, but the new python complains that the name of the module can't
be found. seems not mentioned in the official documentation, any work
around to fix the issue without switching back to the old version?
John Machin wrote:
> daniel wrote:
> > there's a dll extension used to be imported with no error under version
> > 2.4.3, but the new python complains that the name of the module can't
> > be found. seems not mentioned in the official documentation, any work
o get my work done.
thanks again..
I'm trying to use PyPe, but I just got so frustrated when attempting to
run a script, this is the very first feature I would use for an editor,
OMG. I browsed through every single menu item and gave up...
any help would be appreciated, (the most silly question ever, sounds
like a new computer use
puter user. ;--()
how could this happen, just weird.. can I make the logging module
behave as I expected?
tks in advance.
your help.. I do appreciate it.
Hello from Brazil :-)
I'm trying to bring cx_Oracle alive on my Python 2.4.1 @ HP-UX 11
(suckz) and Oracle 10.1.0 64bits without success
I've already tryied the suggestions from Bernard Delmée and Martin v.
Löwis (topic "Python 2.3b1 + cx_oracle 3.0 on HP-UX"), but it didn't
work, even when I rec
Yes dude, it worked! :-)
Thank you very much (Muito obrigado!!!)
And, completing my answer, I'm sending you all how I finally got the
Python 2.4.1 and cx_Oracle-4.1 running on my HP-UX (sukz) box:
Box: HP-UX B.11.11
Compiling Python 2.4.1 with gcc 3.4.3
./configure --with-libs='-lcl'
Added Makefile options:
Hi Bernard
My system is a PA 8K series with 4096 MB and 2 processors, running 64
bit mode OS.
I only created the recipe above after 1 week of mistakes :-), but I
don't know if it will work with your branch of patches @ 11.23 version.
I really hate HP-UX >-(, god bless BSD!!! :-D
Hello all
I need to build a program that check the sintax in a line:
and change the correct number of bytes to the following format:
without the "BYTE" word. But, the number of bytes can be over 3 digits,
and the entitie can't have spaces but the correct number of bytes i
Hi Kent
Thanks for your help, it worked sucessfully. I have another question, I
think it is a stupid and simple but...
I need match a regular expression, change it erasing the other strings
after this. Just like:
a = "I'm going send to out of space, find another race"
And I want to match "space
Hi Kent
This isn't work with the following line:
FieldGraphic56::= GraphicString EBCDIC BC= " " SIZE (56
>>> byter = re.compile(r'SIZE \((\d+) BYTE\)')
>>> s = 'SIZE (1 BYTE)'
>>> byter.sub(r'SIZE(\1)', s)
>>> byter.sub(r'SIZE(\1)', line)
'FieldGraphic56::= Gr
Hi Kent
This isn't work with the following line:
FieldGraphic56::= GraphicString EBCDIC BC= " " SIZE (56
>>> byter = re.compile(r'SIZE \((\d+) BYTE\)')
>>> s = 'SIZE (1 BYTE)'
>>> byter.sub(r'SIZE(\1)', s)
>>> byter.sub(r'SIZE(\1)', line)
'FieldGraphic56::= Gr
mberOfPages method?
[0] Splitting a PDF File <
Thanks in advance for any hints you can provide.
~ Daniel
when I try passing it directly as if it
were a constant:
GCS_RGB = cglib.kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB
cs = cglib.CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(GCS_RGB)
I get a segfault too. ctypes said kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB was a
function pointer, so I thought maybe I needed to call it to get the
value (not ve
On Jun 18, 6:07 am, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel wrote:
> >> > # the next line causes a segfault - what's the right way to do this?
> >> > #GCS_RGB = cglib.kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB()
> >> Usually, thi
On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 21:35:40 +0300, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> All,
> Is there a pretty printing utility for Python, something like Tidy for
> That will change:
> xp=self.uleft[0]+percentx*(self.xwidth)
> To:
> xp = self.uleft[0] + percentx * (self.xwi
On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:21:31 +0300, Simon Forman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jul 8, 7:43 pm, lex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Of course there is the always the iteration method:
>> list = [1, True, True, False, False, True]
>> status = True
>> for each in list:
>> status = status a
>> > Do you care to explain what is broken?
>> My preference would be for the arithmetic operations *,+,-
>> to be given the standard interpretation for a two element
>> boolean algebra:
> If I understand this right, the biggest differ
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 05:59:53 +0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I access the value in the second row in the first position of a
> CSV? Or the 3rd row, in the fifth position?
