Stephen Thorne wrote:
>> Is there any module available that converts word like 'one', 'two',
>> 'three' to corresponding digits 1, 2, 3??
> This seemed like an interesting problem! So I decided to solve it.
> for i in range(4):
that's a slightly unusual definition of "digit", but it's a ni
Hi Lenard,
Absolutely fantastic!!
That worked like a charm.
Now onto adapting it to send attachments.
Thanks again
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Paul Foley wrote:
That's because their language is derived from Serbo-Croat.
No it isn't.
time to tune your "absurd humour" sensor somewhat slightly? I thought
the next sentence was a pretty obvious giveaway:
"But both the Finns and the Swedes will tell you it's the
Op 2004-12-21, Jeff Shannon schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>Op 2004-12-21, Nick Coghlan schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>Antoon Pardon wrote:
Why then doesn't python think the same about sorted lists. When I have a
sorted list and do operations on
Op 2004-12-21, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jeff Shannon wrote:
>> So show us a dictionary (i.e. hash table) implementation that can do this.
>> You'll need to be able
>> to derive the old hash from the new hash, of course, so that you can
>> correctly associate the
>> values
Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> and to temporarily refer back to the top of this thread, do all this without
>> any performance impact, compared to the current implementation.
> Why should that be? This originated when someone argued that lists could
> easily be resorted and reheapified.
from the orig
Op 2004-12-21, Jeff Shannon schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>Op 2004-12-17, Jeff Shannon schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>Now, even if hash were made to equal id... suppose I then pass that dict
>>>to a function, and I want to get the value that I've stored under
On 21 Dec 2004 10:37:20 GMT, Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Op 2004-12-18, Bengt Richter schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>As it turns out, python makes no difference in difficulty for making
>>>either mutable or immutable objects usable as dictionary keys. The
>>>only difference is t
Op 2004-12-22, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>> and to temporarily refer back to the top of this thread, do all this without
>>> any performance impact, compared to the current implementation.
>> Why should that be? This originated when someone argued that
Dnia 21 Dec 2004 21:12:09 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):
> 1) In perl:
> $line = "The food is under the bar in the barn.";
> if ( $line =~ /foo(.*)bar/ ) { print "got <$1>\n"; }
> in python, I don't know how I can do this?
> How does one capture the $1? (I know it is \1 but it is still no
> I need to know if a process is running.
> not just python.exe
> but python.exe myapp
> from win32all
> EnumProcesses gives me the pids, then
> OpenProcess(pid) gives me a handle.
> Then what?
> GetModuleFileNameEX?
It won't do the right thing for you. As far as I know,
> import re
> line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
> if'foo(.*)bar',line):
> print 'got %s\n' %
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in ?
print 'got %s\n' %
NameError: name '_' is not defined
Antoon Pardon wrote:
> But this was another subthread.
oh, sorry, I was under the flawed assumption that the first few posts to a
thread should be seen in the context of the original post. I guess I'm a bit
too old-fashioned for these new-fangled "let's change the subject for each
new post witho
Is there an elegant way for finding unsent methods as in Smalltalk ?
I am aware of the fact that due to pythons dynamic typing, no tool in
the world can find ALL unsent methods (same in Smalltalk). But finding
the most obvious ones would already be of some help.
Just for curiosity: does python use a mark-and-sweep garbage collector
or simple reference counting? In the latter case it would not garbage
collect circular references, right ?
For mark-and-sweep, I assume there must be a toplevel Object from
which all other objects can be accessed or they will b
Fredrik Lundh schrieb:
> Erik Geiger wrote:
>> How to start a shell script without waiting for the exit of that shell
>> script? It shall start the shell script and immediately execute the next
>> python command.
> if you have Python 2.4, you can use the subprocess module:
> htt
Jean Brouwers schrieb:
> See the os. spawn* functions. For example
> os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, /path/to/script, args)
> /Jean Brouwers
Thats what I've tried, but failed.
Thanks anyway ;-)
Jemanden wie ein rohes Ei zu behandeln kann auch bedeuten, ihn in
Thanks, thats what I use now :)
Harlin Seritt schrieb:
> Quickie:
> os.system("/path/to/ &")
> More elegant, have a look at threads
> Harlin Seritt
> Erik Geiger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> sorry, my english ist not that got but I'll try.
>> I have a running py
I am new to Python-XML programming. I am using python 2.3.4, py2exe 0.5.3,
pyXML 0.8.4.
