Stephen Waterbury wrote:

Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:

Amyway, I wouldn't want to use this list to talk about Boo, because I
think that the best place to do it is
However, since I think it is definetely python related (I know you
disagree, but others don't) I see no harm in mentioning it here

Luis, that is *exactly* Peter's position:

Peter Hansen wrote:

... If Doug wants to come in from time to time and mention Boo,
however, he's welcome to do so.  ...

... so there is no need for you to say you see no harm in it,
making it sound as though Peter *does* see harm in it.

You can defend Peter all you want, but you can't take back the other things he has said which you did not cite.

"I think doing this by defending Doug's postings, however, might weaken
the strength of your position just a little. (Okay, I mean "a lot".) "

A flame.

"About the only time the word "boo" _does_ come up, it comes up
in one of Doug's posts, often in an apparent attempt to "help"
a Python newbie by pointing him in a misleading manner"

A misrepresentation of my intentions. If someone asks if python has interfaces, and I say first, pyprotocols has something similar, but boo does have support for real interfaces, then that is "help" and that is not misleading in the slightest.

"As a result of all the activity in the "Boo who?" thread, however, "

He failed to mention that he is the one who started and propagated this very thread, which devolved into nothing more than a flame-fest, which was his intention all along.

"I went and searched a bit to find out who this Doug character is. "

Another flame, and we are still in the same note by Peter Hansen, folks.

"It turns out that he's been mentioning Boo in postings *to newbies*
repeatedly over the last few months."

*to newbies* - oh my god, dare I mention the word boo to a newbie. Another mischaracterization of what I did.

"These are people trying
to use Python, having a question or difficulty about it, and he
launches into a sales job about some other language. "

I am not selling anything. This is a subtle flame related to calling me an "evangelist". Does Peter Hansen make money using python? Does he have something to sell at engcorp that uses CPython?

"Would you defend someone who came into this group and responded
(admittedly helpfully, sometimes, in other ways) to newbie
questions by constantly saying "you can do this much more easily
in Perl of course, see"? "

Another complete mischaracterization of what I did. When someone asks for something that they cannot do in python, then I noted alternative solutions, such as jython or boo or whatever tool is best for the job.

"Then downright offensive."

Another flame.

"What Doug has been doing is like standing at the door of
a mission run by a church a..."

Yet again, another flame.

"he turns on them and accuses them
of religious persecution, and being unfriendly to boot. "

Another mischaracterization.  In fact, a complete lie.

I'm only halfway through his message. It would take me all day to point out all his flames.

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