> a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i
> j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r
> r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z
> I'd want to get at "j" and "w". I know I can do
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:51:25 +0300, Gabriel Genellina
>> data = [row for row in csv.reader(open('some.csv', 'rb'))
> Note that every time you see [x for x in ...] with no condition, you can
> write list(...) instead - more clear, and faster.
> data = list(
>> > Note that every time you see [x for x in ...] with no condition, you
>> can
>> > write list(...) instead - more clear, and faster.
>> >
>> > data = list(csv.reader(open('some.csv', 'rb')))
>> Faster? No. List Comprehensions are faster.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] pdfps $ python -m timeit -c 'da
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:18:38 +0300, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
>> $ python -m timeit -c 'import csv; data =
>> list(csv.reader(open("some.csv",
>> "rb")))'
>> 1 loops, best of 3: 44 usec per loop
>> $ python -m timeit -c 'import csv; data = [row for row in
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 20:44:13 +0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> My code is
> > db = {}
> >
>> def display():
>> keyList = db.keys()
>> sortedList = keyList.sort()
>> for name in sortedList:
>> line = 'Name: %s, Number: %s' % (name, db[name])
>> print line.r
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 21:13:20 +0300, Bjoern Schliessmann
> Daniel wrote:
>> db is out of scope, you have to pass it to the function:
> What's wrong about module attributes?
I made a mistake
Type(fun, f, Foo)
<__main__.MyCallable object at 0x648d0> <__main__.Foo object at
~ Daniel
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:09:35 +0300, mosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Problem:
> how to get binary from integer and vice versa?
> The simplest way I know is:
> a = 0100
> a
> 64
> but:
> a = 100 (I want binary number)
> does not work that way.
> a.__hex__ exists
> a.__oct__ exists
> but
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:09:35 +0300, mosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Problem:
> how to get binary from integer and vice versa?
> The simplest way I know is:
> a = 0100
> a
> 64
Also that is not binary - that is octal, binary would be: '0100'
(denoted as a string, since 0100 in octal
On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 21:22:03 +0300, Wildemar Wildenburger
> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> mosi a écrit :
>>> Problem:
>>> how to get binary from integer and vice versa?
>>> [snip]
>>> What`s the simplest way to do this?
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python
>> Pyt
On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:29:27 +0300, BAnderton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello all,
> Question: Is there any way to access a javascript variable from
> within psp code?
> I'm aware of how to do the reverse of this (js_var='<%=psp_var%>').
> Here's a non-working example of what I'm
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 06:03:17 +0300, leegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> say I have a text file:
> zz3 uaa4a ss 7 uu
> zz 3 66 ppazz9
> a0zz0
> I want to sort the text file. I want the key to be the number after
> the two "zz". Or I guess a string of two zz then a numberS
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 06:03:17 +0300, leegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> say I have a text file:
> zz3 uaa4a ss 7 uu
> zz 3 66 ppazz9
> a0zz0
> I want to sort the text file. I want the key to be the number after
> the two "zz". Or I guess a string of two zz then a numberS
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 20:42:54 +0300, walterbyrd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm fairly new to web-development, and I'm trying out different
> technologies. Some people wonder why PHP is so popular, when the
> language is flawed in so many ways. To me, it's obvious: it's because
> it's much easie
Any reason why this wouldn't work?
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> def rdict(*args, **kw):
... return defaultdict(rdict, *args, **kw)
>>> d = rdict()
>>> d[1][2][3][4][5] # ...
defaultdict(, {})
~ Daniel
#x27;t working. I guess it could have to do w/
privileges. I'm using a VPN connection. I tried turning off my
antivirus software before running the module. I can click on the
button I want manually, and get the page I need, so I wonder if I can
adjust some settings to allow Python to take control of certain
things? That or I thought it might have to do w/ a javascript error.
By looking at the tag, does 'PDF Preview' look like the name of the
button or the button caption? Let me know what you think.
I'm using PAMIE to automate some web browsing. My problem is with the
buttonClick() method. It seems to work unless the button is supposed
to open a new window, in which case nothing happens. There is no error
message. Any ideas?
I'm trying to use PAMIE to automate some web browsing. My problem is
with the buttonClick() method; it seems to work unless the button is
supposed to open a new window. Specifically, the button is supposed to
open a PDF Preview in a new window. Any ideas?
I'm trying to use PAMIE to automate some web browsing. My problem is
with the buttonClick() method; it doesn't seem to work when the button
is supposed to open a new window. For example, I can use it to submit
a username and password and advance to the next page but it fails on a
button that opens
ter game company.