While making executable by py2exe I am getting folowing warning:- The
following modules appear to be missing ['ext.IsDOMString', 'ext.SplitQName']
Even after trying the option:- py2exe --includes
Hello pdectm,
> > You have a Python port to uClinux?
> Nope, not yet. That would have been my next post :-) I thought there
> would have been much more work on cross-compiling and porting Python.
The problem is with Python's build proces, it 1'st created pgen and then
use it for the next stag
Python for S60 seems to be available for the grand public as of today.
Check out,,034-821,00.html
Yes, this is good news :-).
Ville Vainio
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin Drautzburg
Just for curiosity: does python use a mark-and-sweep garbage collector
or simple reference counting? In the latter case it would not garbage
collect circular references, right ?
gcmodule.c in the python sources shows the
Martin Drautzburg wrote:
> Just for curiosity: does python use a mark-and-sweep garbage collector
> or simple reference counting?
python the language doesn't specify this, but I assume you meant the CPython
both, sort of: it uses reference counting, and a separate "cycle breaking"
Op 2004-12-22, Bengt Richter schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 21 Dec 2004 10:37:20 GMT, Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Op 2004-12-18, Bengt Richter schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
As it turns out, python makes no difference in difficulty for making
either mutable or immutab
Op 2004-12-22, Fredrik Lundh schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> But this was another subthread.
> oh, sorry, I was under the flawed assumption that the first few posts to a
> thread should be seen in the context of the original post.
So? In the mean time there have been mor
Hello *,
i am experimenting with threads and get puzzling results.
Consider the following example:
import threading, time
def threadfunction():
print "threadfunction: entered"
x = 10
while x < 40:
time.sleep(1) # time unit is seconds
print "threadf
Hi Lenard,
Absolutely fantastic!!
That worked like a charm.
Now onto adapting it to send attachments.
Thanks again
Thanks for the responses, you were both on the right track, I just
didn't provide enough of the right information. I solved the problem by
changing "localhost" in the server code to actually contain the name of
the machine, the same as it appears in our DNS. This enabled the client
to connect to th
Norbert wrote:
Hello *,
i am experimenting with threads and get puzzling results.
Consider the following example:
import threading, time
def threadfunction():
.print "threadfunction: entered"
.x = 10
.while x < 40:
.time.sleep(1) # time unit is seconds
Stephen Thorne wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:27:16 +0530, Gurpreet Sachdeva
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there any module available that converts word like 'one', 'two',
> > 'three' to corresponding digits 1, 2, 3??
> This seemed like an interesting problem! So I decided to solve it.
OK, I think I need to recap a bit before starting my reply (for my own benefit,
even if nobody else's). (The rest of this post will also include a fair bit of
repeating things that have already been said elsewhere in the thread)
The actual rule dictionaries use when deciding whether or not
> i am experimenting with threads and get puzzling results.
> Consider the following example:
> #
> import threading, time
> def threadfunction():
> print "threadfunction: entered"
> x = 10
> while x < 40:
> time.sleep(1) # time unit is seconds
Nick Coghlan wrote:
def lazycall(x, *args, **kwds):
"""Executes x(*args, **kwds)() when called"""
return lambda : x(*args, **kwds)()
It occurred to me that this should be:
def lazycall(x, *args, **kwds):
"""Executes x()(*args, **kwds) when called"""
return lambda : x()(*args, **kwds)
Thanks a lot, Steve, for your fast reply.
But the behaviour is the same if 'threadfunction' sleeps longer than
just 1 second. 'threadfunction' is of course a dummy to show the
problem, imagine a longrunning background-task.
If you are right, the question remains 'How can I assure that the
> > That was in Python 2.0, see
Thanks very much, Martin.
Thanks Alan,
i hoped it would be something trivial :)
Steven Bethard wrote:
There must be something wrong with this idea that I'm missing. . .
Well, it does cost you some conciceness, as your examples show[1]:
lazy(mul, x, y) v.s. :x * y
lazy(itemgetter(i), x) v.s. :x[i]
lazy(attrgetter("a"), x)v.s.
Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I have a different suggestion: an identity dictionary.
