Hello from Brazil :-)

I'm trying to bring cx_Oracle alive on my Python 2.4.1 @ HP-UX 11
(suckz) and Oracle 10.1.0 64bits without success

I've already tryied the suggestions from Bernard Delmée and Martin v.
Löwis (topic "Python 2.3b1 + cx_oracle 3.0 on HP-UX"), but it didn't
work, even when I recompiled Python with the "-lc -lpthread" options.
The result was:

>>> import cx_Oracle
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Can't shl_load() a library containing Thread Local
Storage: /usr/lib/libcl.2
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Exec format error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: Failed to load

Any other suggestion?

Thank you all in advance!


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