2. There seems to be a lot of documentation available for PyQt4.
3. PyQt4 seems to be easier to learn.
4. My programs does not need to support Linux or Unix.
Or am I wrong? Flame people, for the love of God, flame!! :)
2007-01-25 11:26:09
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
> Hmm, my while loop with "or" doesn't seem to work as I want it to...
> How do I tell the while loop to only accept "Y" or "y" or "N" or
> input from the str(raw_input)?
> Thank's in advance!
> Snippet of code:
2007-01-25 18:28:44
lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> how can i run or open a windows application from the python
> e.g.mediaplayer opening,folder acess etc
Here's another way of doing it:
import os
TheCommandIwantTorun = '"C:\Program\Windows Media Player
(such as my boolean 'terminated' flag). If that
is the case, why bother using threading.Event for this purpose?
~ Daniel
> But what are you gaining, really [by using a boolean flag instead of an
> Event]?
I agree Chris, the Event is better and it certainly does not add much
if any overhead. Thanks for the response.
~ Daniel
is there any typical usage that shows their difference?
thank you all for replying, I'm new to python, and just reading the
python tutorial now. I did not expect the FAQ to contain any relevant
topics, so thanks Simon...
your comments did make sense, I should have read the tutorial more
thoroughly, It's not a good question, I admit. ;-)
English is not
I was fighting with a problem all day that was producing multiple
messages in my logging output. The problem was related to the fact
that I was defining logging handlers multiple times. I found the
following posting from a few years ago that related to my problem:
I've just been reading the docs to help me with a SocketServer issue.
I found in the docs (
a reference to a member attribute timeout and a member function
handle_timeout() is made. I am using python 2.5 and there's no
indication that these were add
On Feb 11, 4:01 pm, Daniel wrote:
> I've just been reading the docs to help me with a SocketServer issue.
> I found in the docs (
> a reference to a member attribute timeout and a member function
> handle_timeout() is made. I am
I hope this question is OK for this list. I've downloaded Rpyc and
placed it in my site packages dir. On some machines it works fine, on
others not so much.
Here is one error I get when I try to import it:
>>> import Rpyc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:\Pyth
On Oct 8, 12:07 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 11:02:49 -0700, Daniel wrote:
> > Here is one error I get when I try to import it:
> >>>> import Rpyc
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >
> David Blubaugh
> -Original Message-
> From: Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 3:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Python syntax question
> On Oct 8, 12:07 pm, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PRO
rious strange characters
and space. Sometimes it seems that the first process never is able to
write to the log file after the second process starts writing.
Is this a known issue/bug? Are there any known workarounds?
oogled "python matlab" and "java matlab"
On Oct 17, 2:26 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message
> wrote:
> > Have you looked at
> >
> > and
> >
I'm developing an application that accesses both a MySQL and an SQLite
database. I would like to have named parameters in my SQL and have
found the following:
For MySQL my named parameters need to look like this: %(paramname)s
For SQLite my named parameters need to look like this: :paramn
On Nov 10, 9:23 am, Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a requirement to control a firefox web browser from an external
> python program. The python program running under linux from a command
> shell needs to first find all open firefox web browser windows read
> the URL currently displayed
On Nov 10, 11:00 am, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm developing an application that accesses both a MySQL and an SQLite
> database. I would like to have named parameters in my SQL and have
> found the following:
> For MySQL my named p
print f[0]
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self,type,value,traceback):
if type is not None:
print 'exception'
Any ideas?
umentation (it contains many parameters
that need to be well documented), so I print the source code, cut it out
and glue it into my lab notebook.
Now I want to automate this process, i.e. the dataStore should print the
> There isn't a solution in the general case, beca
of the report.
Thank you for your ideas
class CM( object ):
def __enter__(self):
self.startline= inspect.stack( )[ 1 ][ 0 ].f_lineno
print 'startline',self.startline
filename = inspect.stack( )[-1][1]
def getIndentation(line):
On Feb 27, 8:19 am, Vlastimil Brom wrote:
> >> 2009/2/27 Greg Miller :
> >> > I am working on a program that controls a piece of equipment. The GUI/
> >> > control software is written with Python2.5/wxPython. I would like to
> >> > know if there is a way of starting the GUI without the DOS windo
I've posted about this before, but after reading the docs, I have a
few more questions
here are the docs:
here is my previous post:
On May 22, 11:29 am, Scott David Daniels
> Daniel wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've posted about this before, but after reading the docs, I have a
> > few more questions
> > here are the docs:
On May 22, 3:37 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote:
> Daniel wrote:
> > I'm on WinXP using Python 2.5 Sorry I didn't mention that at first.
> Generally, you want the full version number (my 2.5 is 2.5.4).
> However, I set up your demo setup, and found that 2.6.2 worke
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