> It ignores __hash__, __cmp__ and __eq__, and instead uses id() and is.
that's a rather common pattern, and you don't really need a special type
to handle it: just replace d[k] with d[id(k)]. if you really need to st
Fredrik Lundh, TerÃa 21 Dezembro 2004 16:33, wrote:
> well, in my applications, subsystems usually consists of one or more
> classes, or at least
> one or more functions. code that needs the global context usually gets
> the content either as a constructor argument, or as an argument to
> individ
Steve Holden wrote:
> Well, I don't believe there's any guarantee that a thread will get run
> preference over its
> starter - they're both threads, after all. Try putting a sleep after
> th.start() and before the
> print statement and you should see that the "worker" thread runs while the
Mike Meyer wrote:
Well, you want to be able to add floats to rationals. The results
shouldn't be rational, for much the same reason as you don't want to
convert floats to rationals directly. I figure the only choice that
leaves is that the result be a float. That and float(rational) should
be the o
John Machin wrote:
Nick Coghlan wrote:
Hey, Terry, another varmint over here!
Heh. Just don't get me started on the issues I have with typing apostrophes in
the right spot. My *brain* knows where they go, but for some reason it refuses
to let my fingers in on the secret. . .
I have a task of evaluating a complex series (sorta) of mathematical
expressions and getting an answer ...
I have looked at the numarray (not really suited??) and pythonica (too
simple??) and even tried using eval() ... but wondered if there were
other packages/modules that would enable me to
Title: Message
I am trying to build
a capability based API. That is, an instance of the api will reflect the
capabilities of some underlying services. I could have several different
instances of the api concurrently running against different back end services. A
ui applet will bind to a
Jeff Shannon wrote:
Er, not as far as I can tell the 2.4 feature was what wouldn't work
consistently; the corrected version, using list() and reverse(), doesn't
look like it has anything that'll be a problem in my 2.2 installation,
and probably not in 2.1
What he said :)
Although if yo
On 22 Dec 2004 10:27:58 +0100, rumours say that Martin Drautzburg
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:
>Is there an elegant way for finding unsent methods as in Smalltalk ?
>I am aware of the fact that due to pythons dynamic typing, no tool in
>the world can find ALL unsent methods (same in
> ZOPE could provide the workaround but ZOPE seems really huge to
> me and an overkill for this. Or maybe it would work?
I am intenionally *not* trying to argue web vs traditional gui for your
app, but to tuck away for future apps, CherryPy2 is a lot easier than
Zope to use and programming it does
I've already posted an announcement in comp.lang.python.announce
about this, but for those who were at Europython and remember me
giving a lightning talk on Kamaelia who don't read c.l.p.a - this
is just a quick note to say that we've been given the go ahead to
release it as open source and t
There is QuantLib at . The site says "QuantLib is
written in C++ with a clean object model, and is then exported to
different languages such as Python, Ruby, and Scheme." I have not tried
it -- if it is easily usable from Python please write back to c.l.p.
There is a Python Fi
I have a variable that I want to make global across all modules, i.e. I
want it added to the builtin namespace. Is there a way to do this?
I have a variable that I want to make global across all modules, i.e. I
want it added to the builtin namespace. Is there a way to do this?
i would not pollute built-ins namespace.
how about:
FOO = "I'm a global foo!"
import a
print a.FOO
I have a variable that I want to make global across all modules, i.e. I
want it added to the builtin namespace. Is there a way to do this?
Of course: you can do *anything* in Python. I'm not sure this is to be
recommended, but since you ask ... if you have
Well, the app is multi-threaded, so I do have a big issue getting
control back to my C program. I just can not seem to cleanly stop the
interpreter. The best I could do is:
void terminateInterpreter( PyInterpreterState *interp )
> have a task of evaluating a complex series (sorta) of mathematical
> expressions and getting an answer ...
If we assume that you are looking for functionality and speed is
please have a look at the technique in
I wish it was in Amsterdam.. ;)
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
import re
line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
print 'got %s\n' %
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in ?
print 'got %s\n' %
NameError: name '_' is
Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As in, say, calling
> > x = ternary(c, lambda:t, lambda:f)
> > ? The 'lambda:' is a (not nice-looking, but...) "indication of
> > non-evaluation"... or am I misundertanding what you're saying?
> No, you're saying it exactly right. And that does, in
Craig Ringer wrote:
I don't have a windows box to test with - well, our NT4 server, but it
doesn't have anything on the serial ports. I would think that one just:
printerport = open("lpt1","w")
but on my NT box that results in a file not found exception. lpt0 opens,
but I have no idea if it works.
Here's my situation, I've created some scripts to configure WebSphere
and the WAS scripting engine assigns the variable AdminConfig to a Java
object. I have created classes that wrap the AdminConfig settings,
simplifying the interface for those who want to script their server
At the com
>From one script, I'm spawnv'ing another that will launch mpg123 to play a
specified mp3. Problem is that After the second script has launched
mpg123, it'll turn into a zombie process. It doesn't happen when I launch
it from the command line, so there's something wrong with the way I'm
Dnia Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:27:39 +0100, Fredrik Lundh napisał(a):
>> import re
>> line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
>> if'foo(.*)bar',line):
>> print 'got %s\n' %
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 4, in ?
> print 'got %s\n' % _.
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 15:37:18 GMT, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>From one script, I'm spawnv'ing another that will launch mpg123 to play a
> specified mp3. Problem is that After the second script has launched
> mpg123, it'll turn into a zombie process. It doesn't happen when I launch
> i
Peter Hansen wrote:
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
As far as I could see, everythime the word "boo" is typed, some sort of
censorship or plain bashing comes up, and I think this is not fair.
I think doing this by defending Doug's postings, however, might weaken
the strength of your position just a little.
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:44:46 +0100, JZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Dnia Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:27:39 +0100, Fredrik Lundh napisał(a):
> >> import re
> >> line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
> >> if'foo(.*)bar',line):
> >> print 'got %s\n' %
> >
> > Traceback (m
"JZ" wrote:
> >> import re
> >> line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
> >> if'foo(.*)bar',line):
> >> print 'got %s\n' %
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > File "", line 4, in ?
> > print 'got %s\n' %
> > NameError: name '_' is n
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it here
Luis, t
And I just realized that Jython doesn't support the __builtins__
variable... :(
Steve Holden wrote:
then in some other module (and here specifically in the interactive
interpreter) you can bind a value to "myname" in __builtins__ and it
will be seen by when it's imported:
>>> __builtins__.myname = "MyValue"
Steve's basic premise is correct, but he's chosen the wro
On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 12:55:46 +, Alan Kennedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Norbert]
> > i am experimenting with threads and get puzzling results.
> > Consider the following example:
> > #
> > import threading, time
> >
> > def threadfunction():
> > print "threadfunction:
Dnia Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:55:55 +0100, Fredrik Lundh napisał(a):
> the "_" symbol has no special meaning when you run a Python program,
That's right. So the final code will be:
import re
line = "The food is under the bar in the barn."
found ='foo(.*)bar',line)
if found: print 'got %s
Thanks, that worked to get me past the "problem". Did you see my post
regarding my issue? I just know that there's a "Python way" to resolve
my issue, so if anyone has a better way, I'm really interested.
Not only does it feel like a hack, it looks like one too! Even worse!
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> iirc, both apache and python uses the expat parser; if you don't make sure
> that both use the same expat version, you may get into trouble.
Thank you very much Fredrik, this does seem to be the problem I was having.
> this
> poster claims to have a fix:
> http://www.m
Erik Max Francis wrote:
Doug Holton wrote:
I'm not going to dignify that or the rest of your note with a response.
Please stop dignifying the whole group, then.
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
jfj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I wish it was in Amsterdam.. ;)
Feel free to run one there! Then again, there's already EuroPython.
"19. A language that doesn't affect the way you th
Stephen Waterbury wrote:
Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it h
I just have written the program in "C", which does the same. It behaves
almost the way you described.
Tthe copy command gives such diagnostic:
The process cannot access the file because
another process has locked a portion of the file.
0 file(s) copied.
Run it and get a name error, which, makes sense.
If I try to use the standard import solution as deelan suggests I have
a circular reference on the imports and I get an error that it can't
import class DataSource (presumbably because it hasn't gotten far
enough throug
Greetings, I just downloaded the python2.4 source from and
built it the usual way, i.e. ./configure && make. What I don't
understand is that the resulting binary, when run, prints this line
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Nov 15 2004, 10:29:48) at the top of its banner.
Further more, the poplib mo
Doug Holton wrote:
> Peter Hansen wrote:
>> Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
>>> As far as I could see, everythime the word "boo" is typed, some sort of
>>> censorship or plain bashing comes up, and I think this is not fair.
>> I think doing this by defending Doug's postings, however, might weaken
i'm trying to log to the same file (using logging module) from different
classes but i can't seem to get it to work.
File 1 is the main file which sets up the logger and then i want to also
use the same logger in another class
This is what i have
import log
Jan Dries wrote:
Andrew Dalke wrote:
Jan Dries
If you just want to play notes, you could look at MIDI.
It's hard to compare that to the current era. Sound
clips are much more common, it's easy to record audio,
keyboards and other specialized devices are cheap, and
there's plenty of mixer a
> d:\Python24\include\pyconfig.h(30) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open
> include file
> : 'io.h': No such file or directory
> error: command '"D:\Programme\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit
> 2003\bin\cl.exe"' fai
> led with exit status 2
> why?
Under :
Matthew Thorley wrote:
Greetings, I just downloaded the python2.4 source from and
built it the usual way, i.e. ./configure && make. What I don't
understand is that the resulting binary, when run, prints this line
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Nov 15 2004, 10:29:48) at the top of its banner.
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Doug Holton wrote:
Peter Hansen wrote:
As a result of all the activity in the "Boo who?" thread, however,
that you started
Apart from that it is considered disrespectful to put your "opponent's"
name into the subject, this flame war is biting its tail already.
So putting
Erik Max Francis wrote:
Matthew Thorley wrote:
Greetings, I just downloaded the python2.4 source from and
built it the usual way, i.e. ./configure && make. What I don't
understand is that the resulting binary, when run, prints this line
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Nov 15 2004, 10:29:48) at the
On Dec 22, 2004, at 11:38 AM, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Apart from that it is considered disrespectful to put your "opponent's"
name into the subject, this flame war is biting its tail already.
You've missed the obvious: it's 'criticism' or 'observation' when it
comes from Doug, but it's a 'flam
> I'm only halfway through his message. It would take me all day to point
> out all [Peter Hansen's] flames.
Doug, this is not worth your time. It certainly isn't worth mine, nor
that of the other thousands of people who are being subjected to this
argument. Please, consider putting yo
Brian wrote:
From one script, I'm spawnv'ing another that will launch mpg123 to play a
specified mp3. Problem is that After the second script has launched
mpg123, it'll turn into a zombie process. It doesn't happen when I launch
it from the command line, so there's something wrong with the way
Doug Holton wrote:
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Doug Holton wrote:
Peter Hansen wrote:
As a result of all the activity in the "Boo who?" thread, however,
that you started
Apart from that it is considered disrespectful to put your "opponent's"
name into the subject, this flame war is biting its tail
Bob Cowdery wrote:
> I am trying to build a capability based API. That is,
> an instance of the api will reflect the capabilities
> of some underlying services. I could have several
> different instances of the api concurrently running
> against different back end services. A ui applet will
> bin
Steve Holden wrote:
> 'Scuse me? This group has a long history of off-topic posting, and
> anyway who decided that CPython should be the exclusive focus? Even
> on-topic we can talk about Jython and PyPy as well as CPython.
> Off-topic we can talk about what we damned well please. Even boo :-)
Matthew Thorley wrote:
I have got to be the stupidest person on the face of the planet.
I'll have you know I don't welcome newcomers to this newsgroup trying to
steal my hard-won reputation, if you don't mind.
keeping-it-light-ly y'rs - steve
Steve Holden
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
"phil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
from win32all
EnumProcesses gives me the pids, then
OpenProcess(pid) gives me a handle.
Then what?
GetModuleFileNameEX? It requires two handles as args
and I can't figure out which one is the handle from OpenProcess
and what it wants for the
Title: RE: Metaclasses
Yes you understand exectly what I am trying to do, my test code was not much more than you show. You are right that to do the simple thing of adding attributes I can do that in-line as it were but there may be other customisations that I want to do. I am probabl
I'm writing a little Tkinter application to retrieve news from
various news websites such as, and display them
in a TK listbox. All I want are news title and url information. Since
each news site has a different layout, I think I need some
template-based techniques to
Hi everybody:
I played with the class Flock and changed the line
and now I cannot copy the file over which suits me.
When file is NOT locked I get:
E:\>copy d:\log.txt .
Overwrite .\log.txt? (Yes/No/All): y
> 1) In perl:
> $line = "The food is under the bar in the barn.";
> if ( $line =~ /foo(.*)bar/ ) { print "got <$1>\n"; }
> in python, I don't know how I can do this?
> How does one capture the $1? (I know it is \1 but it is still not clear
> how I can simply print it.
> thanks
Fredrik Lundh <[E
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Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 2004-12-21, Jeff Shannon schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Antoon Pardon wrote:
So show us a dictionary (i.e. hash table) implementation that can do
Why should I, Do you doubt that it is possible?
You'll need to be able to derive the old hash from the
Hi all,
i am trying out some of the demo programs in wxPython.
but i am getting an error:
no module 'run'
how do i circumvent this module and run the program with main.Loop() ?
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